Thursday, May 29, 2014

6 Word Fridays and 5 Random Photos

Happy Friday!  - Remember to Click to Enlarge Photos for better detail.

Joining in with Adrienne (My Memory Art) for SIX WORD FRIDAYS and once again showcasing 5 Random Photos (never seen on my blog) with Quotes I found to go with them.

The word for this week was Move (or in my interpretation, Movement.)

First up for 6 Word Fridays (boy was it hard to find a 6 word quote dealing with Movement) - You'll notice this is the only photo with a 6 word quote but I've also include 6 Word Descriptions for the other photos.

Spotted this cat, running swiftly past
Sunday morning, what a mad dash.

Piercing Green Eyes, Melting one's soul
Thoughts Ever Hidden, Always in control.

Enchanting flowering bush, oh so colorful
Giving Pleasure to all who view.

Artistic Mural, Painted on a Wall,
Sounds of music, I now recall.

Something silly to make you laugh
Carpet Cleaning really can be fun.

(Just a word of explanation on that last photo.  I was spraying carpet cleaning foam to get out some spots and when I looked the spray had formed this silly face.  I just had to take a picture of it.)


  1. Oh, I LOVE theses quotes; especially Ann Frank♡♡♡

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  2. Ida, Ida, Ida...they just keep getting better every Friday! And practically any quote by Anne Frank gives me pause. xx, m & jb

  3. LOL carpet cleaning! :)

    Love the gray cat photo ...perfect pose ! :)

  4. Good catch with that kitty on the run. Glad you had something to amuse your work too. That's a funny find.

  5. I would have taken a photo of smiley carpet cleaner too!! I love all of your cat photos!

  6. I follow a Twitter account called Faces In Things. One of the highlights of my day. Great photo of the cat leaping thru the air. Have a great day.

  7. love the cute cats. that last one is great. :)

  8. What a great post, Ida! Thanks so much for brightening my day, and the cat in motion is quite amazing!

  9. All five pictures are very good with some remarkable sayings! Well done.

  10. I've always liked that Ann Frank quote. The words are so much more powerful on account of their context.

  11. These are awesome! I love them all.

  12. Fun posts. Thanks for coming by my fence post.

  13. First off I have to say that the clematis is the header is gorgeous! And the rose in the post previous to this one is amazing! What's the name, do you know?
    I love the cat running. And it is true that cat's have faces that don't reveal much (second image). The carpet face is the domestic version of an ink blot test. It does look like a smily face doesn't it! Have a great weekend Ida!

  14. Hi Ida, These are awesome pics. I love the cats, especially.

    Wishing you a nice evening.

  15. Ida, these are so wonderful! I love the six word accompaniment for every one of them! And what a great observation on the foam face!

  16. Lovely kitties.
    Have a Nice Weekend.
    Peace :)

  17. I love the kitties! Great photos!

  18. Love your post. Such wonderful photos. The first one of the cat running is awesome.


  19. Love your post. Such wonderful photos. The first one of the cat running is awesome.


  20. LOVE the kitty photos! Nice done. Also, that silly face made me smile - looks like a Halloween Ghost!!

  21. Great post! I do love the pale pink flowers (or are they leaves?). And your carpet cleaner has such a sense of humor!

  22. i couldn't wrap my mind around move today.....and i always have so much i want to say about my images!!

    great job today ida....i loved the flying cat. that required some perfect timing and you nailed it!!!

  23. Great six words. love the face in the cleaning foam.
    I found some faces by not cleaning here
    They might make you smile.

  24. Wonderful photos of cats and flowers :)

  25. that picture of the jumping cat is amazing!

  26. Pretty kitties! Lovely images and quotes.. Happy Sunday!

  27. Pretty kitties! Lovely images and quotes.. Happy Sunday!

  28. I love the first photo of the cat in motion, brilliant! x

  29. These are great! And that last one gave me a good laugh. So glad you took a photo of it. Hahahahahaha!

  30. Love that Martha Graham quote!! And the photo's perfect for it! Thanks for linking up!

  31. That last photo makes me the kitties.

  32. I absolutely love that you were able to find something fun in cleaning carpets!


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