Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Yesterday we stopped in to check out a kitten we'd seen advertised by the local Humane Society....and the rest is history.
Please welcome the newest edition to our home:  Spooky-Boo Krause.  Hubby doesn't like the "Boo" part of his name so we are just mainly calling him Spooky.  He's a real sweetie, about 3 1/2 months old.   He can really purr up a storm, loves to lick you and is just so gentle and loving.
Right now  he's a bit shy around all the other cats so he spends most of his time in Greta's room but that will eventually change as they all adjust to each other.
The teal coloring around his one ear was from where them marked his ear.  We have no idea why they do this but it's dye and will eventually was off.

He's going to fit in quite nicely around here.  I'll post most pictures later on but again he's a bit camera shy as well so I haven't gotten many pictures of him yet.


  1. Spooky is adorable.

    I know you all will get along just fine!

  2. Congratulations. He is adorable. I'm sure he'll fit in great with you.

  3. What a cute little kitty! Congrats on the new family addition.

  4. What a sweetie, Ida :) I'm eyeballin' a longhair at the shelter right now, but I'm worried one of my cats isn't ready for another "sister" :(

  5. oh gorgeous and super-adorable! Congrats...and enjoy your new kitty! Beautiful photo!

  6. What a precious face! He's so lucky to have you!

  7. what a sweet face! welcome, Spooky!

  8. He is adorable!!! So wish i was there to give him a pet.

  9. Oh my! I'm not usually a cat person, but this little guy could make me change my mind about that. What a cutie!

  10. Well the one you got sure is a good one!!! He is a sweetheart for sure!!! Look at those eyes....he already is in love with you!! Congratulations on your new little purrer!!!

  11. Oh, he's so pretty and sweet looking! You have a big heart, Ida. I know Spooky has gone to the best home ever. Lucky kitty! Looking forward to more photos, but for now -- smooches to Spooky!

  12. What a sweet face!
    We have always had cats. We lost our last one this past November. My Granddaughters always want to know if I'm getting another one. I tell them no as much as it would be nice. They take work and at my age the responsibility seems overwhelming. The face on this kitty is so precious. Yep, not visiting any kittens. :)

  13. he is adorable, lucky little guy! Spooky-boo is a sweet name but I think I like just the Spooky too :-)

  14. Hello Ida. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your comment. I shall sign up to follow you as well. When I post something to my blog, which is usually everyday, my posts should automatically show up in your reading list I think, so you'll know I've posted). I also get notifications by email as well as in my pending comments section, so I know whenever someone else has left a comment. Your kitty photo is really cute.

  15. What a beauty and a great fit for you guys!!

  16. Oh, my goodness...what a beautiful kitty! He looks soooo soft and cuddly!

  17. What a beautiful kitty! He looks so soft and cuddly!

  18. look at those gorgeous eyes. what a cutie. i am glad you have a new friend - to add to the family. ( :

  19. What a gorgeous cat. Beautiful markings. Your header is lovely.

  20. oh my goodness look at his little face!! Kiss him for me! :) He is so adorable :)

  21. Spooky is a beauty. I'm sure he'll be a great addition to the family.

  22. That kitten is really the mismatched outfit too!

  23. Sometimes, I wish we knew what they were thinking. I'm sure your new baby is glad to have a home.


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