Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday Fun - September 19, 2014

Hooray for Friday!


1.  My camera is home!!! - Of course I had to test out a sky shot to see if they had cleared up the "spots" I was getting whenever I took photo's of the sky.

No spots but this was a rather neat looking night sky shot.  I like the wispy look of the clouds and the dark smoky cloud.

2.  Signs of Autumn are showing up now.  You see those trees in the middle of the above photo.  Here is a view of them during the day.

I love fall and all the colors of the trees as they change seasons.  I can't wait to get out and capture more of their beauty.

3.  You know I just can't pass up a chance to share a "cat" photo with you.
This morning (Ghost) was out and about and decided to climb my mom's lilac tree.  I snapped this quick shot of him before he jumped back down.

4.  It's fun to find something unexpected to take photos of like this lovely Morning Glory that I happened upon this morning while taking a little photo walk after dropping Coleen off at school.

Of course when I saw it I was immediately reminded of Debbie (It's All About Purple)  since we all know what her favorite color is.

5. A friend sent me a link this week with BW pictures that have been colorized.  I found it really fascinating to see how different history looks in color.  You can check it out HERE:  One of my favorites was the one of Joan Crawford - It's #18 in the list.

Just for fun here is a BW photo that I took recently. 

Now let's join Hilary (Feeling Beachie) for FOLLOW FRIDAY FOR FILL-IN FUN.
The statements:
  1. I am ____
  2. I don’t like to ___ alone
  3. Would you_____ if you could?
  4. Cooking with____is something to be _____

My answers: 1. I am tired already today.  Hubby wasn't feeling well (bad cold) so he sort of kept me up coughing and such during the night.

2.  I don't like to watch scary movies alone.  I watched Fatal Attraction by myself once and vowed never again to watch a suspense or scary movie alone again. 

3.  Would you like to be younger again if you could?  I don't know as if I want to be younger again but perhaps older with less signs of aging.  Like "arthritis".

4.  Cooking with strange ingredients is something to be avoided.  I like to try new stuff but sometimes it doesn't always work out.  Once I tried Chorizo in a recipe and I thought it was horrible (really greasy) and another time I tried Okra and it looked so slimy that I couldn't even taste it and threw the stuff out.

Finally I'd like to join Adrienne (My Memory Art) For SIX WORD FRIDAYS where the theme this week was Fall.

                               Autumn Burns It's Lovely Golden Tones

                                   Etching Memories on my Heart;

                                     I  fall in love all over again.

                                            by Ida P. Krause ©

So that's it for this week.  It always takes me forever to get my Friday posts ready.  I actually wanted to write a poem for 6 Word Friday today.  I hope you liked what I came up with.


  1. Your Autumn photo is so spectacular. I love the golden colors! And, your poem is lovely. Goes perfectly with your photo.

  2. lovely gray cat and beautiful glories. :)

  3. Beautiful photos.

    Nah on being young again. I like where I am. :)

    LOL on your "new" recipes not working out. It is disappointing.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Follow Friday Four Fill-In

  4. oh Ida, your fall poem is really beautiful, the image is as well!! The morning glories are one of my favorites because the ones I see are almost always purple, like these!! Many thanks for thinking of me!!

  5. Hi, Ida! I have gotten behind again, but let me tell you've I've had a nice scroll through all your photos and it was a wonderful time! The bird photo further down is one that should be large wall size. It's so peaceful and beautiful. Love that peacock bike! Wow! Had to show that to a friend. So cool. Also, just have to mention about Ghost--he looks so elusive and stealthy (yet sweet) in the tree photo, and his name seems very fitting. Anyway, I can't linger at this time, but want to thank you for sharing these beautiful photos.

  6. Wonderful pictures. Autumn is around us as well. I am not sure I would like to be younger however I would prefer not to get old.

  7. These are all lovely! Love the cat in the tree!

  8. Pretty sky shot! And I love the cute Ghost! Pretty poem! Happy weekend to you!

  9. Chorizo is tricky. I use soyrizo a lot in my soups and love it. Same flavor and less grease. Happy Friday!

  10. I went to visit the color picture link. Really fun to see all the people and things in color.

  11. beautiful shots! love the cat in the tree. And I definitely now want to plant morning glories along my fence next summer.
    I think I would like to be younger again - just for a bit - but only because I had a great childhood and it would just be fun to do some of those things again. not because I don't want to age.

  12. You certainly covered a lot of ground with this post. Great pics.

  13. What luck, that you have back your camera!
    I'm enjoyed your photos, nice cat... and have checked the site with colored pictures - a great and interesting collection!
    You b&w photo is awesome, it has a deep -
    Think, we both ar waiting of the colorful season, I very like the fall.

  14. Hi Ida, I really enjoyed your post, especially the fall leaves photos. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  15. My favorite is Ghost...he's in Camo-Mode in that tree :)

  16. I don't want to be younger but I wouldn't mind looking younger

  17. Beautiful post Ida..sueper gorgeous cat in the mysterious and I love your B&W photo of course..stunning! Wonderful array of images!!

  18. Beautiful haiku! Love that black and white shot but the kitty really caught my eye!

  19. There are definitely days I'd like to revisit some of my twenties, but with the knowledge and perspective I've gained since then and also still living where I do now. :)

    I enjoyed your blog hop answers! And I really like your B&W photo of the leaves!

  20. Ida, I LOVE your poem! That photo that goes with it too is perfect! Love your photos, and also I checked out that site with the colorized old photos! Wonderful! Such a great post!

  21. I love all the photos, especially the cat with the fence in the background. Beautiful!

    Have a Beautiful Weekend!

    Peace :)

  22. Beautiful shots, especially the first one.

  23. Etching memories in my true!


  24. I never cook with strange ingredients! My cooking is strange enough on its own.

  25. I hope that hubby feels better! Ghost is gorgeous! Love that name, too! Hug.

  26. Looks like you've been having fun with your camera. I'm glad they were able to fix it up for you.

  27. Lovely photos Ida,
    I'm hoping to plant a Morning Glory in my garden soon - they're so beautiful!
    Gorgeous snap you got of the cat exploring her world - lovely!
    Enjoy what's left of the weekend,

  28. Lovely words about autumn, Ida. I'm always so reluctant to let go of summer that I have to kind of grow used to the idea of autumn, and then when I do, I love it too.

    Sorry to hear about your bad experience with chorizo. Having married a Spanish chap I now use it all the time to add depth of flavour to stews and paella. It's become an ingredient that I just can't live without.

    I love your Morning Glory. We have a bank of it on the way down to the harbour in our village in Spain, and I'm always blown away by how lovely it is when I walk past. Those amazing velvety flowers are stunning in the sunshine.

    All the best, Bonny

  29. Lovely words about autumn, Ida. I'm always so reluctant to let go of summer that I have to kind of grow used to the idea of autumn, and then when I do, I love it too.

    Sorry to hear about your bad experience with chorizo. Having married a Spanish chap I now use it all the time to add depth of flavour to stews and paella. It's become an ingredient that I just can't live without.

    I love your Morning Glory. We have a bank of it on the way down to the harbour in our village in Spain, and I'm always blown away by how lovely it is when I walk past. Those amazing velvety flowers are stunning in the sunshine.

    All the best, Bonny

  30. Yes, these purple flowers have their own light! Excellent photos!

  31. Me too! Falling in love all over again!

  32. So many wonderful photographs! Of course, your cat photo is wonderful, as always. I also really love the b&w shot, and the final one. Love your poem, too!


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