Friday, March 28, 2014

Random 5 Friday


It's been a very BUSY but a good week here for me.  I've been absent from blogging for most of the week due to having something to do every single day this week.  It's time now to kick back and join in on the fun of Random 5 Friday hosted by the wonderful Nancy from (A Rural Journal).

1.  Monday I made my annual (celebrate my birthday) trip to the Wildhorse  Casino along with my mom and Greta.  Within the first 20 minutes we were there I was down $60 and then I won a small jackpot that I cashed in so that I wouldn't go home a loser like I normally do.  - I then started playing another quarter machine and guess what.....

This is only part of what I won,  I came home with all the money I had taken with me and about a $200 profit as well.  My first time ever winning anything!!!

2.  Tuesday was our Play Day for the Bowling League.  Our team ended up taking 2nd place for the season.  I won some money for that and also for having the High Individual Game with Handicap for the entire season.  I tied with another lady so they split the money.  We each got $5 which I decided to buy Scratch Tickets with and I won $50!

3.  Wednesday...sorry I didn't win any more money.  This was take Mom for her B-12 Shot & then head to the dentist to have my mouth checked again.  The spot has pretty much healed but the dentist said it's still not 100% normal.  It may never be but as long as I don't have that horrible sore I don't care. 

4.  Oh I also baked a cake on Wednesday.  I tried out this recipe recommended by the delightful Stephanie from (The Enchanting Rose) blog. -  I must say that while I don't like bananas (mushy texture just gags me) this cake was pretty YUMMY!  -  I added some chopped pecans to the frosting and everyone enjoyed this cake very much. 

5.  Last night we attended  the Celebration of the Arts & Silent Auction event at Coleen's school.  She was singing with her class, had some artwork displayed and her Science Club Heart project was on display.

I'm including a YouTube Video of one of the songs they preformed last night called,  The Cat Came Back.  (Sorry about the jittery part at the beginning.  It was really crowded in the Cafeteria and people kept bumping into me.)

That's it for this week.  I think I would like to kick back now and relax like this...


  1. Wow, it sounds like it was a great week for you! Kudos for your financial good fortune! Hopefully that counteracted the trip to the dentist. We make banana bread with those mushy bananas at our house! Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Quite a winning week for you Ida! Yummy looking cake, and a terrific science project by Coleen!

  3. What a nice birthday present to win money! Love your new header photos.

  4. Lucky you! The Benjamins caught my eye. :)

  5. ooohhh ida, i am so happy for you!! a lil green always comes in handy!!

    i love bananna cake, i'm going to print the recipe!!

  6. And here I thought it was a "dog's life." !! LOL

  7. Congratulations, to your Birthday and to the gains. Sometimes there is a streak of luck for all of us ...
    The photo of the cat is great and I wish you a quiet weekend

  8. Hi Ida! Long time no visit - I apologize for not visiting sooner...I hope your week has been lovely!

    The last picture of the cat gave me the giggles - I think I would like to do the same thing :)

    Your cake looks divine and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. What a clever idea to add the nuts to the icing, I'm sure that made it extra tasty.

    Hugs to you, sweet Ida!

  9. Congrats for winning! I don't play because I never win. ;))

  10. Ida,
    Sounds like you had a fun week!

    I am not much for gambling, but the Husband likes Roulette.

    Glad you got to spend time with your Mom, even if it was for a Doctor appointment. Glad your Dentist report was better.

    New recipe and school activities, you do need a nap! Love the last picture.

    Happy Weekend!

  11. congrats on your wins Ida, Coleen's heart exhibit makes me think back to school days; well done Coleen

  12. wow, too bad the adults didn't quiet down enough to hear the kids' singing clearly! the cake looks mighty tasty. the most money I ever spent the one time I did play Vegas machines was a nickel at a time. color me tight-fisted! you were one lucky lady this week, for sure! have a great weekend!

  13. Ida, I am so happy you won! Your cake looks really good, and I love the cat photo.

  14. I guess I need to come by and rub your head so I can win some money! Congrats on your bowling award and I like Colleen's heart project.

    Your kitty shot made me laugh-my kitty can stretch out like that too.

  15. Sounds like you had a very busy week, and I am ready to kick back and relax like that of your pet :), but not tonight though. My son has a soccer game at 11:15 PM...So I will do the relaxing afterward :)

  16. Congrats on the winnings. The cake looks oh so yummy!

  17. Wow! You had a lucky streak going this week, winning all that money! That cake does look yummy. Sundae ws stretched out today, too!
    Happy Weekend!

  18. WOW! You were certainly on a winning streak! I do the same thing when we visit a casino--as soon as I get ahead I cash in and stop playing.

    Colleen and her class sang very well!

  19. You had a busy week. Happy you were lucky and won some dough. The cake looks delicious too. :)

  20. Congrats on your wins! That must have been exciting!
    You have some beautiful kitties! I sure enjoy mine, but there are days when I could cheerfully give them all away. lol! Well, maybe just one or two.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  21. I like casinos too, but I am a very careful player I like roulette. I always won so far and never lost any money, I can stop at time !
    Nice week you had !

  22. Congratulations on all your winnings, Ida. What marvellous luck! I've never won anything. Lovely video of your little girl singing her Cat came back song, and what a super stretch photo of your cat on the sofa. She looks like she' s very chilled out. Have a great weekend, Bonny

  23. Congratulations on all your winnings, Ida. What marvellous luck! I've never won anything. Lovely video of your little girl singing her Cat came back song, and what a super stretch photo of your cat on the sofa. She looks like she' s very chilled out. Have a great weekend, Bonny

  24. sorry that you didn't win anything. i would never play because i would be in the same spot. or losing. & i hate when i lose. your dessert looks delicious!! yum!! have a great weekend.

    suppose to be rainy here. ( :

  25. oh wow, you have been lucky!! happy birthday!!

  26. Wowie!!!! What a week!!! Winning money is just such a good feeling. I can see why it's addicting!!! Glad you had such a fun week and happy birthday!

  27. I was going to Dover Downs recently but the weather kept me home. I wonder if I would have been as lucky as you!! I hope so.

  28. What a winning week! (I love casinos, too, but seldom manage to walk away with more money than I arrive with!)Hope you found time to relax!

  29. Wow you have had a busy week! So cool that you won some money!!


  30. Congratulations on your winnings! I've never been that fortunate.

  31. Well, that's SOME happy birthday week! Congratulations and happy birthday to you! Going to check out the cake recipe. I always have left over bananas and usually make bread, but since the cake comes recommended, well. . . Lastly, thanks for sharing the song. Too cute, really!


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