Thursday, May 15, 2014

Good Fences #8

Wow this month has been "flying" by so quickly.  I have been super busy (lots of work in the flower beds) and have had little time for blogging. :o(
Anyway I wanted to join in on Good Fences hosted by Theresa from, (The Run-a-Round Ranch Report) today.

My fence is a pretty common fence around here.  I've seen several homes with this same type of fencing.  I rather like it though and loved the way this fence curves around the yard.  I've included a color photo (this was taken last fall) and also converted the photo to black and white.  Which is your favorite?

Click to enlarge:

Now for the Black/White version.

I've got company today so I may not get around to your blog right away but I will find time to visit as I hate to miss out on the fun.


  1. i like both images! i do like the curvature, too!

    thanks for linking up, ida!

  2. Neat fence! And, your family and friends should always take precedence over blogging... Have fun today!!

  3. I am more of a color person so I probably prefer the color version ... but then, the BW is good too, so can I be indecisive? Enjoy your conpany and don't worry about being to busy to blog ... Blogging is a choice, an option and you are free to come an go as you please ... even if we do miss your posts :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  4. Hi Ida! I really like both photos and find the fences to be quite captivating.

    Also, I love your header picture - the delicate blooms are lovely! Hugs and blessings to you!

  5. I love this fence! It's got such a pretty design !Good job on the B & W too!

  6. Hi Well I cannot decide which one i like best and as their is not a gun to my head, I will settle for both.

  7. Cool fence! I do like the color version the best! I hope all is well , enjoy your day!

  8. I like wrought iron! It's usually so intricate like this.

  9. Cool fence. I like the color image best.

  10. It's really lovely in color and in b&w! Hope life settles down for you soon, Ida. :)

  11. I like how the fence curves, and actually, I like both versions of your photo too. B&W has a charm all its own.

  12. It may be common there, but definitely not around here. Really is a pretty, blue one.

  13. Both images are really nice, but I like the colored one a bit more. To me it has a bit more atmosphere.

  14. They both evoke such different feelings. The color picture says "How pretty!" and the black and white says "Ooo, spooky." Love it!

  15. Well Ida, I'm usually a fan of B&W, but in this instance the blue and green together reduce the contrast in monochrome. And that blue is so dreamy...

  16. Stunning design and both are lovely in their own way.

  17. So hard to decide. I like both. I spent some time in Oaxaca, Mexico years ago photographing the "rejas." Love wrought iron.

  18. That's an elegant fence! I like both images, but the B&W shows off the contour of the fence better.

  19. What a unique fence. I like both, but the colored one is quite stunning.
    Blessings! Debbie

  20. They both look great, Ida, but my favourite is the coloured one. It's got a great retro look to the colour. Maybe you've used a special filter or some technical wizardry to achieve the effect. Either way it's a very attractive fence. All the best, Bonny

  21. Ultramarine blue is my favorite color to paint, so I'm prejudiced:)

  22. I love both these photos Ida, and have always loved wrought iron fencing. Enjoy your company Ida :)

  23. I like the b&w but in this instance my favourite is the coloured - I love that bright blue - it is so vibrant.

  24. What a lovely fence! I'd like to see more of that type where we live.

    Thanks for your visit and kind comment on my fences.


  25. Nice iron fence, love the curve. :) I have a gate made out of iron and love it!

    I love your site, nice photography!

  26. That is a pretty fence. I like both versions.

  27. it may be common but it's oh so pretty!! i like the curve, i love the b&w!!!

  28. Ooo -- I prefer the color image quite a bit. LOVE the blue, and the yellow in the background. That's a beautiful fence! We don't have many like that here, b/c we are so rural. More barbed wire and such. City fences can be so elegant.

  29. Ida, do you know what that pink-flowering plant on your header is?

  30. I need to do this some time ( the fence thing! :) It looks fun! :)

  31. I love that look of fencing, and both images are nice. Enjoy the flower beds!

  32. Gosh I too like both images. And blue wow!!

    I took my fence picture on the back road between Sprague and Ritzville Wa. I believe it was onWellsandt Rd. MB

  33. lovely post - and your header blossoms are fantastic Ida

  34. Oh, my, I love both versions...and it is a pretty fence!

  35. I love iron -- they last forever..
    #2 is favorite today..

  36. I like both! Nice fence and I also like how it curves.

  37. Wow, Ida, I can hardly believe such a beautiful type of fence is common where you live. The blue color is super duper. Are they mostly all blue?

  38. I like both, but the blue fence just makes me smile.

  39. How gorgeous! LOVE the blue! Have a fabulous weekend! Hugs!

  40. Loving the sculptural look of the B/W version Ida! :) That reminds me, I wanted to build a little fencing on either side of my vegetable bed. This would be perfect.

  41. Each one has wonderful merits. I like the first for the color and light and the second one highlights the form of the fence.
    A lovely find!

  42. Your fence is so beautiful. I definitely like the color one because it's not as common and the color is very pretty.

  43. I like the color one but the other one has a nice rhythm too.

  44. Oh My!!! This type of fence is not common in y country :-)
    Yes,I LOVE the coloring both of them; fantastic(^_^)v

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  45. beyond beautiful! I love them

  46. I love the color fence! I also LOVE THE FENCE!!!


  47. Love the vignette and I lean a bit more to the color one. But that fence is just so nice to begin with, that it's hard to decide.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  48. Enjoy your company...
    Your fence find is the curvature in the construction.

  49. I really like both! Hope you are enjoying your flower beds!

  50. I like both the color and the B&W but give the color a little nudge. Love the background with the soft bokeh on that one.


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