Saturday, February 8, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - February 9, 2014

Welcome! - I've taken a couple of weeks off from Scavenger Hunt Sunday for various reasons but this week I decided it was time to get back in the hunt.

This weeks prompts:  Looking Up, Light, Favorite Mobile Device, Outside and Inside.

Let's just say this week has been nothing but snow, snow & more snow for so many people and here in "Wally World" we finally got hit with it.  I started out trying hard to embrace the beauty of the snow but by the end of the week I'm not trying to just "endure" through it.

Having fallen on some ice today and landing rather soundly on my behind I've got quite the sore bum so sitting is limited.  Hopefully I'll make it around to comment on your blogs.

Let's get started.  Please join me and Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY.


While out taking pictures this week I heard the unmistakable sound of geese flying overhead.  I looked up and snapped this shot as they passed over head.

LIGHT:  There hasn't been much sun light this past week but it was out for a few minutes and I caught a hint of it shining on our storage shed roof.

FAVORITE MOBILE DEVICE:  Okay I planned to skip this one since I don't own a fancy phone, ipod, etc...and then I snapped a photo from inside my craft room that I thought fit quite well.  I bet all over the country this machine has been a lot of people's favorite mobile device....

A snow plow doing what it does best, removing that white stuff to help make driving easier.

OUTSIDE:  Another photo shot from inside looking outside...

Callie-Jo was quite content to be inside on this cold day watching the crows outside gathering peanuts and bird seed that I left out for them. - Bonus shot of the crows in the street outside.

INSIDE:  While I was outside snapping photos of the birds and snow I snapped this photo of my cat, Piglet sitting inside my mom's house looking outside at me.

Well that's it for this week.  I need to go soak in another tub of warm water or put on the Aspercreme and take 2 Ibuprofen for the pain and go to bed.

Stay safe and warm to those still battling through this winter.


  1. These are such wonderful shots. I love that last one with the kitty. One of these days I will get back into playing with SHS...


  2. Nice photo set. Favorite mobile device seems to be the prompt that has most people really thinking outside the box. And yes, the snow plow has been a welcome sight for many people recently.

  3. So many birds... so little time. XOX

  4. So sorry about your fall. Hope you begin to feel better soon. These are wonderful photos and of course, I love the cats the best!

  5. Lovely photos, and absolutely we adore those priceless snow movers! I do think kitty wants to go outside and play too!

  6. did I say this before? I love your cats :)

  7. Ouchies! Sorry about your fall. I hope you are feeling better. That's no fun!!! I haven't done SHS in so long ..I need to get back to it. Very clever on the mobile device. Love it! We've been hit with lots of snow and ice and it's been a rough week...many people still without power 5 days later. Uggh! We put nuts and seeds out for the critters too.

  8. These are soooo great. I love them all especially the first three. Wonderful job!

  9. Love your looking up shot. The mobile device is impressive!

  10. Ouch...hope you feel better soon. Loved the shot of your cat in your moms house looking out at you!

  11. Ouch...hope you feel better soon. Loved the shot of your cat in your moms house looking out at you!

  12. I like that last shot of Callie Jo!

  13. That is what our weekend looked like! We finally got some snow here! Lovely shots

  14. Well done with the prompts! Hope you're better soon. Falls can be tough to get over!

  15. Clever interpretation of the mobile device prompt! So true to so many people this week. The snow on your shed roof is pretty glittering in the sunlight.

  16. Great photos. I'm glad to see you back. I was beginning to worry about you. Good job catching the shot of the geese. The icicles on the tin roof are great. Your cat watching the crows is great.

  17. Great shots / WHAT a fun post to read and see! :)

  18. Looks like it is cold and snowy where you are--we have the same weather right now. I love the icicles hanging from the roof. Stay warm. Mickie:)

  19. awesome inside/outside and a very clever take on mobile device!! way to think outside the box!!

    i am "I" addicted and i often wish i weren't ;)

  20. Hello Ida, thank you for visiting my Guildwood garden Blog.
    I am closing my blog because we are selling our house and moving to a condo during the summer. When I composed my last blog entry, viewed and selected the pictures from my garden, I cried.
    I am sure I will have a new blog coming fall.
    Until then, take care.

  21. Ooh, sorry to hear about your fall. Hope you recover soon.

    Gorgeous photos here! I love the one of the geese, and of the cat looking out the window. And I laughed out loud at your mobile device - well done!

  22. Hope you're feeling better now. It's never fun falling on the ice. I loved your shot for mobile device!

  23. Hope you feel better after your fall. Our cats are staying inside at the moment more - too wet rather than too snowy here.

  24. a nice series Ida; I especially like the geese in flight

  25. I so agree, the plow has been busy here too. All the birds look like they wish Spring would come though. Nice photos for your scavenger hunt.

  26. What a BUMMER (get it! your bum is sore....bummer....haha) falling and hurting your behind!!! I feel your pain. Fell out of a tree once when I was young because my brother moved the ladder and I had to jump....thought I had broken my bottom!!! Don't even know if that's possible....but I couldn't sit comfortably for weeks! Hope you're all healed up soon because with all that snow, there must not be a lot more you can do but sit and watch tv, read books, blog, and such!

    Loved the picture of your cat gazing at the birds outside...wonder if he was thinking, "DINNER" or "lucky ducks!"....and wasn't Piglet cute! Just the name alone is endearing! What a clever idea to have the snow remover as your favorite "mobile device". GREAT THINKING! Love the way you think outside the box! Your light picture is great with the light and shadow....and all those icicles! Love hearing those geese flying south myself! Hope your through with all the white stuff soon!!! I know we are all tired of the cold this year!

  27. Your pictures are great. A snowplow is definitely my favorite device. I get excited when I hear it going outside my window. Take care and hope you are feeling much better after your fall.


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