Saturday, March 29, 2014

Songography - Turn, Turn, Turn


This week Kathy (You'll Shoot Your Eye Out) has chosen the song,  Turn, Turn, Turn - Byrds as this weeks SONGOGRAPHY song.  I loved this song.  It's scripturally based on  Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 in the Bible.

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under heaven

We've just entered a new season here with the arrival of spring.  Let's celebrate!

I captured these Pussywillow blooms during the "Golden Hour" one evening this past week.  I love the play of the sunlight on their fuzzy blossoms.

The neighbors around the corner have these two beautiful trees planted right next to each other.  Loving the double blooms on the pink tree.

Some of the new mini daffodils we planted last fall.  These are in Coleen's little flower bed at my mom's house.

Some daffodils in my mom's yard. They start out with the yellow tone and change to the peach tone as they age.  So pretty.

A Tulip Tree just a few houses away from our house.  They are stunning but oh so messy when the blooms die and fall off the tree.

Hope you enjoyed this little breath of spring air.  What a season to enjoy.
Please stop by and join in on the fun of Songography.


  1. Wow!
    Beautiful sights of Spring. I don't even have many buds yet. :)

  2. How pretty! I just noticed green shoots yesterday - about darn time we turn into Spring!!

  3. I sure enjoy seeing all the pretty spring flowers - we have 28 degrees this morning, but at least it didn't snow again!

  4. This morning we are looking at a dusting of snow. There are but a few token spring flowers along the road, otherwise, the buds haven't even made their presence known. Beautiful flowers.

  5. I too like the song and did not know it had a scripture base. Nice images of Spring.

  6. Wow! You have an abundance of flowers in your neighborhood! My favorites are the pink tulip tree blossoms. I haven't heard of those before. I think it's so sweet that Coleen has her own flower bed at your mom's.

  7. Gorgeous photos! Very nice colors!

  8. Oh I just love springtime .... thank you for showing us your spring beauties!

  9. It's the magnolias that I'm looking the most forward to!!! This got me so excited!

  10. Oh so beautiful, every one. I've never seen pink daffodils before. How interesting.

  11. Love these beautiful signs of rebirth and renewal, Ida :)

  12. My goodness, you have a lot of spring to sing about ... we aren't there yet, but seeing yours gives me hope. We are still at the point of cleaning up after the winter mess ... leaves that got covered with snow before we could rake them, bird see under the feeders ... oh my. I do a little at a time or I would be totally overwhelmed. You have a beautiful, bright spring day, Ida ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  13. Ohhhhh, those pussy willows! Love them. The two blooming trees are so pretty together in this photo. My cherry tree gets double pink blooms, just starting now. Half of the tree has small white blooms and the other half the double pink. Has to do with the grafting process. Anyway, these are beautiful photos. Love those pretty daffodils, too. Nice that they give two shows of color. Bonus!

  14. Such a beautiful time of year...I love when the seasons turn from winter to spring. An awakening. Thank you for joining in at Song-ography.

  15. Ida - thank you so much for showing me the lovely, flowery side of spring. Now I really cannot wait for it to arrive.


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