Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Good-Bye Miss Blackie

Rest in Peace - Miss Blackie
Yesterday we had to say good-bye to our sweet Miss Blackie.  This little kitty was one of the sweetest cats.  She came to live with us when she was about 4 years old.  She'd belonged to some people who didn't care for her properly and at times she was abused by them as well.  When they were evicted from their home they couldn't take her so we took her in.

She was a very "shy" cat and at first an outdoor cat but we quickly realized that she was afraid of any loud noises outside so we brought her inside.  Of course she was scared to death of all our other cats so she ended up staying in a room all her own and only come out when the other cats were put in the bedroom for the night.

A rare photo of her outside.

She had a "bathroom issue" due to poor nutrition her first few years that made it difficult for her to be out much in the house. She was a tiny little cat barely weighing 5 lbs. for most of her life.  She loved attention and enjoyed play boxing with us whenever we spent time with her.  She loved to purr and had the softest little meow.

One year at Christmas we put Reindeer Antlers on all the cats and thought that she would hate it but she was actually the one who was the least upset about wearing them.

After Greta and Coleen moved in with us we had to move her from the upstairs bedroom to our basement where she spent the last 2-3 years of her life.  If you went down to exercise she liked to hop up on you while you were on the machine.

Here she is with Greta.

She loved laying on blankets or hiding underneath the bed or in a corner if she was frightened that's where she went. You never raised your voice around her or made sudden movements because she was still "gun shy" from being hit by her previous owners.  Yet she was a loving and gentle soul.

She slowly stopped trying to eat over the last week or so and I begin to notice that she seemed a bit disoriented at times.  Finally she wasn't eating at all or even drinking water.  We took her in yesterday to the Vet and they felt that her kidney's or liver were failing her.  She was very dehydrated and I knew it was time to let her go even though my heart was telling me that we should try to save her.  The Vet felt it was the best thing we could do for her and while I know it was it still hurt so much to put her down.

I couldn't stay with her so I said my good-bye's and thankfully Greta was there to hold her and talk to her until she was gone.  We buried her last night with her favorite robe that she loved laying on and some kitty treats she loved along with some string that Coleen would play with her with. 

She will be missed.

The last photo of her taken just before we took her to the Vet yesterday.

Rest in Peace sweet Blackie.  I know you are pain free now.


  1. I am so sorry! It is never easy when we lose our furry friends. {{HUGS}} to you all!

  2. I am so sorry. My heart just breaks. She was blessed to have you all to love her and she is free from pain now.

  3. So sorry to hear this. It is always hard to lose a pet. They are really family.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Your post brought me to tears. It is never an easy thing to deal with.

  5. Oh Ida, my heart grieves with you. It is always so difficult to lose a beloved pet. I lost my Rosie Girl last Summer and it was quite unexpected. Rosie was an outdoor cat and the morning she died she was attacked by a coyote - it was devastating. Your sweet cat lived a long life and I can tell she was very loved by you and the family :) Blessing to you!

  6. Oh what a really sad post. You can take comfort in the fact that her last years were the best she had (spent with you) Take care Ida.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  7. so very sorry to hear about your loss. i too have an older cat and i know how attached we can get. hugs to you.

  8. My condolences. She was obviously a sweet kitty.

  9. I'm so sorry, Ida. I know how much you love each of your kitties and it's very hard to let go. There wasn't much else you could do but let her go peacefully. Animals have such forgiving natures. She was lucky to have come to live with you and you were lucky to have been able to share a bit of your life with her. Rest in peace, Miss Blackie.

  10. I am so, so sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts to lose a pet. Bless Miss Blackie and bless you and your family.

  11. So sorry for the loss of your sweet kitty. Just think what a nice life you gave her.

  12. Oh, I'm so sorry, Ida. This post is a lovely tribute to your sweet little cat.

  13. A loving tribute. My sincere condolences. May fond memories heal your heart in time.

  14. A loving tribute. My sincere condolences. May fond memories heal your heart in time.

  15. I'm so sorry for your loss, Ida. You can take comfort in all that you did to give her a good life.

  16. Ida, I am so sorry for your loss. You can take comfort in knowing you gave Blackie a good life and lots of love.
    (I left a comment before but I wasn't signed in so it didn't show my name.)

  17. awww ida, you gave her a great home and loved her like she had never been loved before....that must feel wonderful!!

    but i know you will miss her as pets are just like family!!


  18. Oh Ida, I am so sorry for your loss. I recently lost Junior, my black kitty, who I loved for 17 years. He was 20 years old when he died. I think of him all the time and I miss him so much. While loving my other animals has definitely helped, his presence and personality are irreplaceable.
    Rest in peace sweet Miss Blackie.
    Hugs to you Ida

  19. oohh I am so sorry sweetie about Blackie.Pets are so important in our lives and it is so difficult to let them go. We have lost a fair number of pets over the 42 years we have been married. It is never easy.
    I am so thankful that BLackie was able to have a safe, loving family to live out the rest of her life.
    Bless all of you.

  20. oohh I am so sorry sweetie about Blackie.Pets are so important in our lives and it is so difficult to let them go. We have lost a fair number of pets over the 42 years we have been married. It is never easy.
    I am so thankful that BLackie was able to have a safe, loving family to live out the rest of her life.
    Bless all of you.

  21. Poor thing, it rests in peace. My mother had an equal!

  22. Oh, gee, I hate to hear this. I hate for anyone to go through this and it always brings back pain from our episodes of losing pets.


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