Friday, June 6, 2014

Random 5 Photos & Follow Friday for Fill-In Fun

Welcome.  Thank you to everyone who has stopped by and left comments lately and checked in to see how I was feeling.  Earlier this week I caught a bit of a (stomach bug) so I was not feeling great for a couple of days.  I'm doing much better now.

So this week for my Random 5 Photos (not yet seen on the blog) I've foregone the "quotes" and just simply want you to enjoy the beauty of the photos.
 Click to Enlarge:

Some of these flowers are my own flowers, some are my mom's and some were taken around town.  No matter where they were taken they show of the beauty of God's great creation.

Thought I would join in this week with Hilary (Feeling Beachie) for Follow Friday for Fill-In Fun where she gives you 4 Statements with blanks in them and you fill in the blanks.



Here are the statements:
The statements:
    1.___ is the best time to ____
    2. I ___ the best____
                                      3. I feel _________ about sports
                                      4._____ is better with ____

Here are my answers:

1.  Night is the best time to edit photos at my house when everyone's asleep.
2.  I want the best of everything for my Granddaughter.
3.  I feel indifferent about (most) sports.
4.  Life is better with Furry Friends like my cats.

                                        Harley enjoying the morning sun


  1. good morning... so glad to hear you're feeling better. hope you continue to heal. those flowers are stunning. what a little color can't do to brighten one's day. God sure knew what he was doing, didn't he?

    on your post below: i could've used that sugar cookie recipe last night as i had a sweet tooth, :) i love your fence pics. they are definitely unique. hope all is well. have a great day~

  2. The beautiful flowers were very enjoyable and needed no comment. Nice post.

  3. beautiful blooms! and sweet, loving cat.

  4. Hi Ida! I've seen the Friday Fill-in before and enjoy reading them.
    Your pix are gORgEouS, as usual. My beautiful hydrangea bush that had 50 blossoms last year just up and died this spring for no apparent reason. Bummer.
    Oh well...Really attracted to the colors in the second pic.
    Happy Weekend! Anything planned? We are going to a little get-together in Virginia to celebrate my great-niece, Ashley, turning the remarkable age of FOUR. :)

  5. Absolutely gorgeous blooms! Loved this post.

  6. So glad you're feeling better. Your flower pictures are beautiful, but I especially enjoyed Harley.

  7. Your photos would make such lovely notecards! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  8. Glad you are feeling better. The flower images are beautiful, especially those bright pink daisies (or are they zinnias?). Hope you have a great weekend. :)

  9. Such a darling photo of Harley.
    These pictures are fabulous. I know you and your granddaughter have a very special relationship; thanks for sharing your times together with us.

  10. Such a darling photo of Harley.
    These pictures are fabulous. I know you and your granddaughter have a very special relationship; thanks for sharing your times together with us.

  11. Your photos are truly beautiful. I hope you are feeling better. I like your answers too:). B

  12. All are lovely, Ida, and Harley is adorable. I love your header!

  13. The flowers are so colorful and they warm my heart. Harley is so at peace, which is great to see and it is relaxing to see such things also. So, thanks for both!
    Peace :)

  14. Very glad to hear you are feeling better. :)

    Those are lovely flowers! I really love the contrast of colors in the second image.

    Sweet photo of your cat. ♥


  15. Lovely photos, Ida, and some great fill-ins. I hope that little Coleen has the best of everything in life, and I totally agree that life's better with cats. All the best, Bonny

  16. Lovely blossoms and I think Harley is very handsome.

  17. As always, your photos are completely enchanting. Yes, flowers and nature are beautiful no matter where you find it. I'm sorry to hear you were under the weather. I've been pretty tied up and now have a full weekend ahead of me, but wanted to stop in before I get swept away. Your photos are the refreshing boost I needed!

  18. Your photos are outstanding! AND I LOVE YOUR HEADER!!!


  19. Great post. Your photography is breathtaking. Thanks for coming by and visiting my 'hands' post.
    Have a wonderful weekend. I posted fences on Monday but I missed the linky. I am off to see yours.

  20. I love your answers, especially #4. Hugs.

  21. I'm glad to read you are feeling a little better. Your shots of the flowers and your lovely furry friend are wonderful. Thank you for sharing x

  22. Beautiful flowers! Especially like the purple ones. Glad you are feeling better.

  23. Your photos are wonderful so you are editing at the right time. And catkids are the best!

  24. Beautiful flowers Ida. Feel s like bright and colorful.

  25. The flowers are so beautiful! I especially love the pale orange with the blue center! Stunning.
    I can almost hear Harley purring :)

  26. Oh Ida the flowers are gorgeous, and you have photographed them beautifully!

  27. Amazingly beautiful flowers! Really stunning. Great shots!

  28. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Love all those beautiful flowers!

  29. Are those white snowball hydrangeas? They sure are gorgeous!


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