Saturday, January 18, 2014

Song-ography - The Lazy Song Edition

Howdy! - Well it's time to join in on the fun of SONGOGRAPHY hosted by Kathy, (You'll Shoot Your Eye Out).  -  It's been a busy week here and with back-to-back birthday celebrations for my mom & Coleen I've not had much time for picture taking so no Scavenger Hunt for me this week.

However I do have 2 photo's for Songography where the song this week was, The Lazy Song-Bruno Mars.

Click to Enlarge photos.

The other night Greta & I were watching the US Figure Skating Championship and we tried getting Coleen to watch it with us.  She didn't seem to interested and the next thing we knew she was sound asleep on the living room floor...doesn't she look relaxed!

Also caught this one of Captain Cuddles asleep in my chair with my new blanket (or maybe it's his new blanket)...

Have a great week and thank you for stopping by and have a great start to your week.


  1. I love to watch skating, too.
    I would never be able to get up from the position Coleen fell asleep in!!!!!
    I think you no longer have a blanket!!!!!

  2. Looks to me like that is now Captain Cuddles blankie. Hope you have a great weekend ida!

  3. Oh my goodness... Now THAT is a picture of "crashing". Absolutely adorable!!! Sooo looking forward to the Olympics and MORE figure skating! Thanks for participating in Song-ography.

  4. Looks like she can fall asleep anywhere. :)
    Fun shot!

  5. Aw, that's too cute she fell asleep right there! I have done that on the couch!

  6. Oh my goodness....your photo of Coleen made me laugh. How wonderful to just be able to fall asleep wherever you feel the urge. Childhood definitely has it's advantages :)

  7. Oh to be able to fall asleep like that on the floor again. If I did that, I wouldn't be able to get back up when I woke up!

  8. There was a time when we could set our clocks to when our son would crazy for the night - we knew the time was nearing when he took to the floor in front of the TV with blanket in hand (pretty much like Coleen). Looks like Capt. Cuddles has the right idea (and suspect it is in his mind 'his blanket'.)

  9. Children have such a talent for being able to sleep anywhere. I need a comfy bed. Colleen looks very relaxed.

  10. That top photo makes me laugh. Now THAT is complete relaxation! Love the colors in the kitty shot, too.

  11. Ida, that shot of Coleen is perfect for this theme! Total relaxation. So cute! Your new blanket looks super soft and cozy. And I know cats find soft blankets within minutes. They are so smart that way. Have a wonderful week!

  12. Great images for the song! Coleen looks sooooo not interested. I just had to laugh!

  13. We watched figure skating too! :)

  14. LOL! Laughing at Coleen! Great shot!

  15. The purple chair caught my eye. I love it!!!!

  16. Awww.....they both look so relaxed!

  17. you have the best, most cooperative props!!

    awesome images for todays song!!

  18. That photo of her sleeping on the floor just cracks me up...if I tried that now my back would be hurting for days!

  19. Oh yes, the blanket definitely belongs to the cat! I'm not sure who looks more relaxed - Colleen or the cat!

  20. I just don't see how kids can sleep like that! Ouchie! :)

  21. Hi Ida. I keep running across friends who are doing the songography. I think about it once in a while but then happen too many challenges, not enough my Or maybe I just have too much to say...which is more like it I think. I don't have back to back birthdays but pretty close between January and Feb round here so I know the panic. Love the photo of Captain Cuddles and "his" new blankie. The other day I found Milo wriggled himself into the sleeve of a sweater I left on my bed. What are they like? That photo of Coleen is just so sweet. :) I was watching too. I'm really excited about Jason Brown. Did I ever tell you I used to figure seriously to get to the Olympics. I still love to get out on the ice. I'm really looking forward to the skating at the Olympics, even though these particular Olympics are so fraught with so much I find objectionable (captured orcas and no rights for gay people etc). Hopefully they'll be brilliant, peaceful games and lead to some understanding and lasting change. (ok getting off my soap box now...sheesh...told you I have too much to say.) :)

  22. Those are both great. If I had to guess, I'd say the cat has claimed the new blanket for good.


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