Friday, February 14, 2014

Random 5 Friday

Welcome!  -  It's time to join Nancy (A Rural Journal) for Random 5 Friday where everyone posts 5 random thoughts/facts about themselves, their family, their pets, or whatever. You get the picture so join in on the fun.

1.  This isn't so random....It's Valentine's Day here in the US (not sure how many other countries celebrate this holiday.  As I've gotten older I've come to realize that V-Day isn't just for couples.  We celebrate this holiday for our entire family.  Love is precious so why not share it with everyone.

2.  Weather is weird!  Earlier this week we had this...

 and then it warmed up to nearly 60 and all melted away. - WEIRD!

3.  My back is still sore from last Saturday's fall.  Oh not as much as it was the first couple of days but geez as you get older it takes longer to get over stuff like that.  I must admit though I was able to bowl on Tuesday and actually had a 184 game.

4.  Does anyone else think it's a bummer to already know the outcome of who wins medals at the Olympics before the event is shown on TV?  Takes all the surprise and fun out of it for me. 

5.  Going to make Apple Crisp today to help celebrate V-Day and my middle brother's birthday which was Wednesday.  He said,  "No presents" for my birthday this year so instead I'm giving them to him for Valentine's Day.

Have a great one everyone and pass some love along.

Cats in order of appearance:  Callie-Jo (our cat),  Fred (the neighbor's cat) and Miss Dottie (our cat).


  1. So enjoyed your randoms, Ida. I can always count on you for some interesting facts. Loved the kitties in the snow photos. xo

  2. Hello Ida, happy V Day! Those cats are so super cute, and don't talk to me of weather! I know it's the favourite topic in my other home in England, but it's just the craziest thing right now. I'm good with knowing the Olympic outcome ahead of seeing it, but them I'm happier when I know a movie plot ahead of the movie etc...I know, I'm one of a kind. :)

  3. I hope your back continues to improve. Backs always seem to take longer to heal than anything else. Loved your facts!

  4. The catpictures are gorgoes (and of course, the cats too).
    Yes, we celebrate Valentine's Day in Germany. It is a good idea to share the love with everyone and not be limited to partners.
    Get well and having a good time :-)

  5. I hope you feel better soon, so sorry about your back....
    Wow! 6o degrees! I want to your place now. :) This has been a very long winter.
    Wonderful pictures, Ida!

  6. Huge amount of snow... I would be happy to see it going!

  7. Love your kitty photos! Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. Oh the cats are so adorable and Happy Birthday to your brother and he will be surprised with a Valentine present:)
    Oh I am so sorry about your fall and back. Hug B

  9. Happy Valentine's Day to you, Ida and to your family!! It is strange to see a cat in the snow, but what a great capture!!

  10. apple crisp that sounds yummy. hope your back feels better asap! i have been shoveling snow today. so i know a bit about back & leg pain. i worked slow ... but there is much more to be done around here. ha. ha!! happy <3 day!! ( ;

  11. Loved seeing the kitties, Ida :) I can never get mine to pose so on my blog today I borrowed a pic (and a cute video).

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

  12. You're making apple crisp?!!! Oh heavens, do I love that dessert.

    And the snow, then 60 degrees? A very odd winter all the way around the states I guess. We had 37 on Monday, today the high is 79 so far.

    Love your kitty.

  13. Ida, your furry friends are just the shot of one licking his lips.....Sorry about your fall...I hope you are doing better....

  14. Such cute kitty pics!
    I detest that the news announces medals. I don't mind those we can't watch that won't be shown on TV; but if I'm going to sit down and watch your network for three hours because I enjoy the games I DON'T want to know who has already won!
    Hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day.

  15. Cute kitty pictures. I am 100% with you about the Olympics - takes the fun out of it. Have a Happy Valentine's Day.

  16. The kitties are SO adorable! I love seeing a cat walk in the snow. We don't have snow here, so it's fascinating to me. I hope you heal from your fall soon. Have a wonderful Valentine's weekend full of love :)

  17. How sweet of you to give your brother Valentines Day birthday presents! I bet he wasn't expecting that! WE are also having crazy crazy weather. I think that's why I have been so sick this year...the temps are like a see saw!

    And yes, cats are definitely parts of the family and deserve a Valentine treat!!! Beautiful cats you have!

  18. Your cat photos are so adorable. Enjoyed reading your post and I do hope you enjoyed your Valentines day..


  19. The cats are gorgeous, I love the strolling through the snow one! Most of my friends don't do more than wish one a happy VD, it isn't as commercialized here and could almost slip by unnoticed, maybe in Paris and the larger cites there is more of a celebration.

  20. Hope your back starts feeling better soon. I wiped out last Saturday too. The body it isn't what is use to be.

  21. Cute cats ! : ) Yes the Olympics was always suspenseful / to know ahead of time is strange ! :)

  22. Your photographs are beautiful! Hope you have recovered from your fall and if we are lucky, maybe the snow will disappear for this winter.

  23. I too think Valentine's Day should be a celebration of ALL the people we love! The weather has been pretty weird this winter, we are in T-shirts today! I hope your back gets all better soon!

  24. I agree that love is for all.
    cute kitties!
    I hope your back is healing well.
    I love the Olympics and so far have avoided knowing the results beforehand almost completely. Part of the fun is NOT knowing!

  25. Valentines day is for everyone. A great fun holiday, with little stresses!!

    Your kitty images are really outstanding. It's so fun to see the sun!!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  26. the cats paws must get frozen, like our dogs might do being walked along a HOT footpath. I don't think owners realize how hot when they're wearing flip-flops or other foot-wear on theirs. Sweet photos, take care!

  27. Love, love, love all the kitty photos. Yes, it is odd about the Olympics; I've mostly been watching the ice skating, but was SO disappointed in the men's program last nite! Thanks for visiting!

  28. I like these random thoughts and tidbits. You do live in the most wonderful neighborhood for kitty photo ops. The last photo is my favorite. So soft and pretty!

  29. Good point about Valentine's Day not just being for couples. So (belated) Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

    Hope your back is continuing to feel better.

    And I agree with you about watching the Olympics when you already know the results! I'm a night owl, so I get to watch a few hours live starting about 11 pm, but with our tv here, even then I don't always know when I'm seeing live coverage. Grrr! But I'm having fun cheering on my Canadian team!

  30. Great capture, love the second, like a lynx!

  31. You sure have some pretty kitties!


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