Sunday, June 1, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - June 1, 2014

Welcome.  It's time to join Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY.  This weeks prompts:

Make Mine A_________, Quirky, Morning Ritual,
What Were They Thinking, What's in your_______

A couple of my photos are "archive" photos but I just couldn't get all the prompts in this week otherwise.

MAKE MINE A____________

Piping Hot Fresh from the Oven Slice of Pizza....Enough Said1
QUIRKY:  I'm pretty sure I've never shared this before but in case I have please chalk it up to (a senior moment). 

On of the many "Quirky" frog statues/figures in Milton-Freewater, OR know for their (Muddy Frogwater Festival).
MORNING RITUAL:  Does Anyone Remember This SHS entry?  Well I realized this morning that I had never shared the Tea Cup shot so since many people enjoy a morning cup of tea as part of their ritual I thought I share this with you as promised in the previous entry:

WHAT WERE THEY THINKING:  Yesterday I took Coleen to an event at the local Community College.  They had lots of activities for kids and one of them was a tour of their Water Facility where they are raising Lamprey Eels and Mussels.  Here is a shot of Coleen and the gal who was giving the tour.  I'm not sure what Coleen was telling her but I love the intense look she has on her face.

WHAT'S IN YOUR________ this case Coleen is inside the mouth of a Giant Salmon.  One of the displays at the Return to the River Salmon Festival that we attended yesterday.


  1. i really like the frog king riding the Harley Snail bike... looks like a fun place to be... you did good using your archives, i don't think i had anything

  2. Yep, you could make mine pizza almost anytime and I would be a happy camper. Love the "Quirky" prompt. Nicely done. Have a blessed week,

  3. Wonderful photos. The look on Colleen's face is priceless!

  4. I love her face. I can't tell if she's super excited/impressed or thinking what in the world?!

  5. LOVE the frog statue! Colleen is adorable in the fish mouth too!

  6. The frog riding the snail cracked me up! Love that mural - it's very realistic!

  7. Really great captures. Lovely pizza, and the image with Colleen talking is really good!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  8. Very fun post. Love that last shot!

  9. shot makes me hungry. Love the shot of Colleen in the salmon's mouth!

  10. These all great. After each I was gonna say my favorite! Love the quirky and then the fork and spoon! Well I am following your blog now too. Checking out a few more posts before I go.
    Oh I was going to do Scavenger Hunt but couldn't think of anything quirky. Or the first one. I love the Pizza. I want one of those!
    Have a great week,

  11. You have the best photos.

    Looks like Coleen had a nice weekend!

  12. the frog is so funny! it's hard to tell how tall the statue... could your granddaughter sit on it? the picture of the cup of coffee is my favorite!

  13. Love the frog statue! I would enjoy having that beside my pond.

  14. That frog sculpture is wonderful! Like colleen in the fish mouth too and I do remember the tea photo-or rather the silverware part of the photo.

  15. Wonderful interpretations Ida. Can I ask what camera you use? Take care xx

  16. That last shot is cute! Love the quirky frog statue too.

  17. Thank you so much for stopping by today and leaving a comment. I've been blog quiet lately! Love your finds and have a good week!

  18. Really neat photos for the scavenger hunt. I enjoyed the ones with your daughter the most.

  19. colleen always steals the show for me!!

    quirky was very cool and i think i remember that coffee shop. some peeps are so creative, i am always on the lookout for this out of the ordinary stuff!!!

  20. This pizza looks so yummy! And what a unique wall picture with the tea! Looks like Coleen had a very interesting visit to College,
    so nice that they have activities for kids.

  21. Fun shots! The statue in your 'quirky" shot is hilarious! I, too, like the look on the girl's face in "what were you thinking?". Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  22. I'd love a slice of that pizza, please!

  23. Fabulous fun shots! I haven't seen any of these before. Love the frog. Been ages since I've been to Milton-Freewater. I need to get out more!

  24. Love the giant salmon. Great picture with Colleen posing in it!


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