Saturday, January 4, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - January 5, 2014

Welcome. -  My SONGOGRAPHY post can be found by clicking on the link.

I hadn't planned on a SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY entry because I didn't realize that a list of prompts had been posted until about 10:00 tonight when I popped by Ashley's blog and low and behold she had a post up.  I missed seeing the list she'd posted because I didn't scroll all the way to the end of the post.  Needless to say I was scrambling to fit this weeks prompts into photo's I've taken this week.

I want to first say that I was so excited to have participated in a full year of Scavenger Hunt Sunday last year.  I completed 51 weeks without missing one.  I would have done the 52nd week if Ashley hadn't taken a break that week.  Can't say I will make another entire year of the hunt but I'll give it a try.

Here are this week's prompts:  Photographer's Choice, Lunch, Starts with the Letter G, My Town and Words to Live by.

Click to enlarge photo's.

PHOTOGRAPHERS CHOICE:  This was "easy peasy" because I think this is my favorite photo that I took this week.  Coleen and I went up to Bennington Lake this week as I wanted to test out my new zoom lens.  I was clear across the lake when I took this shot and I just love how detailed it turned out and how pretty the landscape is.

LUNCH:  Okay this is a stretch because I never took any actual lunch photo's but I did take a New Year's breakfast photo and since it was fairly late in the morning when we ate I'm calling it a "Brunch" photo instead.

STARTS WITH THE LETTER G....This is "Ghost" the cat featured in my header photo right now.

MY TOWN:  Coleen and I went for a walk with Pixie today and I snapped  this photo of one of the bridges that are in our town.

WORDS TO LIVE BY:  With the start of a New Year come resolutions, or as many are doing picking a "word" to focus on throughout the coming year.  (Mine is Love) but I thought this quote was also a good for the prompt.

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to check out Ashley's blog to see what others come up with for the prompts.  -  If you can participate do so.  Here are the prompts for next week. (Happens Everyday, Upside Down, Natural, Man-Made, Looking Down.)


  1. Well done! Love the first shot! Congratulations on the new lens! A Christmas gift, I'm guessing?

  2. Love the my town photo and ghost is beautiful.

  3. Too funny, you have my glass! I love it, even hubby has to come look when I said how cool is that! Great presentation of all your photos too!

  4. Ida, I enjoyed your Scavenger Hunt over the past year. It was fun!
    Your picture with the plane is amazing - you can design your own post cards I think. You are so good at this! Really, your photography is so nice.
    And place where you live is beautiful!

  5. Wonderful photos, Ida. Your new lens is fantastic. You will enjoy it.

  6. SOrry I made you scramble but I'm so glad you worked it out.

  7. Nice photo collection. And I love the quote in your last photo.

  8. I like this wonderful landscape in the first!

  9. Such a great group of photos as always. Nature shots are my favorite. You did an excellent job with your photo across the lake. The colors are beautiful. 'Ghost' is very photgenic!

  10. The first photo is just gorgeous with all the gold in the landscape. And the last is a great example of how clever and perceptive and keen of eye you are in matching quotes and images. You could be selling motivational posters or greeting cards or wall art, I tell you. Of course, you know I love the kitty. Pure pretty!

  11. Great series! I absolutely love your zoom shot, what a beautiful setting.
    Have a great week and a fantastic 2014.

  12. Terrific pictures, but I'm partial to the one of the bridges, though I wouldn't mind a bite of the pastry. Nice to meet you and please stop by and visit at Buttercup's in the new year.

  13. You managed to create a great post in the short time you had to publish it all. Love the photos. The cat is one gorgeous fur baby!!! Those eyes are captivating. That area where the bridge is looks mighty cold!! And the "brunch"....yum!!! It's early in the morning here and I haven't had any breakfast yet, but now I know just what to make us.

    Happy day ahead dear friend!!

  14. considering i am ready for breakfast - that food looks oh so yummy. love the bridge / water shot too! ( :

  15. Great series of images Ida. I am impressed that you managed a year of Scavenger Hunt prompts without missing one. I should be that organized! I seem to find it hard to stick with a set blogging schedule.

  16. that quote... isn't that the truth?! i need to write that out and tape it up by my computer! love that bridge shot!!!

    {going to check out what song-o-graphy is!}

  17. i left a comment but then i got a service unavailable message!!

    the brunch looks very yummy!! and i especially like the bridge, it looks old and beautiful!!

  18. Making every week of SHS last year is quite an accomplishment! It's one of my favorite memes, and I always enjoy stopping by your blog. That cat is gorgeous!


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