Thursday, June 19, 2014

Good Fences #13

Hello everyone!  Yes, I'm checking in today and actually posting for Good Fences.

First let me say,  Thanks to everyone for their good-wishes and positive thoughts in regards to my daughter's up coming wedding in August.

Plans are coming along.  We "Found the Gown" on Monday so that's one more thing checked off the list of things to do still.  Let me just say planning a wedding in only 2 months is not easy but we are getting there.

So now back to my fence shot.  Coleen and I went to Fort. Walla Walla a few weekends ago for an event there.  We stopped at the Cemetery there and I photographed the gate leading into the cemetery.  It's been welded open (which I thought was odd) but what caught my eye was ....

Well I think you could probably figure it out.  That bent portion was quite fascinating.

Here is Coleen next to the other side of the gate.

If you look at the background you will also notice that the cemetery is border by a nice new modern looking fence as well.

Be sure to stop by Theresa's blog, (The Run-a-Round Ranch Report) to check out all the other great fences.

I will try to stop in at your blogs and check out your fences/gates as well.

Have a great weekend.


  1. i do love the bent spike at the top! makes for a great photo. thanks for linking, ida!

  2. Nice fence captures. And Coleen is pretty in her hat.. Have a happy day!

  3. I didn't know there was a fort Walla Walla. Great gate. Hats off to you for keeping a cool head about getting a wedding planned and delivered by August!

  4. glad you found The Dress and the gate is beautiful, even the bent part. also the model is beautiful to

  5. I bet a tree limb fell on it. Good find for Good Fences.

  6. Ida...oooh, I just love old cemeteries and the old iron gates that so many of them have. This one is so gorgeous! Have fun with the wedding plans!

  7. Hi Ida, I must say I like the bent gate prong. It adds character. As to welding it open ... well I'm sure there's a fascinating story as to why anyone would want to weld open the gate of a cemetery.
    All the best, Bonny
    PS well done on the wedding preparations: getting the dress sorted is one very big item to have sorted out.

  8. Hi Ida, I must say I like the bent gate prong. It adds character. As to welding it open ... well I'm sure there's a fascinating story as to why anyone would want to weld open the gate of a cemetery.
    All the best, Bonny
    PS well done on the wedding preparations: getting the dress sorted is one very big item to have sorted out.

  9. Beautiful fences! And I'm loving Coleen's hat!

  10. I really like these kinds of gates and fences, and the white just seems a bit warmer than the traditional black ones!

  11. Good Luck with all the preparations and the wedding. Wish y'all the best!

    Peace :)

  12. i love your header shot. i always enjoy fences like this one ... all the curly q's. so fancy. ( :

  13. A beautiful gate! Coleen is pretty, too. Best of luck with the upcoming nuptials!

  14. I do like this gate. Imperfection is always interesting to me.

  15. Oooh I like this one! It reminds me of the cemeteries in Savannah! Colleen is adorable as usual!

  16. Iron fences are one of my favorites! Glad the wedding plans are going well!

  17. Wonderful fence/gate shots, Ida. As always, Coleen looks adorable. I love her hat. All the very best re the wedding plans.

  18. That fence has an interesting bend in it. Good luck on the wedding planning. How exciting!

  19. I've always thought cemeteries and their fences and landscaping can be so beautiful...

  20. That has got to be one of the prettiest gates, EVER ! Beautiful...and so is Coleen. :)

  21. Wishes, Dreams & Other Things" has been included in Sites To See #380. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  22. I really agree with you that the old fence has its attractiveness,Ida. and quite different from our old ones ;-)

    Lovely Coleen must beyour another daughter; Congratulations o your daughter's upcoming wedding. I remember how my mother was (mixed feeling with kind of relief and loneliness).

    Sending you lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  23. LOVE this fence Ida!!
    So unique a's great!!

  24. It's so nice that you had some time out with Colleen!! It's a cemetery looking fence and I'm glad they did not rip it out and replace it when they did the new fencing in the other a read!!

    Red, a good color for Colleen!!

  25. Hi Ida, Must have taken some force to bend that wrought iron like that. Hope it wasn't the cemetery ghosts.

  26. Sure sounds like you've got a couple very busy months ahead! That's a great gate. It is curious how it managed to get bent in just that place. Must've been a meteor. ;-)

  27. Lovely ornamental wrought iron.

  28. I like your fence shots. It's a very interesting subject.
    I like having the person near the gate to help with scale.

  29. I wonder what happened to bend that point on the gate!

  30. I've seen gates like that on cemeteries round here too

  31. Your fence is ever so much more interesting than my cemetery fence.
    If I were to be laid to rest...I would like a fence like your photo...dent and all!


  32. I warmly greet you and invite you to watch a new photo album on my blog. Have a nice weekend!

  33. It looks like a cemetery gate! Coleen looks so cute in that hat!

  34. Nice to see a white fence at the cemetery. Seems ours lean to black around here. Odd spot for the fence/gate to be bent. Maybe a superhero stopped by to test his strength!

    Yes, that is a nice-looking fence in the background.

    Don't forget to breathe while you are planning the wedding. :) It will get done.


  35. a very beautiful gate and romantic too.

  36. You know, it's just like as we age -- the years add character -- and this gate has a lot of character. Thanks for taking the time to share it!

  37. Hi Ida! My goodness, wonder what caused the bend? Like the fence and the pix very much. Hope the wedding prep keeps coming along! :) :) from m & jb

  38. Love the gate, but especially like the shot with Colleen in that red dress next to it. Looks like you had a fun day.

  39. Hi Ida, I love your header! It's so pretty..

  40. The gate really has a macabre feeling to it. Finally getting around to visit fences from last week. I love this link up!

  41. Lovely shots Ida and with the bent part of the gate... ouch! I was imagining someone who may have been locked in and needed to climb over :-)

  42. I bet there is an interesting story behind the bent part of that fence! It almost looks like it melted.


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