Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Whatever Wednesday - It's back.

I use to do a post that I called, "Whatever Wednesday" where I would just post random photo's of whatever I wanted to.  I didn't do it all the time and then someone started a Meme with the same title so I stopped posting my stuff so as not to confuse people.  However this is my blog and I guess I can do "whatever" I want with it.  So today I'm posting some random photo's taken when Coleen & I visited Bennington Lake last week.

Click to Enlarge:

The view of the surrounding farm land and the Blue Mountains across the lake.  -  I was using the new zoom lens to see how close-up the mountains would look.  They really are quite far off even though they don't seem so in the photo.

Coleen standing behind some of the native grasses in the area.  You can see that the water level of the lake is really down in this shot.  Normally all that dry ground is covered up by water in the spring. -  This is a man-made lake though and controlled as they drain portions of it during the winter months.

More of the foothills and farm land around the lake.

I love the orange colored bushes that surround parts of the lake.

There is the large rock embankment above the lake with a trail that you can walk on.  Coleen is starting back down the embankment here towards the lake.  It's rather steep but she made it back down safely and so did I.

From up on top of the rock embankment I took this photo of the surrounding farm land.  You can see a Vineyard in the middle of the shot.  Also if you look closely there is a small little rainbow to the left of this photo.  I have no clue what caused this.  Any ideas?

Lastly after coming back down to the trail below the rock embankment I snapped this shot of Coleen walking towards this fence crossing.

It was a fun little outing.  I hope you enjoyed it too.


  1. Looks like a lovely outing! The new lens is fantastic. Loved seeing the vineyard.

  2. The "little rainbow" in your photo is probably due to lens flare. Were you shooting into the sun? That usually causes it.

  3. Beautiful shots of the area and Coleen.


  4. That's some awesome scenery, lady! Love them all. Glad to see you are not all snowed in and are able to get out and about!

  5. What a lovely series of shots. And, yes, dear blogger, it IS your blog and you can post what you like! My photos are those I want to share and I find memes for them later :)

  6. Ida, these are beyond stunning! Love Colleen in the brush - what a great DOF!

  7. Oh my what beautiful scenery you have. Great photos.

  8. I very much enjoyed this post, Ida. It's beautiful landscape and great photos. I don't know what would have caused the tiny rainbow, whether it was the lens or something in the environment.

  9. Oh, my, these are awesome...truly awesome. I surely love them....

  10. what a beautiful landscape. i could walk for miles if i had that kind of scenery to keep me company.

  11. What gorgeous scenery! Those rolling hills are fantastic!

  12. Very nice pictures, exquisite frames with wonderful portraits in the field!


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