Thursday, September 4, 2014

Good Fences - Cat Walk

Good Morning! - It's time to join in on a fabulous and fun meme known as GOOD FENCES and hosted by Theresa from the (Run-a-Round Ranch Report.)

Today's fence is one you've seen before. This time taken from a much different perspective.  You may recall this post  where I shared pictures of the fence that borders the back of our property. 

Today I'm sharing a view from the top of the fence.  I was outside trying to get pictures of a neighbors turkey that they have in a pen and had to climb up on some boards inside the dog pen in my mom's yard.  As I did I glanced sideways at the top of the fence line and snapped this shot...

Click to Enlarge Photos for a better view.

  I added a little bit of sun light effect courtesy of Pic Monkey just to jazz it up a bit.

As I was snapping away I heard a soft little meow and looked down to see Eric the cat on the ground behind the fence line.  That didn't last long though as you will see...

Here he is just popping up on top of the fence line.

Just about over the top.

Walking towards me.  Remember I'm in an enclosed dog pen that is butted up against this fence.

Here Eric (the cat)*  is trying to figure out how to hop from the top of the fence over that chain link fence into the dog pen where I'm at.

I love how he's balancing on all 4 paws here still trying to figure out how he can get to me.

There is more to this story but you'll have to come back on Friday to see where Eric (the cat)* went from here.

Don't forget to stop in at Theresa's blog and check out all the other Good Fences. 

*  This cat was named Eric by his owners but he pretty much lives around our house now.  We often refer to him as Eric the Cat because my step-son's name is Erick so that way we can distinguish who we are talking about.


  1. Eric is a fantastic cat. Love the fence shots.

  2. I love your cat! Will show this to my daughter, she loves cats too. I'm sure she, just like me, will get the urge to hug your cat, it looks so fluffy!

  3. The agility of cats always amazes me. Eric is a pretty one and you have taken lovely photos for Good Fences. Have a great day :)

  4. Eric the cat has taken your Thursday Fence post in another whole direction... I love the fence and Eric the cat... in our family we say brother David and son David. my son is David and so is my brother. when we all lived in the same town and my kids were little we said Little David and Big David we say Julie and my Julie... Julie is daughter in law, My Julie is my friend Julie...
    I do love this post and cant wait to see where Eric the cat went next.,

  5. That cat climbing on the fence brought a smile to my day. Great captures!

  6. You did a good job of photographing the wooden fence,.. good angle in first shot.Eric is gorgeous!:)

  7. Great perspective of the fence in your fist shot...and I love the series of Eric the cat.

  8. I checked for fence pictures from you this morning. I never seen any up of fences. These are lovely.

    I am not a real cat lover but your cat is a very pretty one.

    Also when you give comments to others. I come to see what you entered. but you don't enter too much right ? You just comment I suppose. Do you work or do volunteer work just wondering.

    Thank you for your comments. I see you have many followers. Good for you. I like your blogs.

  9. LOL- your last line cracked me up! Cute kitty- he really wants to come over to see you.
    Have a great weekend!

  10. Cute photos of the cat on this fence.

  11. This is just purr-fectly sweet!

  12. Ida,
    I think the first prize goes to the kitty. The fence can take the 2nd, can't it? :)

    Peace :)

  13. These shots are just waaay too cute. :)

  14. Love love love the light in the first shot! These are all really stunning!

  15. Well, they say that good fences make good neighbors... so I think Mr. Cat is quite neighborly. I loved these and am going to have to show them to my daughter. She's a cat lover of the first order. She'll love this.

  16. Nice shots and nice effect! He's quite the fence walker.

  17. Eric the Cat id one handsome boy! You got a lot of neat-o pix of fence and cat, too. I think a cat adds just the right touch to ANY photograph! :) :) :)

  18. Beautiful kitty! Love the angle you took the fence shot.

  19. He is a gorgeous cat. He obviously wanted pets from you!

  20. The kitty cat obviously likes to walk the fence!

  21. Great fence shot... I love Eric the cat! He is very pretty!

  22. He's such a lovely cat. You certainly captured him figuring out his next move. His four paws together seem poised for it.

  23. He has got a tail like Lorelei's new kitty. Such a pretty cat.

  24. You sure pack a lot into a post. Love Eric on the fence, they're quite an agile animal that can explore on many planes.

  25. Really love your fence Ida1 IT is awesome and of course your kitty is adorable too! great shots! I love them

  26. Beautiful kitty! And Eric makes your fence photos just! Sorry....could resist!

  27. What a lovely series!
    I will more often again visit your blog.
    Have a great and quiet new week :-)

  28. That's a gorgeous cat! Loving your photos!

  29. A great series. Eric is such a cute cat.


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