Monday, August 18, 2014

Wedding Day (Yes, I survived!)

It's over,  Hip, Hip, Hooray!!!

We married her off on Saturday.  -  I had my camera there but didn't take many pictures (just so much other stuff going on).  They had a photographer so when those pictures come back I'll share them with you all.  In the mean time here are the few I took.

The Wedding Arch decorated with sunflowers.

Sunflower bouquets border both sides of the arch way.

Greta's bouquet - The ring tied to the flowers was my dad's ring and she used it for her something Old and something Borrowed.  It made me feel as if he was there too.

Coleen (her mommy's Maid of Honor) holding her mom's bouquet.

Mckenzie and Coleen

Reciting the vows.  Kelly was so nervous that he barely looked at Greta during the vows.

The kiss! -  At the rehearsal they just gave each other a quick peck on the lips and Coleen shouted out,  "Kiss longer at the wedding!"  -  They did.

The Newlyweds:  Kelly & Greta Hinkley

The wedding party:  Mckenzie, (Kelly's daughter) who was the Flower Girl
Coleen, The Maid of Honor,  Hunter (Kelly's son, in the hat) was the Best Man and Tyler (Grooms Nephew) served as Ring Bearer.

Guess the Best Man didn't get much sleep the night before! 

The cake before we brought it outside to be cut.

Cutting the cake

Feeding each other.

The bride and her dad with the Harley!

It was a gorgeous day,  about 88 outside (very warm) but we had shade and fans and yet I got sunburnt.

It was a wonderful wedding but I'm so thankful it's over and everyone has gone home and the house is once again quiet.  I'll be back blogging on a regular basis very soon.

Thanks for letting me share this special day with you all.


  1. Thank you for sharing your photos of the wedding. I wish the newlyweds lots of happiness. Everything and everyone is beautiful!

  2. Congrats to your daughter! Looks like it was a lovely wedding. I like all the sunflowers.

  3. I do love the natural wedding photos Ida - congratulations to the happy couple! Now rest and look forward to all those photos being delivered to you :-) xx

  4. it looks like the wedding went perfectly, i love the sunflowers and her dress is beautiful.. i wish them many years of happiness. now you can relax... my favorite photo is the last one with the Harley.. great shot...

  5. Glad everything went so well. Lovely bride! Love the photo with her and her dad and the Harley!

  6. congratulations to them and to your entire family. :)

  7. This is so sweet! Wonderful pictures and memories!

  8. Congratulations to the new couple! Glad everything went well!

  9. Thank you for sharing! I love all of the sunflowers everywhere! I'm sorry you got some sunburn. It looks like a beautiful day all around!

  10. Congratulations to the happy couple.Oh how beautiful everything is. Love the sunflower theme.
    NICE bike!!

  11. I LOVE it! The sunflower theme was carried out to perfection. That cake was beautiful. And delicious, I bet. Everyone looked lovely. Cowboy hats -remind me where Kelly is from? I'm glad it was a wonderful day for everyone. Looking forward to having you back in the blogging saddle again soon. After a nice rest, of course!

  12. Ida, lovely photos from the wedding. Looks like a fun wedding, the children are all so cute! The bride and groom are a lovely couple! Everything turned out beautifully. Now, you can relax. Have a happy new week!

  13. Congratulations to your family! A wedding is a lovely day, and it looks like it was also fun for everyone. The sunflowers everywhere really made it beautiful :)

  14. Looks like such a lovely day!! Congrats!!

  15. Congratulations to the lovely couple! It looks like it was a perfect day for the wedding :)

    Hugs to you!

  16. Gorgeous photos, Ida... everyone looks like they had a ball :) I've never seen a sunflower theme but it is just wonderful! Best wishes to you all xoxo

  17. That looks like a very beautiful wedding! Love the photos you shared. Congrats to all of you!!

  18. Love the idea for the Sunflowers and outdoors. Lovely bride. I know the feeling, when our daughter got married, she and I both were worn out from all the planning, etc. Congratulations to the couple and happy family. :)

  19. What a wonderful theme for their wedding! Looks like it was a perfect day, all the way around!


  20. O, what an adorable country wedding..just beautiful.
    I think you got some awesome photos...and your girl looked sooo pretty.
    The best of luck to the couple...

  21. Oh, thank you for the photographs! It looks like it was a wonderful day - I'm so glad. I love all the sunflowers (my favourite flower!) and everybody looked so beautiful. Best wishes to all!

  22. OH YES - lovely memories for you Ida but I can imagine how it's good too to have a sense of routine happening again. All accomplished now; you can breathe easy!

  23. Hi Ida! Beautiful wedding and happy bride and groom! That is quite a bit of pressure pulling off a wedding! I think your pictures show it went beautifully! Congrats to the Bride and Groom!

  24. Congratulations to Greta and her new husband. She and Coleen looked lovely on her big day. And the sunflowers looked beautiful. I'm so glad that it all went well. Over here we'd just count ourselves blessed to have such lovely sunshine for a wedding. All the best, Bonny

  25. Thank you for sharing your special day with us! What a sweet and charming wedding with the sunflowers :) Such a beautiful bride and family - love the yawning best man, and the sweet flower girl - too precious. Congratulations to your family and the darling bride. (My son got married last weekend, too!) Hugs xo Karen

  26. Oh, I LOVE the idea of a sunflower wedding! What a beautiful day for it. It was probably a lot of fun once it all came together, but I'm sure you're breathing a sigh of relief now that it's over. Congratulations to Greta and Kelly!

  27. WoW ida, everything looks so beautiful. i know you put a lot of time and love in to preparing, i'm so glad things went well!!

    they are a cute couple and colleens looks great in blue!!

    love, love, love the sunflowers!!!

  28. Oh my goodness I love the sunflower theme / the arch etc just wonderful!

    You must be tired, yes...LOL but how lovely it all looks and with a cake to match. Congrats to the bride and groom and may they live happily ever after.

    Kiss Longer, ha ha that was a good one! :)

    And the Harley at the my son would love that! :)

  29. I like all the sunny sunflowers. They bring such cheer and I wish that cheer and happiness for the wedded couple. The Harley shot is really a winner.

  30. Many best wishes for the new couple. I love the sunflower theme. I'll bet the cute fans you made were welcomed by all.

  31. Congratulations to the precious couple! That was a beautiful wedding, thank you for sharing it with us.
    You have been missed! I look forward to your return, Ida.
    Have a beautiful blessed week end.
    Joy to you! Debbie

  32. Hi, lovely wedding photos !!!! The cake is so cool !!!

  33. What a sweet, sweet photo tour. Much happiness to the new bride and groom. Thanks for posting these!

  34. This wedding is completely different from my place in Europe, but I like it very much.

  35. Ida, absolutely beautiful pictures and the happy smiles say it all. Love all the gorgeous details! xoxo


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