Friday, January 3, 2014

Random 5 Friday

Hello! -  If you are here to view my entry for PHOTO ART FRIDAY click on the link.

It's time to join Nancy (A Rural Journal) for Random 5 Friday.

1.  The above photo has nothing to do with Random thoughts...well maybe it does.  This is (Fred-L and Ghost-R) the neighbors kittens.  Of course they aren't feeding them properly so we get to do it.  They show up on my mom's porch every morning and every night for food.  They've been sleeping in the hollowed out TV case that sits on her porch.  I managed to get a picture of them together yesterday.)  -  Feeding all these extra cats is not cheap but we just can't let them go hungry.

2.  I love Christmas decorations.....I "HATE" the work it takes to put them away.  - My back is killing me today as I packed up all the inside stuff yesterday and helped to move it back to the basement storage area.

3.  We need a 1-level house. I hate stairs...oh my aching back!

4.  I got a new zoom camera lens for Christmas!!! - Now if only I had time to go out and shoot something with it.  I have been using it just around the house to test it out though.  So far I'm loving it.

5.  The new Professional Bull Riding (PBR) season starts today! - I can't wait to see which riders will ride or get bucked off.  - Also I know I've admitted this before but I'm addicted to the Bachelor/Bachelorette shows and the new season starts Monday.  I'll be kicking back with my Wine Coolers and watching mindless TV for sure...Yep, it's back to normal life now that the holidays are over.

Last nights sunset...

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Beautiful cats! And that sunset is spectacular. Congrats on your new lens!

  2. Sounds like a god plan back to normal soon. LOVE your pretty kittie. B

  3. Oh these cute cats! Yes, I feed some strange cats by ..
    Christmas trees stay with us until 6 January and actually, christian seen, Christmas time is much longer.
    Wish you happy new year, fun with the camera and that winter not is too hard and too much trouble with it...

  4. sorry to hear you are having back trouble. feel better asap. ( :

    i can sympathize with that - i have sciatica every once in a while. it depends on when it will act up or not. not sure what make it happen, whether cold or hot? has a mind of it's own.

    Happy New Year!!

  5. Oh man, what a glorious sky! Yes, the universe has something to say to us all. It's beautiful! Aloha and Happy New Year to you and yours.

  6. That sunset took my breath away! God has given us such beauty to enjoy here on earth :) And those cats are just too precious - they brought a smile to my face. Blessings to you, dear Ida! And enjoy your weekend

  7. Bless you for taking care/feeding these 2 beautiful cats. We have 6, all but 1 are rescues. An injured cat showed up on day 2 of moving in this house last April. How did it know??!!!!! He was #6.

    I was a big fan of Dancing with the Stars.

    Hope you will enjoy the weekend.

  8. what a gorgeous sky photo and the kittens. You are so right it isn't cheap to feed even little animals but it so wonderful that you do.

  9. Beautiful sunset! Time to get out that new lens and do some shooting!

  10. aw what cute kitties...they are lucky to have you for a neighbor!

  11. Ida, you have a good soul to take care of those kitties. They are beautiful and lucky to have neighbors who care.

    I hate putting away decorations, too. I hope my husband has been busy with that today while I've been at work. :-)

    I think we all need some mindless TV or reading sometimes.

  12. That's a beautiful sunset, Ida! And the kitties are so pretty. I'm a pushover when it comes to kitties and couldn't let them go hungry, either. Kudos to you for keeping them fed! Too bad their owners won't take better care of them. I hate when that happens. Thanks for your visit! Have a nice weekend.

  13. I'm sure those cats appreciate the food....they don't look like they miss many meals. I like watching Downton Abbey which starts on Sunday night. Beautiful sunset picture

  14. A delightful portrait of beautiful cats! Stunning and beautiful sky, nice photo !
    I love it !

  15. I am sure it is expensive, but nice to know that the cats are receiving food.

  16. We have a couple of strays that stop by on a regular bases. now that it is so cold (below 0) I can't help but worry about them. I'm sure the 2 cats really appreciate you. Stopping by for the first time via Random 5.

  17. The cats are beautiful ! I would feed them too of course. I also hate to put the Christmas stuff away, each year I tell myself that I would only decorate a little, but then off it goes !

  18. Ida, I live in a two story house and at age 80 I wish also that I lived in a one story house. I just can't do the stairs anymore. It's a trial for sure.

  19. There certainly are a lot of fun photography blogs and challenges. I've visited quite a few of them through links you've shared. I'd be into it if I had time for one more activity. Ida, I'm so glad you're feeding those kitties. What is wrong with people?

  20. last night sunset was gorgeous, love those beautiful colors!!

    shame on those peeps but it is clear that you are providing enough food ;)

    they are beautiful cats!!

  21. I wouldn't be able to resist those gorgeous cats! Thanks for your visit to my little corner of blog land. Have a great weekend x

  22. Poor kitties. Glad you are helping take care of them.

  23. lovely photos; neighbourhood cats and sunset too - enjoy that new camera lens Ida. (I had ventured to your cards site purposely, I was interested to see what you were making :))

  24. Ida,
    Have fun watching the new seasons of your tv shows. A simple pleasure we all look forward to.

    Enjoy your new camera lens!

  25. Your neighbors cats are beautiful. I'd be caring for them too. The older I get the less I like stairs! I'll be taking down the outside decorations after Jan 6 and will move slowly taking down the trees -- I really do like all the lights -- so happy! Have fun with the new lens. Happy New Year!

  26. I know you'll get plenty of use of your new lens come spring -- looking forward to it! :)

  27. That stray cat we feed? Definitely is a stray. We went away for 5 days and the poor thing lost about a 1/3 her bady weight. I feel bad-cute kitties and congrats on the new lens.

  28. I absolutely hate when people have animals and don't take care of them. It's hard enough for animals to survive our extreme winter when they are cared for, much less being left to fend for themselves. It's good of you to feed them.

  29. I enjoyed your random 5...I love reading those. Just hope I can remember to join tomorrow...hard to believe it is Friday.

    What kind of camera did you get....and do you like it.


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