Friday, May 23, 2014

6 Word Fridays, Some Random Photos and Orange You Glad It's Friday.

 Hello and Happy Friday!  Today I'm joining Adrienne (My Memory Art) for Six Word Fridays and also Maria (Life's Sweet and Spices) for Orange You Glad It's Friday.

Then I'll be sharing some Random 5 Photos that have never appeared on my blog along with quotes that I found to go with them. 

Enjoy.  -  The word this week for 6 Word Fridays was,  Memory.  Here is my interpretation.

Click to Enlarge All Photos.

Now for those Random Photos & Quotes:

Coleen enjoying pretending she's a bull-rider on the park statue.
The large duck advertising the Ducky Derby.  It sits on top of the bank.  I took this shot through some trees at a parking lot about a block two blocks away from the bank.
Part of a mural painted on the back of a building that we spotted one day while out and about.  I'll share more of the mural sometime in the future.
Just some neat looking hanging seed pods on a tree I spotted one morning walking Coleen to school.
The neighbors cat, Eric enjoying the morning sunshine.  Time not wasted indeed.
Have a safe & happy Memorial Day Weekend to those in the US and to everyone else just have a great weekend as well.


  1. i love that tree with the trailing blooms. happy weekend to you!

  2. an awesome entry ida!! love, love, love the soft color of the orange iris, they are popping up everywhere!!

    you quoted those pictures perfectly.....a good, uplifing read for me today. i really enjoyed it!!

  3. Great photos, Ida - I love the big duck :)

    The link-up for the mug exchange is up on my blog - hope to see you there.

    Hugs and blessings!

  4. Oh Ida I love your photos and the quotes you chose they are perfect. GREAT shots. Have a nice Memorial Day weekend. Hug B

  5. i like them all.. love the kitty

  6. Lovely and fun captures! Have a great weekend ahead!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  7. Some great quotes here! I always liked that John Lennon one! I'm glad to see Eric is doing well. :)

    Happy Weekend!

  8. Hi Ida. I so love the discipline of having to put things in six word lines. It amazes me each Friday as I read everyone's take on the prompt how good they are -just like yours today.
    And on another matter, you were two blocks away from the duck and it still seemed monstrously huge -Duckzilla!
    Also think the quotes go very well with the photos.
    Memorial day weekend here and I am already craving potato salad, but also trying to remember the spirit of the day.
    Happy Regular Weekend to you as I think you might live in the UK.
    :) m & jb

  9. Awesome photos and I love your quotes with them!!


  10. Fun post! I love the cat and John Lennon quote at the end. :)

  11. Loved your photos - especially Coleen on the bull. She looks like she was having a lot of fun.
    Liked the duck too. Hoping to post a shot of the duck I told you about. I think my Granddaughters are going this weekend.
    Have a great holiday weekend!

  12. Love the duck shot! The one of Coleen is very cool!

  13. Great pictures. I especially like Colleen in her "Urban Cowboy" pose. She looks like she's having fun.

  14. Love the quote about the saddle. Reminds me of my nephew 8/29/92 - 9/27/11.

  15. love all the photos and quotes! have a great holiday weekend!

  16. Oh, so many beautiful and fun photographs. I love Coleen the bull-rider and I'm intrigued by the Ducky Derby! But my favourite is the image of the seed pods - so beautiful and serene.

  17. This is a great post, indeed. I also love the Lennon quote and picture! Cats do know how to enjoy their "wasting" time, too.!

  18. Can tell a lot of thought went into your photos and quotes...well done!

  19. Beautiful random photos, Ida. Love that John Lennon quote... (I may have to borrow it myself)

  20. I really enjoyed all the quotes you chose.

  21. Nice assortment of photos. Clever captions and perfect quotes. The kitty makes me want to go back to bed!

  22. The picture of Eric makes me smile. I can almost hear him purring!

  23. What a great post Ida. Love the cat and quote...puuuurfec... :)

  24. The quotes are perfect with the photos! These are great!

  25. Wow! Such creativity. Nice job. Love the way the images are framed too.

  26. Fabulous photos and great accompanying quotes, Ida. Good work! All the best, Bonny


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