Thursday, June 26, 2014

Good Fences #14 - An "Ordinary" Fence

Well it's mid-day here and I'm late for the party but better late then never.

So please join me as I join Theresa (The Run-a-Round Ranch Report) for GOOD FENCES

We have this fence that borders the back portion of our property with the back neighbor.  It's an "ugly" fence put up by a former neighbor who just HAD to have 2 feet of land that she never did a doggone thing with other then let weeds grow up and clutter up the already cluttered back yard even more.  So we tore down the chain link that was there originally so she could build a wooden fence and regain that 2 feet of land she felt was rightfully hers.  Which it was a part of her property but no one who had lived there before she moved in ever cared about the fact we were using the space for a small garden.  They just accepted it and everyone was happy until she came along.

Here is said wooden fence:

It was raining today when I took these shots.  Nothing really exciting as you can see.  It's old and weathered now and starting to fall apart.  Hubby did the little patch there you can see in the center of the fence.

Of there are some interesting boards on the fence if you use your imagination:

This one reminds me of Dino the Dinosaur from the Flintstones!

So what about this one?  - Look at the board to the right of the photo.  What does it remind you of?  I'll tell you what I think it looks like at the end of the post.

For the most part it's a pretty boring fence, although the squirrels love to run across the top of it and occasionally a cat sits on it as well.

Yesterday I was outside looking at our flowers that we have planted in front of the fence and something "unexpected" caught my eye.

This lovely little "wild flower" that we did not plant was blooming.  How pretty is that!  So see even when you least expect it life can turn something boring or plain into something beautiful.

Now for what I see in the 3rd Shot.  The right side of a Great Dane dogs face.  Did you see the same thing?

We were thankful though for the ugly fence though as we didn't have to look at the mess of a yard that old neighbor kept.

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.


  1. as is said, good fences make good neighbors. :)

    it looks like a frog face to me.

    thanks for linking!

  2. Hello Ida, Nice to see you post. Some neighbors are so difficult. At least you did not have to look at her yard! What a gorgeous blue wildflower. I have seen both squirrels and cats sitting on fences like this one.
    Hope everything is going well. Have a good weekend.

  3. Oh, we had the same problem with a former neighbor and turned out he was wrong after he spent lots of money surveying the whole property line. Some people will go to great lengths to prove a point, won't they? Anyway, your old weathered fence is rather interesting despite the selfish reasons and the wildflower is just charming. I did see the face of a dog - for me it looks like a boxer! It's nice to see squirrels and the occasional cat and not see the messy neighbor's yard, too. A win-win! xo Karen

  4. Great fence shots and I love the quote and pretty flowers.. Have a happy day!

  5. Oh it's a great fence. I don't think it's boring at all.
    I am a little behind I didn't get my fence post written yesterday.
    I'll be posting soon.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Hi - I'm trying to catch on my blogs a bit. I see the Dino. My first thought was horse's head, but Dino is better. I can't quite get to the Great Dane however. lol

  7. I see a fox face in the second board from the left! Funny, I shared photos of my backyard fence this week, too.

  8. My parents-in-law had to deal with a very similar situation over a little triangle of unused land. It's ridiculous, isn't it. And yes I see that Great Dane!! :-)

  9. Hello sweet Ida! I think your fence photos are lovely - you took something "ordinary" and made it beautiful :)

    Also, I, too, see Dino :) Have a lovely evening! Hugs

  10. I guess good fences don't always make good neighbors. LOL!

  11. I love your old fence! It has so much character!

  12. We have a neighbor's yard like that, and are thankful they put up a fence. I did see Dino! I see the Great Dane after you mentioned it, but I saw a person, where the dog's eye is would be a shrouded face. Fun fence idea!

  13. Lovely series of photos, Ida. And I love your header!

  14. I did go back and saw your Great Dane to the right of the photo, clever sighting. I wonder what the lovely wild plant is called, I haven't seen one like it here.

  15. Love all the knots in the wood - such character!

  16. part of our fence belongs to us and part to two different neighbors.. we have 4 yards that touch our back yard, and all the fence is old old old and needs to be replaced.

  17. Very rustic looking....I like that!!!

  18. awesome ida!!! nice to see you today!! as for the picture, i saw a snail!!!

  19. Nice shot of the knot in the fence and I love the photo with the larkspur!

  20. Nice post Ida . . . I like the tiny little purple flower surprise!

  21. Nice post Ida . . . I like the tiny little purple flower surprise!

  22. I love those fences and what you can see in it.

  23. This is an amazing old fence. I love it's character....

  24. The wildflowers look so pretty against the weathered wood.
    I love the old fence that borders part of our property. It's been the setting for many photos.

  25. wars have been fought over two feet of ground.

  26. Hi Ida,

    So that makes TWO amazing and unexpected bonuses surrounding this 'ordinary' fence! Those purples pretties are adorable!


  27. That board sure does have the image of Dino on there! Some neighbors...

  28. I saw Dino but not the dogs face.
    You got a lot of mileage out of that old fence and seems to be pretty interesting after all. : )

    Thanks for stopping by and for being my newest follower.

  29. Hello Ida, I love how your imagination works. You've got good value out of those wooden fences. Such a pretty wildflower in front of the fence. It's always nice to get those unexpected surprises :D)

  30. It's weird how some people can be so bloody minded over a few feet of land.

  31. The fence has a lot of character. Sometimes those are the best kind. I definitely see the wrinkly eye in the fence. Funny, the first thing I thought of was an old cartoon crow. Don't know why I connected it with a crow. Weird.

  32. Hi Ida, so glad you popped by my site and left a comment....hope you visit again. I think your fence is quite pretty. Love the rich browns, and the knot holes trigger the imagination. Those flowers are so pretty, too. Off to explore more of your site.

  33. Hmm, for a not-very-exciting fence, it seems to have a lot of interesting things to look at! Maybe it's not so bad after all. I actually like the weathered look, too. (And yes, I definitely saw Dino!)

  34. This is kind of like watching clouds and seeing what they look like. I love when little flowers appear and surprise me too.

  35. "So see even when you least expect it life can turn something boring or plain into something beautiful."

    Amen, Ida! I think this might just be the very spirit behind my own post on "Wild Elegance" (thanks again for visiting!).

    Yes, I see the dino and the dog! Good eye.

    Thanks for sharing with us, friend,

  36. Hi Ida,
    Such a pretty little flower, I wonder what it is? It looks so nice against the brown. I wanted to let you know that I did add the email feature. I think it's a good idea, thanks!

  37. I like the finale' verse and flowers by the fence too

  38. My neighbor grilled steak last night. A fence doesn't keep the smell out. And it smelled good!

  39. Well, at least the squirrels are enjoying it.

  40. I like the board shots. Well seen!

  41. Looking at your fence is almost like looking for shapes in the clouds, Ida. The longer you look the more you see! :) Your purple flowers are beautiful!

  42. I don't see the Great Dane, but I do see a fox in another board!


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