Saturday, March 15, 2014

Songography and Sunlit Sunday

Hello & Welcome.  Today I'll be joining Kathy (You'll Shoot Your Eye Out) for Songography and Karen (My Little Home and Garden) for Sunlit Sunday.

This week's song,  It's Not Easy Being Green
(Kermit the Frog.)


It's not that easy being green;
Having to spend each day the color of the leaves.

(Although these leaves on this tree really stand out.  They are the brightest yellow-green I have ever seen.  You can't miss this tree when it leafs out.)

But green's the color of Spring.
And green can be cool and friendly-like

It's not easy being green.
It seems you blend in with so many other ordinary things.

Be sure to check out both of these wonderful Meme's.  Have a great day and a......
HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY (on Monday) of course!



  1. Enjoyed your various shades of green!

  2. Beautiful "Green" photos. It's one of my favorite colors.

    Happy St. Patrick's day..

  3. Good morning,
    thanks for the lovely green in your pictures (I have a small bush in the yard with a special green, but it is not out, now...)
    I will read, what is St. Patricks Day (I've heard it often).
    Greetings from Germany

  4. The color of that gigantic tree's leaves is really something - wow. But I really like the contrast in the second picture, makes the green stand out even more.

  5. Green certainly cheers things up - especially after a long, cold, white and brown winter.

  6. Enjoying all of your green in this St. Patrick's Day! I can feel the warmth of Spring through your photos. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too, Ida! Thank you for sharing some green this week at Sunlit Sunday. The leaves on the tree really are an outstanding colour. Also, I like that narrow beam of light in the last photo.

    Have a wonderful week.


  8. Such a pretty tree when leafed out and in flower, it looks chartreuse when sunlit.

  9. What fun! Bring on the green and spring! Happy Sunday!

  10. I love it that's it's finally spring and everything is bursting with green! Just in time for St Patty's day too.

  11. I love Kermit and green! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!

  12. I love Kermit and green! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!

  13. This a great collection of greens! That first tree is striking. I love the fresh greens we're seeing at the beginning of spring, like your trees. Have a wonderful week, Ida!

  14. Lots of beautiful Green color here. I LOVE it.


  15. One can never go wrong with green, it is such an uplifting color.

  16. This is a beautiful collection of photographs you have here. Green is so often taken for granted. But I'm finding that living in a world of winter white makes me desperately search for bits of the elusive color. Thank you for joining in at Song-ography.

  17. That is a very neon looking tree! I don't know that I have ever seen one such a color! Pretty cool!

  18. I love that big green tree! I wonder what kind it is? Spring greens are so beautiful to me and we are waiting for any green in the landscape here. Happy Sunlit Sunday!

  19. yes- bright leaves on that first tree- very showy!

  20. green is beautiful and my favourite colour ... lovely tree photos

  21. Beautiful springy green photos. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Green is one of my favorite colors. It is tells me spring, summer, life. :)
    I love your pictures, Ida.

  23. pretty shades of green, that first tree is amazing!! great shape, awesome color!!

  24. Nice shots! Sure could use some green around here

  25. Oh, all that lovely green! It's snowing and the wind is howling here today - I really needed that glimpse of green.

  26. This gives me such hope and anticipation for Spring! Thank you!

  27. Beautiful compositions, I love the last ray of the sun! Nice pictures!

  28. Lots of beautiful greens - that's a very bright tree in your first photo. Stunning.

  29. That's such an amazing tree with the stand out lime leaves - for sure it tis!!!
    Such a nice touch of the Irishness for St Pat's day in your choice of words and greeting!

    I'm full of wishes and dreams too - they're the best part of life!


  30. What a clever theme for your post. That tree is amazing.

  31. That last shot is wonderful!
    I have to believe there's a leprechaun somewhere nearby in that one. :)

  32. Wow! Some tree! And that last photo is very cool!


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