Friday, August 8, 2014

It's Getting Closer

Hello all!  We are on the final countdown.  One week to go and then the wedding will be over!  -  Don't get me wrong it's been fun planning but also a lot of work and I'm just ready for life to get back to normal.  I miss blogging.

Anyway here are a few "Fun" things.

A Child Bride: 

Coleen wants to wear Grandma's wedding dress and veil someday.  It actually fits her (somewhat) other then being very long and a tad loose but she loves the dress and headpiece.  The veil is ripped so would need replacing but I'd be honored to see her in this someday.  Hopefully well into the future since she's only 9!

Grandpa Bride:

Grandpa was being (silly) and tried on a veil that we had here (Greta opted for a different one) and was "grooming" his beard and hamming it up for the camera.  This made Coleen laugh (me too!).  Isn't he "loverly."

Some actually wedding stuff:

The wedding fans I've made because it's going to be HOT on the 16th.  Right now the forecast is saying 97 with a 10% chance of rain.  That could change in the next few days but at least we are prepared incase it stays hot outside.  This has been the hottest summer here in 30 years!

Lots to do next week so I probably won't be blogging much but I did want to check in and say hi. 


  1. My son got married last year in July and it was outside (under a roof...but outside...and over 100 degrees). We all were melting, but those little fans they made came in mighty handy to get us through the service!

    Coleen looks beautiful in that gown.

  2. loved the 2 pics. hope all goes well!

  3. Coleen looks so sweet. And your husband looks like a real sport!!! lol
    The fans are a great idea. I wish the bride and groom so much happiness. Miss you!

  4. Oh Ida we are planning a wedding for a couple of weeks from now here too and boy it is a lot of work. LOVE LOVE the beautiful child bride, that gown is stunning. Laughed at the other bridal shot:):) Hug B

  5. ohhh Ida, I love those fans and I am immediately trying to figure out how you made them!! This has been the coolest summer in years at the jersey shore!!

  6. i hope the dress will stay gorgeous until she is ready to get married. i was going to possibly wear my mom's but sadly the condition was not quite up to par... it was so yellow. so sad for my mom. i enjoyed wearing my own ... i always want to put it on even today. just for fun. ( :

  7. Ida, the wedding plans are exciting! I love the shot of Coleen in the wedding dress. She is pretty. Happy weekend!

  8. So cute that your granddaughter wants to wear your wedding dress. That photo of her is priceless! Good luck on the final wedding plans.

  9. the fans take me back in time to my daddy's churches.. we had fans in the back of every pew because there were no electric fans or AC... in the summer the church was a solid moment during services. the bride is beautiful and so is the grandpa.
    it shows how much we have changed in size.. that the dress a woman wore fits a 9 year old...when i go to museums and see the uniforms the men wore in the wars they are so tiny they would not fit our men at all. enjoy the rest of the wedding plans..

  10. Gosh, your wedding dress is beautiful, and Coleen will make a beautiful bride in it someday. Hard to believe it nearly fits her at 9 years old. Love those wedding fans. Looks like it's going to be a very pretty and summery wedding. I'm sorry about the miserable heat, though. It's so incredibly hot all over Oregon, too -- everywhere except here on the coast where we're very comfortable, thank goodness.

  11. This is very sweet.

  12. That wedding dress is gorgeous! And Grandpa looks pretty good too. LOL. Love the fans.

  13. How exciting! I hope it's not too hot for you! Those fans are so cute! Colleen looks adorable in your gown!

  14. Oh, I think both of the "brides" look loverly!! The fans are beautiful, too. Best wishes with all the final preparations!

  15. Love the bride pics! That is a very clever idea to make fans for the guests. Have a great week!

  16. Sweet pictures! Congratulations to all!

  17. Fun pictures! And a beautiful dress! Hoping for a little relief from the temperatures for you on the special day.

  18. Coleen looks gorgeous! :)
    Great idea on fans, they are looking very nice.

  19. How exciting, Ida! I hope the week went well and the wedding was blissful! Your dress is very pretty. I do hope it is worn again someday -- I'm hoping the same for my old wedding dress too :) And your fans are adorable! Love the bright, summery sunflowers.


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