Friday, January 17, 2014

Random 5 Friday


It's Friday and time to share some Random thoughts.  Please join me and of course the wonderful host of Random 5 Friday, Nancy from, A Rural Journal in sharing some randomness.
1.  It's birthday weekend here so I am busy, busy, busy.  My mom turns 85 tomorrow and Coleen turns 9 on Sunday.  Thanks to everyone who stopped by an view Coleen's recital photos (see post below this one) and video.  She loved knowing that people enjoyed hearing her play.  Great encouragement to keep her practicing for sure.  Edited to add if you want to see the cards I made them for their birthdays go to this post:
2. Birds make me smile.  I leave seeds/peanuts out for the birds (and squirrels) and every morning I have a bunch of crows that show up for the peanuts and some sweet doves that enjoy the bird seed.  This one appears to be doing the "Happy Dance" while enjoying the bird seed.

3.  I'm thinking it's going to be an early spring here, some of the trees are already starting to bud.  Even though it's been a mild winter here I still look forward to flowering trees and sunny skies (It's super foggy here today).
4.  This week I discovered a new "guilty pleasure"  Shhh don't tell anyone but I discovered Cappuccino Nanaimo Bars at the local store bakery and oh my gosh they are so yummy!  - Sorry no picture,  I didn't have time to take one since I couldn't control myself long enough to photograph one!
5.   I need to walk the dog around the block more (see #4 ) since I'm indulging in sweet treats again now that the stress of the holidays is over.
Hope to get by a few of your blogs this weekend but with back-to-back birthday celebrations I'm not sure how much time I'll have for commenting.


  1. Love the birdy happy dance! Nothing is budding here yet but should soon I expect. Have a great birthday filled weekend :)

  2. Happy Birthday to your Mom and Coleen. Hope you guys have a fun time.
    I am anxious for spring and the buds against the blue sky photo give me HOPE!

  3. Oh this is an amazing picture with Coleen in this light! and a great gray cat in the header...
    As I write, I hear Coleens game - I had not read the post before ... have a nice birthday weekend - it's not bad to get not answer or comment on my blog.
    Preparation is always a lot of work and then just concentrate on the celebration.
    Read us later :-)

  4. Winter time is carb loading time, no doubt about it. Smiling at thoughts of your granddaugher's recital. Mine just started lessons yesterday. We had a snow day today and all told, I'll bet she practiced an hour. Isn't it great?

  5. Have fun with all your weekend birthday celebrations!

  6. Happy birthday to the two birthday girls! The cards you made are beautiful!! :)
    I miss my rubber stamps (sigh).

  7. i am hungry now - what are those bars like - i think we need a party to each try them out. they sounds heavenly. you do enjoy! ( :

  8. Happy Happy Birthdays to both your mom and Coleen. Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Happy Birthday to your mom and Coleen! I hope they have great days and many more! I need to do some walking too. I have indulged too much.

  10. I missed your post about Coleen's recital -- will head over there to view. Happy birthday to both birthday girls. xo

  11. Great bird photo and it really does look like the happy dance is being done. Very cute!

  12. I watched the piano recital and it almost brought tears to my eyes. How very Precious!!! Sweet!!

  13. That's a beautiful photo of Colleen! Beautiful light in her hair! Some of my trees seem to be budding too, and we've not had a mild winter. Seems like nature is getting more and more confused!

  14. Sounds like a happy, busy, fun weekend at your house! When I saw your crow picture, I thought of this video someone posted on FB this week:

  15. There is still so much snow here so it's hard to think about Spring, but I do look forward to the day when the trees begin to blossom :) Those bars sound quite tasty!

    Have a blessed Sunday and happy Birthday to your mom!

  16. I think I like this Random 5 Friday. It's fun to hear/see these bit and pieces of yourself. We have a lot budding out here, too. Lots of fresh green leaves. It's been very sunny this week, but cold in the mornings. I'm getting concerned about our lack of rain. 2013 was our dryest year on record. Not good.

  17. what a lovely picture of Coleen. Happy belated birthday to her and to your mother. I hope you have an early spring...I do not hold out any hope that we will have one.

  18. I think the dove is singing as well as dancing! It sure looks happy. Happy birthday to both girls!

  19. i have started a new tradition...birthday months, for me and i quite like it!!

    a fun five this week!!

  20. Ooh, Nanaimo bars - heaven! (But don't worry - I won't tell anyone. I promise.)

    Love the bird doing the happy dance! And I'm just a bit envious that you already have signs of spring (needless to say, it's still realllly cold here)!

  21. Happy birthday to your two birthday girls! Love the shot of the tree buds. I am all in favor of an early spring!


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