Saturday, April 26, 2014

It's all about "Critters"

Joining in today on 2 Memes featuring....Critters.

Camera Critters hosted by Misty Dawn (Camera Critters)



Saturday's Critters hosted by Eileen (Viewing Nature With Eileen.)
First up some happy but wet ducks sitting in our parking strip yesterday during a rain shower.  (Yes I know we need to mow).

Next a very sleepy and relaxed kitty.  This is our Spooky-boo taking a siesta in his favorite chair.
How about a funny little squirrel enjoying a peanut.  Be sure to check out the last photo today for a BIG surprise!
While out and about yesterday taking some photos I spotted this sweet little kitty in someone's yard and stopped to take it's picture.
Finally I was driving by on my way to the grocery store and I spotted the biggest Squirrel I've ever seen in my life.  I pulled over right away and quickly grabbed my camera and got out being extra careful not to scare this squirrel but it was busy eating a nut so it didn't pay much attention to me.  Whew because seriously with a squirrel this huge you wouldn't want to make it angry!
Wait for it......
"Gottcha!"  -  A woodcarving in someone's yard.  They made good use of an old tree that they cut down.


  1. HI I Love the Mallards sitting in the rain and that last shot is great. Thy certainly have made good use of the wood. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Cute shot of the ducks, I think they like being wet. Your Spooky-boo is a cutie, looking very comfy too. I love the big carved squirrel. I hope you are having a great day! Thanks for sharing your post with my critter party. Have a happy weekend!

  3. Oh, I like the big squirrel! :)Very nice pictures of the kitties.

  4. love that big wooden squirrel. there are a few around here doing the carving to their stumps... love the kitty in the chair and in the yard.... i love critters

  5. stop mowing the grass if the unmown lawn attracts such birds as these

  6. Oh my gosh- THAT is one big squirrel! Cute kitties.

  7. I just wanna cuddle up with Spooky-boo.

    Good one on the squirrel, the BIG one! LOL!

  8. Spooky Boo is a character..Is that tulip parade near you ??

  9. I love 'little' squirrel, nice one.

  10. love the squirrel that seem to try to hide itself. :)

    Re the Red Deer, I live in Sweden. :)

  11. That's some squirrel! Great shots of the critters you find around you.

  12. a nice surprise ending Ida - made me smile

  13. What a fun post!! Love that huge squirrel! smile...

  14. so eine schöne Bildersammlung

    mit einem LG vom katerchen

  15. Definitely great subjects! I like the big squirrel, too!

  16. Beautiful critters all of them! Thank you for visiting my blog!

  17. Love the Mallards. And your squirrel made me laugh.

  18. Love your kitty shots and that giant squirrel is a cool snap.. :)

  19. I love all of these, including your giant squirrels. I think if they really were that big they would get more respect!

  20. so many great captures but the squirrels win the post... that one behind the tree looks like a sneaky thief... and the carving is terrific. great use of a purposefully fallen tree... love you cat all sprawled out like that. hope all is well. have a great day~

  21. all lovely critters.

    and love the squirrel carving :)

  22. Cute shots. You make me smile too :)
    Thanks for dropping by.

  23. great photos, so glad I stopped by. and so glad to find out about camera critters too. :-)

    have a great week, Geraldine

  24. Funny girl -- the last made me laugh ! Your real critters are adorable and a lovely assortment of all kinds.

  25. love your header shot. so springy.

    love the squirrel. so funny. someone has a great woody scent of humor. i wonder how long it takes to make a piece like that? i have seen folks working with wood like that. neat find. ( :

    enjoy your week.

  26. Oh, I laughed out loud at the last photo! You had me at critters. Great photos!

  27. I love mallards and they are back on the pond.. if you are ever interested, I have a small meme called Nature Notes for the past 5 years to share posts about nature. I put it up on Monday nights...Michelle from

  28. All wonderful critters! Love the ducks and sleepy kitty. Had to smile at your giant squirrel.

  29. Ha! You got me on that one! It needs to stop raining long enough to mow. The ducks don't seem to mind.

  30. Ha! Yep, you got me, too! Great set of critters.


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