Saturday, June 14, 2014

Blogging Break

Hello my dear friends and fellow bloggers.  Yes I am still alive (and well).  Life has taken a different turn in the last few weeks though and I'll be taking a blogging break for a few months.

My daughter is getting married in August and being that we only have between now & the 16th of August to put together a wedding for her most of my time is being devoted to wedding preparations and plans.

I will pop in from time to time to visit your blogs and perhaps maybe even do a post now & then but if you don't hear from me please know that you are in my thoughts and I will be back blogging full time once the wedding is over.

Thanks for your patience, understanding & friendship.


  1. happy summer and good luck planning!

  2. we fully understand and will be here when you come back as a mother in law to a new son in law. have fun and enjoy your family

  3. Ida, I wish you all the fun in the world while you arrange this very special day. Enjoy these special moments (if a little stressful!). I look forward to reading all about the wonderful day when you are ready. xx

  4. I/we shall certainly miss you! The weddings in the Hallmark Channel movies are always pulled off last minute. No reason you can't do it too! It will be beautiful and just right, Lord willing.
    See you soon. xx, m & jb

  5. oh ida, great news and a wonderful way to spend your time off!!

    i will miss you.....todays image is simply gorgeous!!!

  6. At least it is a happy occasion that is gobbling up your time. Enjoy the planning and preparation. And don't forget to take lots of pictures.

  7. You will be missed Ida! I hope all goes well with the wedding plans!

  8. Many congratulations to your daughter, Ida. I hope everything goes really well for her big day, and that she has a long and happy life of wedded bliss to follow. Very best of luck with all the planning and arranging, Bonny

  9. Wow a wedding, aside from all of the prep time do have fun and enjoy the process and congratulations to everyone concerned.

  10. Enjoy the time away. I hope everything goes smoothly during the wedding planning and that it turns out beautifully.

  11. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding! I'll be away from my computer too the last half of the month, but I'm going to try and look in on my blogging friends.

  12. What a happy reason to take a blogging break! Congrats to your daughter! I'll miss your photos, but I'll be here when you come back. A person has to realize their limitations. Wise you!

  13. Enjoy your summer. Looking forward to hearing about your daughter's wedding!

  14. Keep in touch! And take care!

  15. So happy for you, your girl, and your family. That's an exciting event! Don't worry about the bloggy world -- we'll be here for you when you get back :) Enjoy every minute and take LOTS Of photos!! You'll have blog material for a couple of months at least!

  16. Best of luck with all the wedding preparations! My daughter will be doing the same next year, so I'll be doing the same as you.

  17. Sounds like it's going to be a busy time for you, Ida. Best wishes to you, and I'll look forward to your return when things settle down.

  18. Oh congrats...oh and only 2 months, you will definitely be busy busy. Best wishes on all your planning and have fun!!


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