Friday, April 25, 2014

Six Word Fridays - Flowers & Random Thoughts

Happy Friday -  Today I thought I would join in with Adrienne (My Memory Art) for Six Word Fridays and also post 5 Random Thoughts.

This is my first time participating in Six Word Fridays  so I hope that I've done it correctly.  The word for this week was Flowers.

Click to Enlarge All Photos

                                         ENCHANTED DANCERS

                                         GRACEFUL MOVEMENT

                                             JOYOUS GIVING

                                                  5  Random Thoughts

1.  This was harder then I thought it would be.  I'm not a poet by any means and being a "talker" it was hard to condense into just 6 words but I think I did okay.

2. Rain, Rain, Go Away....Come again some other day.  Preferably in the middle of summer when it's blazing hot outside.  I'm tired of being wet & soggy this week.

3.  Coleen's funny saying this week.  While watching, Dancing With The Stars this week she saw the guest judge,  Redfoo and out of no where she says,   "The 80's called,  They want their hair back!" 
He did have one wild hairdo.

4. Thank goodness there are no more holidays until Halloween in which (Candy) is a prominent part of the holiday.  My dentist said I need to stop eating so much sugar.

5.  We had a close scare this week with Coleen's Gerbils.  Spooky-boo, the cat got inside the cage & played with Walnut (one of the Gerbils).  Thankfully we caught him before it was too late.  That was one traumatized Gerbil.   (Not to mention one upset little girl) I thought he was a goner for sure but he pulled out of it.  A trip to the Vet yesterday and some Antibiotics for the superficial cuts and he should be good to go.  Whew!

Take care & have a wonderful week.


  1. Love tulips in the spring! Thanks for sharing.

  2. oh, your flowers are beautiful. i don't know which i like best the first or last flowers... i'm so sorry about your gerbil. glad he's doing okay. hopefully your daughter is doing better now too. we've had rain, sun, rain, sun, etc today. hopefully it won't be a recurring theme for the weekend. have a great day~

  3. Beautiful, Beautiful shots. I am a new follower via 6 word Friday. I look forward to your future posts.

  4. Poor little gerbil and scared Colleen. I'm glad it was ok!!

  5. Fabulous photos, Ida! There's a lot of lovely purple going on down your way, and purple is one of my favourite colours. Wow, what a lucky escape for the gerbil. Coleen is really funny: great remark about the 80's wanting their hair back! That really made me chuckle. She must be a a big personality. Hope you have a great weekend, Bonny

  6. I would say your six words were a perfect match for your pictures so no need to fret ... poet or not, you did good.

    I thought "5 Random Thoughts" had ended, but I am glad to see you are carrying it on ... enjoyed your thoughts and am very happy that Walnut is doing well ... naughty kitty :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  7. We are supposed to get rain here in Montreal over the entire weekend. I try to remind myself, "April showers bring May flowers." Your photos are gorgeous, Ida! Thank you so much for sharing them.

  8. Oh lucky Walnut I bet that was scary. Love Coleen's comment "The 80's called, They want their hair back!" . B

  9. Sorry to hear about the Gerbil drama. It is always something when you have pets! That first photo is beautiful!

  10. Lovely pictures! Best wishes to Walnut for a speedy recovery.

  11. Your photos are beautiful, especially the azaleas. So sorry about the traumatized gerbil. Poor thing!

  12. Well, hi Ida! Visiting from Six Word Fridays. You did just fine -great, in fact! What you said are just what flowers ARE. So lovely, thank you. Hope to see you here next Friday.

  13. First and foremost, your six words, your images, perfect and gorgeous. And they all just happen to be my favorite color.

    Kids say the darnedest things don't they. It's fun to have a little "spunk" in the house!!

  14. Beautiful, beautiful flower photographs, Ida! Wow.
    Loved reading your random thoughts, too.

  15. Thanks for the "follow" Ida. You are now offficially a "Bird Brain" and I have returned the complement to follow your blog.

    Lovely flower photos, especially the graceful movement one.

  16. Wonderful flowers. I love the first one!

  17. oh the poor gerbil!!!

    Lovely shots of your flowers :)

  18. Such beautiful colors on your flowers. I cannot wait to have some again. They will begin to sprout soon now that we're having a bit warmer weather here in Ohio although we did have frost again two mornings. Love the words to go with your picture. Very nice. :)

  19. I love all those wonderful shades of purple in your pictures. Beautiful.

    p.s. I know exactly how you feel about participating in 6 words :)

  20. All so pretty! What is the bloom in your header photo? Rain is coming our way, for many days apparently. We enjoyed the sunshine today during a brief appearance!

  21. Glad the gerbil is going to be ok with some meds. Beautiful, beautiful flowers!!!

  22. perfect words for such glorious photos. thanks for sharing.

  23. Oh, my gosh! Scary about the poor little gerbil! I'm glad it's okay in the end. Beautiful flower photos! We've been having rain, too, but yesterday was pretty nice. Not sure what today will bring, but tomorrow -- a day off -- is supposed to be gorgeous!

  24. Beautiful flowers, Ida! Loved seeing the ducks and cats in your previous post too.


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