Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Whatever Wednesday- The Ice Edition

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Welcome - Before I get started on today's post I want to say,  Thank You so much from the bottom of my heart to those who left such understanding and kind comments on yesterday's post about the loss of our sweet cat, Miss Blackie.  It meant a lot to me to know that people cared and understood how hard it was to let her go.

We apparently had "freezing rain" during the night.  When I woke up this morning it was raining but it wasn't bad outside.  As I started walking Coleen to school I realized that it had frozen at some point because the trees were all incased in ice.  After I got back home I got out my camera and took a quick walk around the block to photograph some of the trees.

                                                 My mom's Lilac Tree

                                      Red Berries from a Hawthorne Tree

                                                         Juniper Berries

I don't know what kind of a tree this was but I liked the colors of the little dangling seed pods.

Again I'm not sure what tree this next shot is.  I got some funny looks from a couple of people who were walking by.  I mentioned to them I was taking pictures of the ice on trees and they seemed okay with that.  I bet though they thought I was a bit nutty.

Finally I spotted this laying on the sidewalk and though it looked rather cool.

                                What a strange, magical world this is.

Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing a little part of my corner of the world.


  1. My dear Ida, these photos are phenomenal! The ice truly is enchanting and beautiful :) Have a warm, cozy day!

  2. Hi Ida,
    I know how dangerous freezing rain can be, but these photos are so pretty.

  3. These are stunning!! Wow! Hope you thaw out soon!

  4. I love icy shots. They are so magical! Glad you went back out in the cold. You got some great shots! My favorites are the red berries.

  5. What cool (literally) shots of the icy trees! :)

  6. You have shared some wonderful ice photos. Glad you and Coleen did not have trouble walking.

  7. Hi Ida. Your photos are absolutely marvelous. We had snow here in Spokane over night and I wish I could even get out in the yard to take photos but can't. I am recovery from ankle surgery and can't bear any weight on that foot yet. I go to the dr tomorrow to get this cast off and stitches out. Hoping to get to take some pictures tomorrow---if it doesn't all melt.

  8. I always love to see ice in nature, but just to photograph it. Then, it needs to disappear! lol You took some great shots!

  9. Wonderful photos of your ice event! As dangerous as it can be, it is also beautiful. I am so sorry to hear about Miss Blackie. I am a cat lover and have lost many dear friends over the years. And I still miss them. So I understand what you've been going through. My sincere condolences.

  10. Wonderful photos of your ice event! As dangerous as it can be, it is also beautiful. I am so sorry to hear about Miss Blackie. I am a cat lover and have lost many dear friends over the years. And I still miss them. So I understand what you've been going through. My sincere condolences.

  11. I always love the photos with icicles hanging from branches. These are great photos!

  12. Ice storms make the best photo subjects!

  13. Definitely wonderful winter atmosphere with frozen drops, exquisite lighting! Nice pictures!

  14. Isn't that a beautiful sight? That's only happened once down here on the coast that I can remember. In Missouri it was a familiar sight in the winter and so gorgeous. Wake up and the world had been transformed. I never grow tired of the wonder.


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