Saturday, September 20, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - September 21, 2014

Hello!  -  It's time to go on a "hunt" or rather a Scavenger Hunt.  Let's join Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY.


Let's get started:

WINDOW:  This is my one and only "archive" shot this week.

My favorite car from the car show I went to a few weekends ago is this 1956 T-Bird and my favorite feature on the car are those adorable round windows.

SQUARE:  Out and about today on a drive I spotted some baled hay and thought it would work for the Square prompt.

They aren't really square but there is a square within the bales.

PICTURE IN PICTURE:  This one sort of stumped me.  Then I remembered a scene from the movie,  The Electric Horseman starring, Robert Redford and Jane Fonda.

 (That's a picture of our TV with the scene from the movie).
The dialog for this picture from the movie:

Ampco Industries PR Man: Grace, why don't you stand in front of that poster with Sonny, and Steve can take your picture to bring home.

Sonny Steele: Oh, no, why don't you just take a picture of Grace in front of that picture of me with that box with the picture of me on the box holding the picture of me with the picture of me? Then you've got Grace, and you've got a whole bunch of pictures of me.


A curve in the road where we stopped to take some pictures of some wild turkeys.


A pattern created in a farmer's plowed field.


  1. I like the color and windows on that car too. Where I used to live we would see hay bales both round and square. I thought picture in picture was hard too-but what I came up with is my favorite shot this week. Go figure.Wild turkeys are awesome! Love the patterns seen in farmers fields.

  2. your choices are perfect with lovely photos! when I first began noticing cars the Thunderbird was my favorite and this one is gorgeous.

  3. Stunning photos, Ida. I love your T-bird. As well as having great lines, designs - and, of course those funky little round windows - it's such a great colour. Your ploughed field looks lovely too. What a great texture it has. I love the way the furrows are all wavy rather than just being straight and boring. All the best, Bonny

  4. Stunning photos, Ida. I love your T-bird. As well as having great lines, designs - and, of course those funky little round windows - it's such a great colour. Your ploughed field looks lovely too. What a great texture it has. I love the way the furrows are all wavy rather than just being straight and boring. All the best, Bonny

  5. these are all perfect, those windows are really cute. my favorite shot is the curve...

  6. T T-bird is in excellent shape! Nice!

  7. Hello Ida, wonderful set for your photo hunt! I did not know T-birds had round windows, cool! I like the hay and the last pattern shot..Robert Redford is a handsome man..Have a happy Sunday.. BTW,, thanks for stopping by my blog too.

  8. i love the antique cars & the pattern in the field. i am always amazed by the work that farmers do. they really go to the extra mile & seem like they are having a real ball within their work (or job). ( :

  9. Love your "Pattern" shot. Very artistic and something you could hang on the wall.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  10. Wow, did goood on this scavenger hunt. I didn't know about this link party...sounds like fun.

  11. You definitely win for picture in a picture this week!

  12. Love the pattern shot! Great POV on this one!

  13. I am glad that I came by too - I love that - window - the car - it is so beautiful. And I have never seen a square bale of hay. Interesting.

  14. Great photos--and wonderful settings that you posted this week--
    I think you and I look for alot of the same type of things--
    have a great week-
    hugs di and miss gracie

  15. My favorite photo was of the bails of hay!

  16. Love the hay bales. There is something really visually pleasing about how they are stacked and how you framed the shot!!

  17. I always love the patterns that are left in a field after a farmers job is done.

  18. Very pretty colors, pure beauty in these alpacas straw, excellent photos !!

  19. some awesome photos to go with the prompts. they are pretty without any prompts! Love the T-bird :)
    Faythe @ GrammyMouseTails

  20. I love the squares- stacks of hay. Very geometric looking.

  21. Hi Ida. Love these. I always want to do this linky and never make it before it closes! Thanks for coming by my fence photo with the lovely Paint boy. He does usually greet me every Sunday. But today he was in another pasture with his friends! I didn't take the camera but I wish I did. The gate next to his pen was open. Which happens most weeks. It opens to the main barn. Open gates are a disaster waiting! Opps sorry that was a soap box moment. Thanks anyway for visiting. I love your shots. They were great! Have a good week.

  22. I enjoyed your photos Ida! Photography is so much fun.. Have a great day!

  23. I always enjoy seeing your photos, Ida. Love the "squares" and the last picture is quite unique.

    Have a wonderful week! Hugs to you!

  24. You found some great photos for the hunt!

  25. Great photos, Ida! Nice shot of the Thunderbird. I don't remember ever seeing windows like that in a car. I like that you included a bridge in your capture of a curve. How did you get high enough to get the shot of the neighbor's field?

  26. Wow, I would like to ride in that car! You are right that the little round window is really neat. Why don't they make cars like that anymore! The pattern on the field is amazing. That's a great shot! Have a nice week Ida. If you need some seeds for the tropical milkweed, I will send you some. Just email me your address.

  27. WoW....very good ida, you really nailed all of them, not an easy week. i really liked pattern!!!

  28. Hello Ida,
    I do not know the purpose of your blog, but I understand that it is a yacht anar certain things and putting them in the picture. You have at least the directions carefully followed:-)

  29. Love these photos! So darn much fun to hunt these up and I enjoy scrolling slowly through them, reading the prompt, then seeing the photo. The squares and the patterns are my faves.

  30. Hello Ida,
    I do not know the purpose of your blog, but I understand that it is a yacht anar certain things and putting them in the picture. You have at least the directions carefully followed:-)

  31. Love the hay bails shot. And the curvy field.

  32. Great photographs! And I love the quote about the picture in picture!


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