Saturday, May 3, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

If you have stopped in for Songography click on the link and you'll be taken to that post or just scroll down 1 post.  I wanted to give each meme this week their own separate post.

So please join me now on a little hunt...It's time to join Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY

This weeks prompts:  On My Feet, Shapes, Little Things, Good & Egg.


No these aren't "my feet" but seriously I have ugly feet and I basically wear either Tennis Shoes or Flip Flops neither of which make for a very exciting photo.  Instead I went with a photo of Coleen pointing to the feet of this animal (I'm guessing it was a dog) and showing the break in it's leg.  We went to the Children's Museum here in town this morning and they have an Veterinary Exhibit for the kids to play in complete with X-ray's that they can look at.

SHAPES:  Some of the shapes from one of the games they have for the kids to play with at the museum.


These "little things" are baby Salmon displayed in a tank at the museum.  They will eventually be released in one of the local streams in the area.


It would appear that this metal crocodile has a "good" grip on Coleen but in actuality she's just a "good" little actress hamming it up for Grandma.

EGG:  A Dinosaur hatching from it's Egg, part of the Dinosaur exhibit at the Children's Museum.

We had a fun time at the museum.  She would have stayed all day if Grandma would have let her.

Don't forget to stop by Ashley's blog and check out the other participants in the hunt.


  1. fun choices though I feel for the poor little creature with his broken leg! I am sorry to see you lost your beautiful little Blackie.

  2. Coleen really brought that shot to life! :) And I love the shapes close-up! Beautiful finds all around.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. you found the perfect place to hunt for this hunt. i like them all but the dinosaur egg is my favorite

  4. Wow, you got some awesome shots at the museum. I think my favorite would have to be "Good." That is just too funny.

  5. The trip to the museum sounds like a lot of fun!

  6. Cool place to visit - and nice photos too!

  7. Fun post. I love the metal monster biting down on the arm.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  8. Fun post! Love the shot of Coleen and the croc!!!

  9. The crocodile photo made me laugh out loud... what a little ham she is! LOL

  10. colleen's a cutie. :) and a ham. :)

  11. It looks like you had a great day at the museum with your granddaughter. And found lots of great photo subjects too! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Oh, owie on that break! Fun pics from the museum, though I feel for that poor doggie.

  13. I knew that the first x ray was of an animal. Great shot of Colleen and the dinosaur. Wish you could have stayed all day.

  14. that museum sounds great... i love how they share those ex rays with the children to help them learn. your images are prefect... Coleen looked to be having a lot of fun... so i'm guessing grandma was the coolest... have a great day~

  15. That was a fascinating post! I used to be a vet tech, so I found the x-ray interesting. I love critters, so even the dinosaur egg was fun!

  16. I'm not sure how I feel about the feet, but anything is better than showing my own. Coleen is a good actress. Great expression. Salmon, that's interesting. I don't know of anyone ever catching any around here. I like the dinosaur egg. That makes we want to listen to the audio version of
    Eragon again.

  17. I can see why you like these challenges Ida. It must be fun to find the images to go with the prompt. The favourite for me is the shot of Coleen. I just love the expression on her face!

  18. Great shots for the scavenger hunt. The dinosaur hatchling if really cool!

  19. Lots of awesome and creative shots for this weeks hunt.. Well done my friend.


  20. Yes, very nice photos in the museum!

  21. What an adorable collection for the scavenger hunt! I love the shot of Coleen being eaten. ;-)


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