Saturday, May 17, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - May 18, 2014

                                          Hello & Welcome.

Today I'm joining Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for

So let's get started with the Scavenger Hunt.

This weeks prompts:

Animals, In The Shade, From Behind,
On the Ground and Bugs/Blossoms.

Today was the annual Ducky Derby here in Walla Walla so all photos today were taken at the Derby.

ANIMALS:  Okay this is just 1 animal but there were goats, a pony,  some cute little puppies and "Izzy" the camel there for the kids to pet.

IN THE SHADE:  Well we weren't exactly in the shade but Coleen did have a Sun Hat on to "shade" her eyes while she held this adorable little puppy that was up for adoption at the Derby.

FROM BEHIND:  This is the view from behind the Dump Truck just before the ducks were dumped into the creek.

five of those ducks were one's I bought in hopes of winning the race.  Sadly once again my ducks did not win.  Oh well the proceeds go towards a good cause and it's fun to watch them race so it was worth it.

ON THE GROUND:  When we first arrived at the Derby a Kids Race was being held and these Pinwheels were on the ground/track area marking the race.

BUGS/BLOSSOMS:  In this case how about a duck/blossom.  Coleen won this in one of the kid activities at the race.

That's it for this weeks hunt.  Have a great day. 


  1. Fun photos. Congrats to Coleen for winning one of the races!

  2. Pinwheels are so fun! They were the best toy when I was a kid. :)

  3. Fabulous pictures today! Hope you have a nice Sunday.
    Moving day is Wed. (finally)

  4. Hey Dorothy, your on the ground blossom shot in response to the prompt takes the cake. I said to myself: here is a woman who thinks like me! LOL!

  5. I love your camel photo. They are so comical looking. Maybe next year on the duck derby for you.

  6. Lots of wonderful photos my friend. Your rocked the Hunt this week.


  7. Your camel is so delightful, and the pin wheels are fun!

  8. What a fun activity! Love the photo of all the ducks in the back of that truck. And you're lucky Colleen didn't talk you into taking home that adorable puppy.

  9. Nice pictures, full of beauty, beautiful!

  10. Fabulous photos for all the prompts! Awesome camel shot. Love me some critters with all the character in their faces. Some are cute, some are funny. Guess you know where this camel falls.

  11. That puppy that Coleen is holding is so cute! :) Very nice pictures.
    Thank you for sharing your day, Ida.

  12. Love the photos of the camel and Coleen with the puppy!

  13. Sounds like tons of fun. How cute! I love that rubber ducky

  14. That duck blossom is cute! Looks like a fun time was had by all.

  15. Sounds like a wonderful time and Colleen looks like she was enjoying that puppy.

  16. Sounds like a wonderful time and Colleen looks like she was enjoying that puppy.

  17. oohhhh Ida, what a fun always find great images for the prompts!!!

  18. Coleen looks darling in that hat! I would love to wear hats but I look goofy in them!

  19. That looks like quite the fun day!

  20. Great selection. Love the laughing camel!

  21. What fun you've had! Lovely photo of little Colleen with an adorable puppy. They both look great. All the best, Bonny


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