Sunday, March 9, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - March 9, 2014

Welcome!   -  If you are here for SONGOGRAPHY click on the link and you will be taken directly to my post.

I decided to participate in Scavenger Hunt Sunday today as well.
The prompts this week:  Mini, Shoes, Mirror, Mirror,  Shopping & Just Because.

Click to enlarge photos.

MINI:  I saw this "mini" flower (actually a weed) in my mom's yard today.
It's really much smaller then the picture shows.

SHOES:  I'm not one of those women who owns a ton of shoes.  I have my fair share but mainly live either in my Tennis Shoes, Flip-Flops or Slippers.

I do however have my very first baby shoes.  Preserved for all time in Bronze.  This was often done in the 50's.  If you look closely you'll see a worn spot in the shoe on the left which was actually worn on my right foot.  Apparently I tucked that food under my butt and scooted along the floor.  I had to wear special high-top shoes because of that and I didn't learn to walk until after I was over a year old.


I love how the water "mirrors" these water-bugs (we call them, water skippers).

SHOPPING:  Nothing to original here.  Just the store sign from the grocery store we shop at.  At night the wheat is lit up but they hadn't turned on the sign yet when I stopped by to take the picture.

JUST BECAUSE:  Coleen and I went to the annual Cowboy breakfast sponsored by the local Community College Rodeo team this morning.  After breakfast was over we were killing a little time until the kid's rodeo event started and Coleen wanted to run around on the grass.  I asked her why and her response was,  "Just Because"....I think that's fitting and here she is.

Be sure to stop by Ashley's blog and check out the other participants of


  1. I always enjoy your pictures. Coleen looks so cute in her hat and boots.

  2. I've still got my first pair of cowboy boots, but mom never had them bronzed. Nice set of images. Have a blessed Sunday.

  3. Nice choices! The water skippers are cool!

  4. Wonderful impressions. I love the logo of your groceries store.

  5. i am always admiring those mini flowers/weeds!! i think it has been a while since i have seen bronzed shoes... but i remember seeing them when i was little at the shoe store!!!

  6. Love how you captured the water skippers. The Just Because shot is very fitting.

  7. They are interesting bugs, great capture. Nice photos for the hunt!

  8. Glad you came back to SHS today. You did a great job with the prompts. The bugs on the "water" mirror is a cool shot. Kids are a great reason to take Just Because photos.

  9. You've got a nice collection of photos!

  10. Nice shot of the water skippers.

  11. She looks great in her rodeo hat!

    We have those little weeds here too as well as little purple flower weeds.

  12. Beautiful photos! Wonderful the captains of the water!

  13. I think that is the best reason to run around on the grass...just because.

  14. Lovely photos! I also love how the water mirrors the water bugs!

  15. Love that last shot. Perfect that she wanted to do it just because.

  16. "Just because" is a darn good reason to run on the grass. Coleen looks cute in her cowgirl outfit. We have those little flowering weeds all over the place, too. They look pretty close up! Love your pic for the mirror prompt. We call them water skippers, too.

  17. Love your mirror and just because shots!

  18. Nice job on your hunt. Looks like a great challenge.

  19. As always, a wonderful collection! I love the sweet little flower and the waterbugs. And your shoes!

  20. Oh you picked great ones for this. Nice shots. B

  21. I have my moms baby shoes, they look exactly the same!! I own one pair of boots and 27 pair of flip flops!! I am definitely not a shoe girl!!


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