Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Adventure and Apology

Hello dear friends.  I want to take a moment to Apologize for my lack of comments to everyone who has stopped by in the last few days.  I had a busy and a stressful weekend and to top it off spent nearly 2 hours in the Dentist chair yesterday so I've not had the time to reply to those who left comments on recent posts.  I thank each and everyone of you for those comments.  They mean a lot to me even if I don't always get back to you.

As you know from my Scavenger Hunt Sunday post I took Coleen to the Children's Museum Saturday and we had our own little "Adventure" together.  Here is a part of that....

We took this boat on a little journey and Coleen was the Skipper of the boat.

Our destination according to Coleen.....Hawaii (How I Wish) but in her imagination that's exactly where we were and it was Fun!

Thanks for your patience as I get caught up with blogs and commenting this week.


  1. the boat makes for a great play area!

  2. The last photo really captures the wonderment on her face... oh, to have that back again, Ida!

  3. adventures with a grandchild- the best kind!

  4. I hope you are feeling better! Take care.

  5. I am sorry about your long visit to the dentist. I have been through that and I know it is tough!

    It sounds like you and Coleen had fun a the Children's museum on Saturday!

  6. I love this girl, an adventure with Colleen is just what the doctor or dentist ordered!!

    She always looks sooooo happy, I think you are good for one another!!

  7. I know what you mean. I don't always get to every blog every day either.

  8. Don't worry about it, Ida. We understand that real life should be more important than blogging! Your little 'excursion to Hawaii' looks like it was fun!

  9. We all get crazy busy sometimes. That is just life!

  10. That's okay, I try to catch up with mine too. Looks like she is having fun here. Have a nice week. :)

  11. Your granddaughter is darling - she has your beautiful eyes, from what I can tell. I just did a similar post - a busy time of year for many. I hope things are calming down for you and the dentist visit wasn't too awful! I have one next Wed. and it's been a while. I'm hoping it won't be too bad....Wishing you a pleasant and peaceful week, Ida. xo Karen

  12. hope the week gets better Ida ...a lovely place to visit for Colleen and yourself as adventurers

  13. Good Morning Ida! No apologies needed. Sometimes life just gets busy. Been that way for me the last three weeks. I haven't had the time nor motivation to get a post up or stay on top of comments. Love the idea of taking a journey in the boat. Imagination is a wonderful thing!

  14. Oh, what a fun day you must have had! Hawaii!! Awww..how we'd all love to go...😊


  15. Hi Ida,
    Two hours in the dentist's chair would be enough for me to stop blogging for a month. I sincerely hope this week is turning out to be less stressful. Colleen is a-dor-a-ble!

  16. My daughter and family got back from Hawaii. If you have alott of monies great if not start saving. As it has really changed. To be active in things. Figure 100 dollars for each member. of family .

    They did some things but the most beautiful was the rain forests walking and seeing the birds and in the plane looking down at mountains with snow. Hawaii had not much display of flowers as they are just getting out of the cool weather. The flowers you see around the neck of people receiving off

    f the plane. It is fake commercial. One ends up buying them yourself. Such a disappointment. As on T.v my daughter was waiting for that moment.

  17. I'm sorry for the stress you've been under. Hopefully, life will settle down for you soon. Love that artistic image of Coleen!

  18. I'd hop on for a trip to Hawaii too!

  19. Very, very cute. Someone there is having a ball!

  20. She looks as if she's having lots of fun! :)

  21. Looks like you had so much fun at the museum!
    Hope everything is all right after long dentist visit.

  22. Life is just an adventure with little ones! They can have fun with so little.

  23. I completely understand where you are coming from!!! Hope you feel better!

  24. I completely understand!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. So fun to visit new things through a grandchild's eyes! Sorry about the dentist -- No fun. We understand!

  26. Love that colorful boat and your photo effects. These pictures would be cute on a scrapbook page if a person was into scrapbooking. Hope you have a better week.

  27. A child's imagination is such a refreshing thing. I hope your stressful few days are behind you. Sweet photo of her.


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