Saturday, May 24, 2014

Mug Exchange Fun

Recently I participated in a fun event hosted by the delightful Stephanie from, The Enchanted Rose blog.  She hosted a Mug Exchange where you were assigned a partner and got to send them a Mug and whatever else you wanted to send.  It sounded like so much fun so I decided to sign up and boy was I glad that I did.

I was given Gina from (By Lantern Light) as my partner to send to.  I had a lot of fun putting together my package for her.  She has a new blog so I didn't know much about her  when I picked out what to send.  Her blog is very nice so stop by her sweet blog and say hello.

The partner that got my name was none other then Stephanie's mom,  Debbie (She Graces Her Home.)  I was so excited opening her package.  She sent me the most adorable Ladybug Mug ever.  I plan to actually use it as a candy dish because it's just to cute to stick in a cupboard where it can't be seen that much.
Along with the Mug she sent some charming Watermelon Salt & Pepper Shakers. The funny thing is that I actually can't stand (real) watermelon.  It makes me nauseous and sick if I eat it.  My family has to sit down wind of me whenever they eat it and generally that has to be done outdoors because even the scent in the house gags me.  So the perfect watermelon for me were these sweet salt/pepper shakers.
Then there was yummy Cappuccino Coffee Packets and a fabulous Gardening Magazine.

Finally she included a charming and darling apron (made by her daughter, Stephanie).  It's so cute.  The material is red/white checks with a scallop lace border and ladybug details.  You can see it here in the combine package photo below.

We have horrible lighting in our house so I apologize for the not so stellar photos. 

I just love being a part of this and making new blogging friends.  I hope the next time Stephanie hosts one of these events you'll join in on the fun.

Thank you again to Stephanie for hosting and to Debbie for all the wonderful items you sent me.  It was loads of fun.


  1. Wow - this sounds like fab fun. I wish I could have participated. Let me know it happens next time, wait, I'll also check out Stephanie's blog once I'm done here :)
    Enjoy your gifts!

  2. Hi Ida. I love the colorful kitchen theme she went with. Your photos look like they were styles for a magazine shoot. Hope you are having a fine-weather weekend. It's been spectacularly gorgeous here for two days now. Savor, savor!

  3. No way! That is the cutest mug EVER! And such a nice package of goodies she sent along with it. What a fabulous idea! I'm going to bring up this idea with a few of my friends, or maybe for our Secret Santa exchange at work. Do a Christmas mug theme. Awesome! Weird how you react to watermelon. It sounds almost like an allergy, perhaps. Enjoy your weekend in beautiful Walla Walla, Ida!

  4. You hit the jackpot! I'd do the same with the is so cute.

  5. I am in awe of your amazing gifts! That mug is adorable and I can see why you're going to use it as a candy dish - I would too :)

    Love the story behind the watermelon, although I am sorry it makes you sick :( At least the salt and pepper shakers won't make you sick.

    And of course the apron is just too sweet. I'm so glad you joined, Ida :) Hugs to you and enjoy your weekend!

  6. Beautiful gifts. It sounds like a really fun exchange!

  7. Hi I am visiting from the mug exchange and you received such nice goodies! I love everything. Enjoy the weekend.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  8. Ida,I think that is a terrific idea using the mug for a candy dish!
    I have enjoyed visiting you and getting to know you all through a mug exchange.
    Have a beautiful rest of the weekend.
    Joy! Debbie

  9. Enjoy your new gifts and have a Great Weekend!
    Peace :)

  10. What a wonderful package of goodies! Love that mug.

  11. What a fun event! I have to look into this :)

  12. That's such a cute mug! I haven't participated in a swap for ages, perhaps I'll sign up next time. Enjoy the goodies.

  13. What a fun exchange! I love those summery pics of watermelon and checkered fabric. That was a sweet package for you!


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