Friday, August 22, 2014

Hooray for Friday

Hello Everyone.  It feels so good to be back blogging again.  I want to thank everyone that stopped by and left comments about the wedding.  Also for your patience with me during my blog break in preparation for the wedding.  I missed you all and am very happy to be back blogging again.

Today I thought I would try out a couple of new (to me) memes that I found.  Feline Friday hosted by Steve (Burnt Food Dude).  This is my first time visiting his blog (but not my last).

Our newest cat, Spooky-boo hiding under a towel on the bathroom floor.


I also discovered this meme:  Feline Art hosted by Julie (Kitty Par-Tay)

For my piece today I went simple.  I took the above photo, used the Posterize feature on Pic Monkey, a Circle Frame and Photo corners and came up with this:

Also joining  Hilary (Feeling Beachie) for Follow Friday for Fill-In Fun.

The statements:
  1. 1. ___ is my least ____
  2. 2. When I was ___ I thought _____
  3. 3. My worst subject in high school was ___
  4. 4. I write best ____.
My answers:

1.  Winter is my least favorite season (I never look forward to it.)

2.  When I was little  I thought you could taste rain so I licked the sidewalk.  It's not very tasty!

3. My worst subject in High School was  Math.  Not just High School but through out college too.

4.  I write best when no one is around to interrupt me.

Wishing everyone a great weekend.


  1. Glad you're back blogging. Cute post and cute cat! My blogging has been very sporadic the last couple months and now I'm going on a break. But only a short one. Glad the wedding was a success!

  2. Summer is my least favorite time of the year.
    when i was 18 i thought there was no life to be had unless i got married. WRONG
    me to on math... i write best when it just POPS in my head and I have to run and write it down before i forget it.
    love the cat under the towel

  3. Awww, what a cutie and what a great job too.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  4. Enjoyed your cute kitty photos, Ida. And I feel the same way about winter. I don't mind it in December and January, but it really drags in February through April!

  5. love your sweet kitty! licking the sidewalk - eek! :)

  6. Aww! cute and what a fab name heheh!

    Have a spooytastic week :-)

  7. #1 and #3 are the same. Seems to be a common thread.

  8. Hi Ida, So happy you are back blogging. What a fun photo of Spooky.
    Math was always my hardest subject in school, also.
    Hope you have a good weekend.

  9. very cool image to begin with and you did some really fun stuff with it! Cheers!

  10. The wedding looks beautiful, I love the sunflowers. I had to chuckle as math was my worst subject too.

  11. Ahhh, Spooky-boo is adorable! Love the peeking out from under the covers! And congrats on tying the knot! I wish you many wonderful years together.

  12. Welcome back Ida! Cats are a fun post to come back with with in my opinion.. ;) Spooky-boo has a sweet face. Love the post editing.. so much fun to play with photos!
    I am STILL terrible at math.. Thank goodness for the calculator on my phone! I am NOT a summer person, hanging head in shame. Enjoy your Friday!

  13. Spooky-Boo likes to play peak a boo! LOL
    Faythe @ GrammyMouseTails

  14. Our answers are very similar! Have a great weekend!

  15. Spooky-boo is cute, adorable photo! I do not like Winter either..Have a happy weekend!

  16. Hiya Ida!
    Feline Friday is right up Josephine's alley!

    Do you have many other kitties? Spooky-boo looks SO sweet. How are they reacting to each other? Sometimes I think another kitty to keep Miss J company would be a good thing. But, she is EXTREMELY routine oriented. She wants everything just the same all the time. I am afraid a new cat would be something she would not get over. Especially since she was feral as a kitten.

  17. Oh, Ida, Spooky-Boo is so sweet and I love your edit. Any cat(or dog) whose name ends in Boo is great with me and with Izzi. Love this whole post ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  18. Cute pic of your kitty peeking out from under the blanket!

  19. Nice artwork, great, wonderful colors !! I love that cat under the blanket!

  20. What a darling photo of Spooky-boo, and I really like the arty version, too!


  21. Well, I don't have a pretty kitty to link up with but yours your is that peeking-out-under-the-blanky shot!

  22. i love to crawl under the covers. looks like spooky is really cute.

  23. How funny that you licked the sidewalk. Wonder why you didn't just stick your tongue out?

  24. As always, your cat photograph is wonderful! Glad you found feline linkies!

  25. I loved math - seems like I was in the minority...

  26. Spooky-boo is adorable! I bet your glad the wedding is now in the past and can truly enjoy the memories.

  27. LOL - lick the sidewalk!! oh my, I burst out laughing at that. It's totally something I could see my kids doing.
    Your kitty is so so cute!! My kids are begging me for a cat, so we are actually looking for one right now. perhaps pretty soon I'll be joining that feline meme!

  28. It's good to have you back with your wonderful photos! Had to laugh about licking the sidewalk, tee hee!

  29. What a sweet kitty! You did a great job photographing her. Don't worry a minute about the bloggy break -- we all take them, and a wedding is a really important reason to do so :)

  30. Ida, thank you so much for visiting Magellan and I at Create With Joy - Spooky Boo is just adorable!

    I love your blog name and look forward to seeing you again soon (would love to see you at our weekly Inspire Me Monday, Wordless Wednesday, and/or Friendship Friday parties!)

    Have a wonderful week!

    Create With Joy

  31. it is wonderful to see you again, more regularly!! YeH!!!

    that kitty, under the towel, is simply adorable!!

  32. Aww Spooky Boo is so adorable! Great to see you back blogging again!

  33. Oh my on licking the sidewalk, but what do we know as kids, huh? :)

    Definitely math and I was a business major in college. Didn't do that great in accounting. :)

    Thanks for sharing.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Follow Friday Four Fill-In

  34. So cute! Love what you did in Pic Monkey. :)

  35. Thank you for linking up to Feline Art Friday, hope to see you back soon:


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