Thursday, June 5, 2014

Good Fences and Good Cookies

Hi,  Today I will be linking up for Theresa's GOOD FENCES post and also something new that I just joined.  FILL THE COOKIE JAR.

Please note my Good Fences photo's will follow right after the cookies.

This months cookie theme for Fill The Cookie Jar is:  Dad's Favorites.
Now I don't really know if these were my dad's favorite cookies or not.  My dad had a "sweet tooth" for just about any kind of cookie, cake, pie, dessert...well you get the picture.  I bet if he was around today he's say his signature phrase:  "There's only one thing wrong with these cookies.  There's not enough of them!."

However in the case of these cookies there are plenty of them to be found with this recipe.  It makes 6 dozed cookies so be prepared for a full cookie jar for sure if you bake these.

Crisp 'N Crunchy Cookies.

1 Cup Sugar
1 Cup Firmly Packed Brown Sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 Cup butter or margarine, softened.
1 Cup Cooking Oil
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 Egg
3 1/2 Cups All Purpose Flour
1 Cup Rolled Oats (I used the Quick 1 Minute oats)
1 Cup Flaked Coconut
1 Cup Crisp Rice Cereal (which I accidentally left out in the one's I baked today and just now realized but they turned out okay anyway.)
1/2 Cup Chopped Nuts (I used chopped pecans)

Oven Temp: 350F
In large bowl, combine the first 8 Ingredients.  Beat 2 minutes at medium speed until smooth.  Add flours; beat 1 minute at low speed.  Stir in remaining ingredients.  Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls, 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheets; flatten slightly with the bottom of a glass dipped in sugar.  Bake 10 to 14 minutes or until light golden brown.  Yields, 72-84 cookies.
These are great to dip in milk for those of you who like to dunk your cookies.

Join in the fun by checking out the other participants.




So let's join Theresa for GOOD FENCES now.
 This is the fence that borders the outside area of the local dog park.  I just love all the fun colorful dog cutouts.

Notice the little sign to the left of the dog:

This one was the closest to our little Pug, Cricket who loves to go to the dog park but wasn't with me this day as I took these photos right after my dental appointment last week.  The dog park is located near my dentist so I took the camera along to get these shots.

That's it for today.  I hope to get around to your blogs but since I've been sick this week I've fallen a little behind.  I will do my best to catch up over the weekend. 


  1. those are really cute fence decorations! the sign was cute, too!

  2. Oh, Ida! I'm so sorry you didn't feel well this week! So I prayed for you.
    I like the second to last dog with the big ears up straight, A Bassett Hound, maybe?
    I can't have wheat, but those cookies sound fab. I do make "cookies" out of bananas, oats and nuts. Plus I add other stuff if I have it. They are a pretty good substitute, but they are not a nice, warm Christmas cookie. Oh well...

  3. Those cookies look so good. I like your cookie jar! I wasn't sure about those doggie decorated fences but since it's for a dog park, they make sense!

  4. The cookies Look delicious - I'm going to have to copy down your recipe. Very nice food photography on your part. That's one subject I need much work on.

    I love the dog park fence and cut outs. No mistaking who it's for! :D

    Hope you're feeling better soon!


  5. Cute dog park fence. I like the look of those cookies. I am going to make some with my granddaughter this weekend.

  6. hope you feel better now... and, I sure hope all the dogs in the park are as happy as those appear to be.....

  7. These cookies look great, I love any kind of cookie with oats in.

  8. Those cookies sound delicious!

    Love the fences too - such a fun one!

  9. The cookies look pretty good, and I love your fences with decorations.

  10. Ida, I love all the ingredients in your crisp cookies! Oats, coconut, nuts, brown sugar....I KNOW these are delicious. Thank you for sharing these and baking with us at Fill The Cookie Jar!

  11. Well first off, right away my mouth started to water seeing your cookies. Next, I really liked the fence with animals on it.

  12. Oh boy! I love cookies. I will just have to check out all these wonderful recipies! :)

  13. What a cute fence! I bet those cookies are yummy.

  14. Delicious cookies and a great fence! What could be better?

  15. What a cute fence for the dog park.. I love all the cute doggie decorations.. Thanks for sharing, have a happy day!

  16. What a neat fence! All the dogs will feel welcome! Great cookies, too! Hugs!

  17. That's rather creative! Our dog parks don't have anything like that.

  18. Oh Ida I do hope you are feeling better. The cookies well your Dad was right, not enough:)
    Love the dog fence and the colourful dogs. Take it easy and get well soon. Hug B

  19. Hi Ida! Oh, what a COOL fence! That is probably the most unique chain link I have ever seen! I love those colorful pups! You have a beautiful blog and I decided to follow you! Your header is just gorgeous. Is that a double clematis in the photo? It looks very similar to one I have that color but mine is not double. I don't think I have ever seen one like that! Thanks for visiting me through Good Fences!

  20. What a wonderful post!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= <3

  21. Hi Ida. The dog park fence is delightful...what a great idea ...glad you shared it. Ignoring the cookies because we can't do that anymore...stinks getting old sometimes;((. (It could be worse....

    We are in Veneta ..lots of wind on the Lake, so it's pretty cool in the mornings and evenings. Mid day has been in the mid 70s at the warmest. We are on a road trip out of state at the moment though.

  22. That fence is so cute! I love all the different colors too.

  23. Oh I love your fence post.
    I would like to join the cookie link next time.
    Thanks for coming and seeing My Blue Monday fence post. I'll be linking on Friday too.
    Have a great Friday,

  24. Most beautiful dog fence decor I have ever seen. I am glad, Ida, that you have a cat protecting those delicious cookies.

    Peace :)

  25. That is one neat fence!! the gourds... I used to paint... carve and woodburn them... Sold them at arts and crafts fairs...

  26. Great series of photos! The cookies look wonderful (that second photograph is fabulous), and I love the story about your Dad.

  27. Yumm, those cookies look so good! Thanks for the recipe! Love that fence with all the colored doggie cut outs!


  28. Those designs on the fence are so cute! Have never seen anything like this before. also the cookies look yummy!

  29. Your photo makes the cookies look so yummy.
    I love the dog cutouts. What a terrific idea.
    So sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hope by the time you read this you'll be on the mend.

  30. Wow, what a great idea to brighten up a plain wire fence. Great capture and those cookies look really yummy. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  31. The cookies look yummy, wish I had one right now for a midnight snack!
    The fence is really cute, I haven't seen one with cut outs like that. Clever!

  32. The cookies look yummy, wish I had one right now for a midnight snack!
    The fence is really cute, I haven't seen one with cut outs like that. Clever!

  33. the fences are quite decorative Ida, but you know those cookies sound really nice; I reckon your Dad had it right

  34. Those dogs on the fence are so bright, cheerful and cute, what fun! x

  35. Those cookies look scrumptious Ida. Save some for me.

  36. Oh what a fun fence, but to come home to cookies in that cute jar. That would be a delight.

  37. I love crisp cookies!

    Love the fence with the animal cut outs.

    HOpe you are feeling much better.

  38. What an adorable fence!!!
    And your cookies...yum. All except for the coconut, I'd leave that out. lol

  39. Love that fence! And those cookies look scrumptous!

  40. I want a cookie for breakfast dessert now ! :)

  41. Hi Ida, glad to see you got the post up. Great cookie. I'm sure they taste as good as they look. Hope you'll join us at FillTheCookieJar next month as well.
    Love the dog fence, so cute!
    Spatulas On Parade

  42. oh ida, i love, love, love this fence. what a find.....some peeps are so darn creative.

    seems you live in an area with lots of them!!!

    awesome fence for todays meme!!!

  43. What an adorable fence...thanks for sharing the fun.
    The cookies look amazing and your cookie jar is so cute.
    xo bj
    Is Fill the Cookie Jar a link party?

  44. Bark! Bark! Please feed us cookies too! Bark!...BARK!

  45. What an elaborate fence for a doggy park. Love that sign! Hope you are all better soon! Those cookies are tempting...

  46. Love the cute cookie jar and the cookies look great. What a fun fence for the dog park! Have a nice weekend.

  47. Those cookies look really good.
    The colorful animal cutouts on the dog park fence are really cute.

  48. OMG; what fun to see these LOVELY fence with dog's designs♡♡♡

    So sorry for my a bit late comment, I was a little busy but catching up♪♪♪
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  49. There are so many fun challenges, aren't there? I love your cookie jar. So dang cute! I have to say again that Walla Walla looks like the most awesome place to live. I could walk forever here and never find such great photo ops. Pretty scenery, but... maybe I'm not looking hard enough. Hmmm...

  50. Back again. I didn't realize I already saw your fun post. But I needed the reminder. I want to go to the dog park. I love to watch the dogs play. I haven't chanced taking mine yet. Maybe someday. Until then I'll just have to take some pics.

  51. I love a good dunking cookie! I have had a cookie similar to this, so I know just how good they are. I am positive that since your dad loved cookies, he would love these!

  52. wow, that´s a cool fence. :) Makes you smile.

  53. Your cookies really do look delicious. I love the combination of oatmeal and coconut. I Think your fence is so neat! Thanks for sharing at the Fill The Cookie Jar group. I look forward to seeing what you make next month!

  54. The dog fence is so fun! How creative.

  55. Thanks for that great cookie recipe -- I've put it on my pinterest so I can make them later. I love the sound of the crispy/crunchiness!! And the fence is so adorable. Somebody is really an animal lover.


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