Thursday, March 6, 2014

Random 5 Friday

If you stopped by to check out my Photo Art for PHOTO ART FRIDAY click on the link and you will be taken directly to that post.

Now let's join in on the "fun" of RANDOM 5 FRIDAY hosted by Nancy, (A Rural Journal).

As always please click to enlarge photos.

1. We had freezing sleet/rain over this past weekend.  On Sunday a pair of ducks ventured into the yard so we gave them some bread.  They were quite happy with the free meal and a drink of water from the puddle in the parking area at my mom's next door.

2.  I find simple things  (see quote in the last photo) sometimes can be really fun.  Like watching Coleen blow bubbles. This was Sunday afternoon.  Sunday evening she ended up with a case of the (stomach flu). Thankfully by Monday morning she was feeling much better.

3. Whenever someone get's sick do you start to feel sick yourself?  Yep, Monday I woke up and felt horrible.  I felt nauseated, achy and just plain sick.  So I spent the entire day in bed mostly sleeping or watching TV.  It worked because Tuesday I felt better!

4.  Remember this cat?  Call me the "Crazy Cat Lady" but I wanted to make friends with this kitty.

I've been taking food across the street whenever I see it out in hopes of it getting use to me enough to pet it.  Well I've actually been able to pet it quite frequently.  Tonight it decided to actually venture across the street to my mom's porch next door where we leave the food out for the cats.  I was able to not only pet it (I believe it's a female) but I got some lovely shots of it.  I love the way this cat carries it's tail up in the air like a curved hook.  Couldn't get a decent shot of that but here's the kitty:

5.  I had what I hope is my FINAL appointment with the Dentist today for that spot on my gums.  Instead of cutting the rest of the spot out today he burned it again with the laser.  Hopefully this heals up and never ever comes back even though there is roughly a 15-20% chance that it will.

Finally I leave you with this:

Photo taken at Bennington Lake - I thought those little seed pods blowing in the breeze were rather "artistic" looking that day.


  1. A very pretty kitty, but not so much in a first photo!!
    And there's something about bubbles, isn't there?
    Hope your gum heals quickly...
    A great Random 5 and I hope you have a great weekend :)

  2. Yes, if somebody around me gets sick I start feeling that way immediately, even if nothing comes of it, which is usually the case.

  3. Yes - the simple things are best! I think when someone gets sick, I'm so determined that I won't that I just keep on keeping on. You're brave with that kitty - and she really is a beauty!

  4. Oh I am happy you are feeling better and I also hope the gum problem is gone for good. The bubble blowing is always relaxing to watch. That is a scary cat:) but cute.
    Take care OK. B

  5. A fine pair of mallards, a beautiful daughter having fun with bubbles. Sorry you both were ill. Nothing better than blowing bubbles! Your kitty friend is a beauty. And, last but not least, love the last photo and quote -- isn't that the truth!!! Happy Friday!

  6. Ida,
    Glad you and Coleen are feeling better. I would rather have a short lived not really feeling good vs. sick for a few days and miserable.

    Hope your Dentist appointment goes good and your mouth is healing like it should.

    I agree, life is made great by the simple things we observe and participate in.

  7. Lovely shots Ida! What a great shot of Colleen blowing the bubbles, and glad that that stomach flu you both got was a short event. That is always good. How great that your mom lives next door to you. My mom and dad lived next door to me for about 12 years and it was wonderful. It was when my girls were younger, and I loved having them nearby. Enjoy every moment of that. The cat is a lovely one... is he just a stray... who knows, he may be living with you one of these days...

  8. LOVE your thoughts and photos today. Such a pretty kitty. And that last shot is very nice indeed.

  9. lol! that cat showing his/her teeth cracks me up! Going to the dentist scares the bejeebers out of me and I really hope you are healed and that's the end of story. LOVE your last shot and that quote. And I suppose I have YOU to thank for CALL THE MIDWIFE! I had the house to myself ALL weekend-I decided to watch one episode of the series from your suggestion...well....12:30 rolls around and I watched the entire 1st season! Saturday I cleaned the house parked my butt on the couch and watched the 2nd season-and now i'm thrilled that i'm caught up for the season start at the end of the Month. It is THE BEST series I can ever remember watching. SO thank you Ida!

  10. glad she's feeling, that cat looks scary!

  11. Wow, that cat with its mouth open! What perfect timing for the shot :) And I simply loved the last photo - thank you! Hugs to you!

  12. That's a beautiful cat, even with the fangs of death showing! LOL! Glad your gum spot was easily treated!

  13. So true about the simple things! They are the best. Makes me happy you are trying to make friends with Hissy there and feeding him or her.

  14. So happy you are becoming friends with the wayward kitty -- but it does look like a challenge! xo

  15. I bet that mallard couple are looking for a place to nest.
    Sorry to hear you and Coleen have been under the weather. Nice that it didn't last too long.
    Such a lovely cat! Well, maybe not the fierce look moment. :)
    The last image is very serene - lovely quote.

  16. Cute ducks! She's a beautiful cat for a stray!

  17. It's always fun to visit you and your cats and ofcourse your lovely granddaughter is always a pleasure to see. Glad everyone is on the mend and hope you have a great weekend.

  18. Beautiful photos, wonderful pair of ducks!

  19. I adore that last shot and quote!!

  20. I love that last quote....quite a lot! I'm really trying to simplify my life, attitude-wise. And the kitty is adorable. Hope you succeed in making friends. :-)

  21. Ouch...your gum treatment sounds painful. That quote and that photo are perfect.....and beautiful! Have a great weekend....and stay healthy :)

  22. Such a pretty kitty. I sure hope she appreciates the attention you give her.

  23. Love the seed pod photo! And that cat with those fangs. Golly. In the rest of the pictures it looks like a sweet cat though, and looks an awful lot like the kitty I had grown up, he was a boy named Strawberry.

    Glad you're feeling better and hope that spot you're talking about goes away.

    Have a great weekend!

  24. you are brave - i remember as a kid play with a cat & the darn thing bit me. ouch!! not me ... never again. ( :

  25. Glad you and Coleen are feeling better. Sounds similar to what we had. That is such a pretty cat and I am so thankful that you can pet it now. It knows to trust you! That is such a pretty photo of the ducks and the seed pods. Wishing you all a nice weekend.

  26. I would want to make friends with pretty kitty too. I never tire of watching my Blessing blow bubbles.

  27. Kinda' like the bare necessities...the simple bare necessities....forget about your worries and your strife....sorry! got carried away! Kinda' like those seed pods will do if that wind keeps blowing them like that! And what a kind person you are to continue to try to befriend a cat who gave you that kind of hiss!!! lol That meant business. But you triumphed, huh?!! Congratulations on making friends out of enemies!! Not very many people who can do that!!! I say you be the U.S. Ambassador!!!!! :) Have a wonderful week...with no more flu bugs of any kind!

  28. Ah, so many lovely photos! I love the one of Colleen (of course! she's such a cutie) and I really love the last one. It seems to sparkle.
    Glad to hear your dentist trips are done with. Fingers crossed that all goes well!

  29. Kids and bubbles -- that's a great shot of Coleen! And I love that wild kitty. She is gorgeous with that fluffy curled tail. I'm glad to hear she is now officially your friend. Have a wonderful weekend, Ida!

  30. Oh, I love the beautiful kitty! I've never seen a cat with a curled tail before. How funny to have ducks wander into your neighborhood. We had a chicken wander into our yard once. Our cat, Marvin, got pretty excited about that. The chicken got away.

  31. Nice randomness! Having the ducks stop by for a visit is pretty cool and that kitty is really pretty! I'm glad ya'll are all feeling better now. :)

  32. Gorgeous post..full of visual beauty...the ducks are so peaceful....and how I love that stunning cat...the color of fur is magical! So wonderful visiting you and your creative world...awesome images!!

  33. Happy news about the dental things going on . . . let's hope no 15-20% . . .

    Happy weekend . . . no flu please!

  34. Nice shots of the mallards! I like the last one...very simple. Good looking cat!

  35. I especially like that last shot and the sentiment expressed. You are brave to befriend the stray cat. Those fangs looked lethal. What a beautiful cat though! I just love her coloring. Have a great weekend Ida!

  36. Sorry to hear that you wasn't feeling good; but sometimes good rest and relaxing can make a magic.
    Blowing bubbles is such a fun thing to do. Your picture of Coleen is precious!
    So glad that your dental appointment went well and you got help. Hugs to you!!!

  37. Uh, I love that kitty. Have you successfully adopted it? No, wait, it is the cat that adopts you ;) I know what you mean with the tail. I used to have a Himalayan and she had exactly that tail. So beautiful.

  38. I'm glad you've been able to make friends with the cat. She/he is a beauty! Glad you're feeling better, too!

  39. Muy lindas fotos. Ese gato parece león.
    Saludos desde Chile

  40. the kitty looks just like my daughter's cat, orange and fluffy! his name is Fat Boy. :)
    I hope that you are done with that spot. I find that when there is pain in my mouth, it affects my whole body. I love the lake image!

  41. Hope that the dental work is done and you don't have to go back. That cat is adorable! Glad you guys are feeling better now.

  42. Today finally I read this post. Last Friday somehow missed ... - lovely pictures!
    This is a terrific cat, so majestic (those I rarely see in Germany) - I would also want to make me friend.
    And strange: the quote by Amelia Barr I recently read in German and I have long wanted to find it in English because I wanted to use it at last Sunday - and now I find it here!
    I'm ashamed, but I really have not written from you last Sunday -


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