Monday, March 17, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - A little late for the party...

If you have stopped by for SONGOGRAPHY or SUNLIT SUNDAY click on the link to be taken to that post.

I'm a little late getting my post up for SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY but better late then never!

Here are the prompts for this week:

Doorway, Candid, Open, Look Up and Stuffed.

So without further ado let's get started:

DOORWAY - This is an (archived) photo from January because I didn't find any interesting doorway shots this past week.  I was playing around one day and came up with this shot.

It's the doorknob on my mom's back porch door.  You can see it's also a "selfie."

CANDID:  Grandpa taught Coleen how to ride a "Big Girl" bike this past weekend.  She had a blast riding the bigger bike.

OPEN:  Caught Captain Cuddles in the middle of a Yawn.  I think it's safe to say his mouth was wide open.

LOOK UP:  Last weekend we went to the Cowboy breakfast sponsored by the local Community College Rodeo and afterwards Coleen wanted to go look at the horses in the barns.  I captured this shot of her looking up at the horse she was petting.

STUFFED:  I thought about taking a picture of Coleen's many stuffed animals and then I remember this....

It's painted on a building a few blocks away from where we live.  There is also a giant cup of tea next to this.  I'd venture to say if you ate a Croissant that large you really would be stuffed!

Thanks for stopping by & do check out Ashley's blog (Ramblings and Photos) for the other participants in the hunt.


  1. I love the Look up shot with the horse and the selfie in the doorknob!

  2. These were great photos for the prompts. Yeah for Coleen and the big bike. I spent almost all my time riding my bike when I was young. I also love Coleen admiring the horses.

  3. You did a great job with all the prompts. The one with Coleen and the horse is nice. The shot of the doorknob must have taken some time to get it just right. I really like it. That is one big yawn for the cat. The tongue looks like a slide. Thanks for posting such fun photos!

  4. Beautiful shot of Colleen and the horse.

    That big plate and silverware are amazing. It looks like 3 d and not a painting. Made me smile too. Hope you got a picture of the tea cup too as I am sure you can use it for some hunt down the road.

  5. I really like your first photo with your reflection in a door lock. Great creativity!

  6. Beautiful photos, especially the first encantaen me with those wonderful reflections!

  7. I love your selfie in the shiny doorknob! That painting of the croissant sure is eye catching! I bet Colleen is loving her big bike!

  8. these are great ida!! fun selfie and nice shots of colleen. she sure is concentrating riding her wheels!!

    is the last picture a bakery??

  9. That is a sweet picture of Coleen with the horse.

  10. Nice scavenger hunt. It is a lot of fun to just hunt for random photographs. You never know what you might discover.

  11. The first photo of the doorknob is fabulous - what a great idea! And the last picture is quite amazing - thanks for sharing :)

    Hugs and blessings!

  12. Very cute painting. It almost looks real. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

  13. Love the little girl/horse shot and the doorknob shot is pretty cool!

  14. Lots of great shots my friend! That kitty shot had me smiling!


  15. I love that picture of the yawning cat!

  16. So this is painted on the side of a building? hum, would love to see the tea cup. Grandpa's are great for that. You have captured some lovely snap shots

  17. Hi, Ida! I love the photo of your kitty -- I don't think his mouth could be open ANY wider. Haha :) He's a cutie. That was a fun photography scavenger hunt!

  18. Hey, Ida -- I thought I'd left a comment, but then it seemed to disappear - ah well. I love your kitty's photo. Could he open his mouth ANY wider? I think not :) Have a great day!

  19. You do such a great job with these Scavenger Hunts! You're so creative with the photos you find. I love all of these!

  20. Well, happy birthday! Guess I'm a day late. Love the black and white with Coleen and the horse. Clever selfie, too!

  21. Interesting shot for doorway. Love the shot of Coleen with the horse. Very cute!


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