Saturday, March 22, 2014


Welcome! -  It's time to join Kathy (You'll Shoot Your Eye Out) for,
This weeks song,  One is the Loneliest Number - (Three Dog Night)
I'm being brief this week as it's late, I'm tired and I really don't have much to say.  So without further ado here is my interpretation of the song.

 Two can be as bad as one, it's the loneliest number since the number one.
                         (Especially if it's you and your shadow).


  1. Oh how sweet... a kitty enjoying the sunshine. Our pups do the same thing on our porch on sunny days. It's as if they know they need it. xox

  2. Love the lighting on your gorgeous kitty!

  3. Sweet shots of the bubble and kitty. Nicely done on getting the shadow as well.

  4. I hope you have recovered. Sometimes ONE just needs a break. Enjoy your day!

  5. Love your header! Sweet little kitty enjoying the sun!

  6. Your kitty looks happy in the sun. Our cats love to take sunbaths in the morning sun. My Murphy sits under the bathroom lights for warmth, too. He's a bit strange :) Have a wonderful week, Ida!

  7. Love the fact that you can see the shadow of the cat's nose - beautiful.

  8. Wonderful interpretation! The bubble is fabulous with the tiny lettering in its center. I could look at kitty photos all day, too. I'm happy to always find some beautiful and sweet kitties here.

  9. That son was a favourite of mine back in the day. :) I love your header collage. It looks perfectly springy. Thanks for your visit and kind comment. I hope the weather continues to improve for you. Pamela

  10. Cuddles looks like he was enjoying his aloneness until you disturbed him with your camera ... Cats tend to be loners, so he is perfect for this song. Your bubble is so fragile and alone ... says a lot if you really want to read into it. Nice post, Ida ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  11. I love the bubble! Your cat is adorable. We have a ginger cat too!

    My Song-ography

  12. How creative, Ida! I like your idea od number two especially! What a great catch on shadow. :)

  13. It really is the loneliest number. Great shots.

  14. the bubble is AWESOME!! great job this week!!

  15. Very clever and creative bubble photo. I like that you added the script to the bubble. And fabulous silhouette shadow in your kitty capture. Thanks for joining in at Song-ography.

  16. As a poet, I love the idea of the shadow!

  17. No need to say more. These are awesome shots my friend.


  18. The first shot is really creative. Love the cat! Very pretty.

  19. Nice pictures , wonderful bubble and cute cat !

  20. What a lovely interpretation Ida. Your photos reflect this perfectly. x

  21. Great interpretations Ida -- such a pretty kitty.

  22. Oh my. Three Dog Night. I remember that group and song. Love the bubble photo.

  23. Thank you for stopping by! I'd love to see you on Monday. The bubble is incredible!

  24. what a great interpretation of this song. love the pretty light in your photos. thank you for stopping by FOL the other day with such a lovely comment. happy friday! xoxo

  25. Wow! Great photographs! I love the bubble - perfect for the theme - and, as always, you cat photo is wonderful.


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