Friday, February 21, 2014

Random 5 Friday - Cuteness Overload

Happy Friday! -  It's time for some random fun.  Won't you join me over at Nancy's blog (A Rural Journal) for RANDOM 5 FRIDAY

Click to Enlarge Photos.

1. Kitten's are just so cute! - Don't you just want to pinch his little cheeks and go, "kotchy, kotchy, koo."

2.  Well I've been largely disappointed with the Olympics this time around.  The US won several events but lost a lot as well.  I'm not really a sore loser but I hate all the "political" crap that seems to abound now at these events and the "whining" when your team or athletes lose. Grow up already!

                                              Spooky and the Laser Toy

3.  I love it when I fix something for dinner and "everyone" enjoys it.  I made Chicken Enchilada's this past week and thought Coleen wouldn't like them because generally she doesn't like spicier type foods.  She ate it and actually loved them.

4.  Patience is not one of my better virtues.  I've been waiting for some test results from my dentist for nearly 2 weeks now.  Needless to say I'm not happy about the long wait.  I tend to worry a lot and think that something could be horribly wrong even though the dentist said not to worry about it. Yeah, right.

5.  I'm so happy that the snow melted and you can actually see some signs of spring outside now.  Still not very warm but hey you can't have everything.  I did catch this cute photo during our snow storm of a man taking his kid to school on a sled.

Finally some more cute photo's just for the fun of it.

         Greta and Miss Dottie who loves to ride around on your shoulders.

                Our little pug Cricket has a smile to share with you.

Finally it was "Mismatched" day at Coleen's school today.  Do you think she pulled it off!


  1. I just love all the cute animals! Such great photos. I think Coleen definitely pulled off the mismatched look! How fun :)

  2. What a fun post. Coleen looks very mismatched and should win a prize! I love Spooky. What beautiful eyes he has. That's a great photo of Greta and the cat too. I sympathize with your dental worries. I got a bridge in Dec. and went back for the 3rd adjustment on it yesterday. Will it never end??? LOL
    Sure hope you all enjoy the weekend.
    The dad pulling the boy on the sled is a fun pic.

  3. Yum, it looks so delicious. And four different furs: two cats, one dog and Coleen's vest... - why not different shoes? ;-)
    Funny pictures, very cute.
    Have a great weekend :-)

  4. Um....yes, Coleen definitely pulled off *mismatched* day! Awesome! And that first shot is all kinds of cuteness for sure!
    Visiting from R5F

  5. Coleen, you are just the queen of mismatch ... I love it and I love your "too cutes" as well, Ida. I don't blame you for being impatient with your dentist ...two weeks seems to be an unreasonable amount to time to have to wait. Very cute post and Cricket has an adorable smile ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  6. I would definitely say that Coleen pulled it off with style and pizazz. Cute outfit.

  7. Those enchiladas look divine. I'm not a good wait-er either! I worry too!! The kitties are so cute and I loved Colleen's mismatched day outfit! Yes, I think she definitely pulled it off!

  8. i love the olympics and always watch, we went to the summer games in 1996. these olympics, i have watched nothing, i'm not sure why!!

    such an adorable kitty and oohhhh colleen, my kinda kid!!

  9. What a cute little kitten face! You know...I try to just enjoy the performances in the Olympics. The broadcasters make that so difficult to do. And finally, I'd say Coleen deserves the Gold Medal for that ensemble!

  10. i forgot to say that your dish looks's nice when everyone enjoys it!

  11. Coleen TOTALLY did. We have crazy hair day next week. I LOVE to play on that day!

  12. Yes she pulled it off wonderfully. Oh your four legged friends are adorable.
    Snow yup we have that :)
    The dinner looks delicious. B

  13. What a very cute kitten! And I love seeing Cricket always. I think it's funny to see Coleen dressed for mismatched day. My daughter (who's pushing 30) has been dressing like that since she could dress herself. She has always marched to her own drum.

  14. Yep. I do believe she hit the "mismatched" theme on the head. haha. The fur babies are precious!

  15. CUTE pics ( all ! :) I have watched ice skating / dancing for most of my life..generally alot of times the scores / winners seem either fair or just favoring the top pair since they have put their time in, if it was 'iffy' or close between a few. And that's the way it always was. Period. Don't recall a lot of drama afterwards in regards to questioning the nowadays but who knows if it was ever really fair in the past either.

  16. CUTE pics ( all ! :) I have watched ice skating / dancing for most of my life..generally alot of times the scores / winners seem either fair or just favoring the top pair since they have put their time in, if it was 'iffy' or close between a few. And that's the way it always was. Period. Don't recall a lot of drama afterwards in regards to questioning the nowadays but who knows if it was ever really fair in the past either.

  17. Love mismatch day! Her outfit certainly should win a prize.

  18. aww, love all the animals. your taco meal looks delicious. i have a friend who using a red light to play with her 2 cats ... so fun to watch. we giggle & giggle - i wonder what the cats think? aliens or what??!? ( :

  19. I want to pet that kitten and have him sit on my lap or curl up on my chest or settle on my shoulder.

    Figure skating is political. Kim Yu-Na should have the gold medal, not silver.

    Colleen did a great job of misamtched. My blessing has long enjoyed spicy food so I am fortunate int thht area with her.

  20. Hello Ida! Visiting from Nancy's Random 5. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love kittens! Seriously love them. I follow a Livestream feed of a foster Mom from Canada. I can't tear myself away. I want some of your Chicken Enchiladas!!! I think Coleen pulled off the mismatched thing.. :)

  21. Ha! Love that mis-matched look! and oh what a cute kitten face. With 3 cats in the house I really have to cover my eyes when those cute pictures come around!

  22. Spooky is such an adorable kitty, Ida! You did a grand job choosing him. Look at the markings on his face! Adorable. I'm glad you're getting a break from the snow. Coleen looks so cute in her mismatched outfit. Have a wonderful weekend!

  23. Coleen definitely pulled it off :) But even though she is mismatched she looks great!

    My dear Ida, your photos are so adorable! My 5 year old son was even "awwwing" at the animals.

    Hugs to you!

  24. Spooky is looking pretty cute and relaxed! Had to laugh at Coleen's outfit -- how fun! Great pics!

  25. Miss Dottie is gorgeous, and I love the mismatched. The snow photo could be a poster..

  26. Your new kitten is adorable! Bless you for adopting. I volunteer at a local animal shelter walking dogs. Love it.

  27. Cute indeed...

    And those enchiladas look heavenly delicious!! I love Mexican food.

  28. Ida - Great post. Lasers are so much fun with pets. Glad everyone liked your dinner - that's a lot of work. Your daughter's mismatched outfit made me laugh.

  29. I love the pug picture, Ida!

    It's always nice to make a dish that everyone raves about. Yeah for you.

    J and I have been enjoying the Olympics too. It's quality tv and I like the human interest stories. Very inspiring.

    Have a great weekend.

  30. Oh, yes Coleen pulled off the mis-match! Are we just getting old that we don't enjoy the olympics...I have not really enjoyed them for years. And almost no one I know does. I liked the timed events best, but used to I loved the skating.

    About your tests, I am like you on the waiting.

  31. Definitely a cute kitty face! I'm not much of a worrier so when I'm told not to worry, I generally rid my mind of whatever it is. I hope you get your results soon! I love the photo of the dad pulling his son on the sled - very cute!

  32. Miss Dottie and Spooky-Boo Krause are adorable! The smiling dog made me laugh. My favourite though is Coleen with the mismatched shoes. Coleen is my kinda girl. Have a great weekend Ida!

  33. Oh, kitties are so cute!
    And I love how Coleen did an awesome job on miss-match. :) It looks great!

  34. Yep, I'm definitely falling in love with that little kitty! Glad to hear the snow is melting. (Needless to say, it's still cold here!)

    I agree with you about all the whining in the Olympics, but I have to say I'm loving seeing Canada do so well. Can't wait for the big hockey game tomorrow.

  35. Totally loving the mismatch look! She definitely pulled it off... xox

  36. Your post reminded me of the theme days we had at school growing up -- Coleen's outfit is perfect! :)

  37. Adorable kitty! I'm loving the fun mis-matched look.

  38. That little kitty is one of the cutest ever! I love that he will sit on your shoulder :)

  39. Oops -- wrong kitty on the shoulder! Sorry :) But they're both pretty.


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