Thursday, September 4, 2014

So Many Memes...Friday Fun

Gosh Friday seems to have a ton of different memes that I want to participate in.  I hope you don't get over loaded here but let's get started.





The statements:
  1. If___ then___
  2. ___ reminds me of ___
  3. I think of _____________ when I ____________
  4. _________ is the most special thing ________ has given me
My Answers:

1.  If  I wished for anything then I would wish that no one had to suffer in pain.

2.  The Yarn in the photo below reminds me of Cotton Candy.

3.  I think of my dad when I see sunsets for some reason.  I'm not sure why either.

4.  Eternal life is the most special thing God has given me.  I have that to
look forward too.

1.As promised in yesterday's Good Fences post here is the rest of the story of Eric (the cat) and where he went after he hopped up on the fence.

My mom has a storage shed just a few feet away from the fence so he hopped up there and laid down.  Isn't he adorable.  I snapped this shot of him as I walked out of her yard.   ---     Sharing this for Feline Friday and Willy-Nilly Friday 5  - See below for different versions.

2.  I've always admired Deanna (Snippets from Springdale) gorgeous berry photos.  So while I was out and about this week I snapped a shot of some berries and am dedicating this photo to her for inspiring me.

3.  Remember the reluctant school girl.  Well I'm happy to report that so far she's loving the 4th grade.  This was a shot for the 1st day of school where she was goofing off before she left.  It's a much happier shot then the ones I shared earlier.

4.  We've had some lovely sunsets this week.  Here is one.  This is also my entry for Six Word Friday.  The theme this week was the word:  Sure.

5.  I like to include forgotten photos now & then and this is one that I took when Coleen and I visited Ft. Walla Walla earlier this summer.  There was a demonstration there on dyeing yard with Kool-Aid (you can read about how that is done HERE) and this is some of the dyed yarn they had on display.
So Debbie (It's All About Purple) this one is for you.

Now for some Feline Art.  See the photo of Erick (the cat) above.  I played around with it on iPiccy and came up with these two art pieces.  The first is Pop Art and the second one was something called Fiery Image.

So there you have it.  Does it bother you to have several Memes in one post.  Let me know if you'd rather I posted separate posts for each meme.


  1. Nice post love the photos especially the feline art, it doesn't bother me at all in fact it's a good idea to get them all in one especially when your time limited.

    Have a mememtastic weekend ;-)

  2. I like how you managed to bring them all together.

    This is my first time to participate on Feline Friday. My post is of one of my three cat roommies here in Mumbai. I'm not normally a cat person but these three have grown on me!

  3. That wonderful verse is so perfect for 6 words...I love it when favorite quotes can be broken down into six word phrases! Beautiful photo too!

  4. that eric is a poser!! glad to hear and see coleen enjoying the 4th grade! the berries and yarn make pretty pictures! it doesn't bother me when people link to several meme's. i usually do signs and fences on thursday's! have a great weekend and thanks for linking to willy nilly!

  5. Love the photo of Eric.
    And 4th grade....liking it....that's a good sign!!!

  6. That's a great portrait of Eric, the cat. It looks to me like he'd be a fun one to have around.

  7. eric is such a sweetie. glad ms. 4th grader is doing well! the yarn does look like cotton candy. :)

  8. Doesn't bother me at all. Now you need a shot for Friday My Town Shoot Out as well! :) You can find the link on my blog. Thank you for visiting my blog yesterday. Glad you enjoyed the images.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  9. I enjoyed this...I love that last photo of the for several memes in one long as it is not so, so long, no, I don't mind. This one was about perfect. I enjoyed each one and it is a way to be introduced to other memes.

  10. Good to see Eric again! I'm glad your daughter is happy at school, nice picture of her. I'm playing Willi Nilly this Friday :)

  11. What a nice looking cat. Purrfect for Feline Friday.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ☺

  12. Now, who would have thought of dyeing yard with Kool-Aid? Amazing.

  13. Nice collection. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  14. the yarn does look like cotton candy and Eric is beautiful and i like the last Edit of Eric

  15. The cat on the roof resembles Snoopy on his rooftop! thanks for the link up and sharing the cool pics. Faythe @ GrammyMouseTails

  16. Visiting from Six Words Ida, Loving your beautiful sunset and quote to go with it...perfect. I am in awe of you being able to come up with so many memes in one post!

  17. Love your answers. I agree about wishing no pain on anyone.

    That yarn does look like cotton candy.

    Gorgeous photos.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Follow Friday Four Fill-In

  18. You are so sweet, dedicating certain pictures to different bloggers who inspire you! I have a post I am soon to do in honor of a sweet blogging couple. Anyway, LOVE your Virginia Creeper berries! They are beautiful (but not edible for humans) and in a month or two, the leaves will be bright orangy-purply-red. You'll have to go back and get another shot! :-) Love the sweet cat, and oh, the yarn...I have a weaving/spinning Board on Pinterest. There are many ways you can home-dye yarns and I love that kool-aid is one of them! :-) I knew about Rit dye, and of course the more organic ones from onion skins and other plants. Have an awesome week!

  19. I love the Psalm that you chose to share. I feel sorry for those who do not have strong beliefs - life is much harder for them. My heart tugs when I see a kitty.

  20. That is truly one gorgeous cat! Beautiful pics all around. I like Coleen hamming it up.

  21. Gorgeous shot of your beautiful kitty up on that roof. Wish I was as nimble as those cats. Pretty amazing. So glad that 4th grade is going well!

  22. Ida, they are Absolutely the Best Six words Ever. End of story. xx, m & jb

  23. I really like the cat and especially the colored wool. Wonderful photos.

  24. Love all the pictures especially your cat! We also have an orange cat, Leo, he is a huge and so loveable!

  25. you shared lots of fun stuff today ida....colleen looks so happy in this image!!!

    and i love that you thought of me when you are out and about. the yarn is pretty!!! i am going to come back to watch the video!!

    have an awesome weekend!!!

  26. Do you participate in all the memes you have listed? They sound fun and interesting. You surely showcased some beautiful words and photos this week!

  27. Love that cat!


  28. awww love that Orange Tabby! I like the first photo the best!

  29. What great answers! Have a great weekend!

  30. Ha! He's got his own elevated resting spot!

  31. Wonderful the way you covered so many memes at one time!

    My post and six words are about one of the kitties where I am renting a room in Mumbai.

  32. Hi Ida! It's me Roberta (aka) Mother Hen at Wordpress, Words Like Honey. I am going to try to do something with this blog here at blogger. I hope I have not confused you. I initially started with blogger and then decided to try wordpress, and am fine with it, but have wanted to do something here too. It needs work, but I'll get there. I really like your work here and all of your photos are great. They don't have the original friends connect, or rather I don't think so and my only option looks like google friends connect. I will figure it out..Well have a great weekend!

  33. Eric appears to be such a character!

  34. Wow, wow, wow! Love that last kitty pic!

  35. Great answers!!! Especially your #1

  36. YOur photos are always so amazing, Ida. And THANK YOU for informing me that FFI'ns are back! Yay!

  37. Beautiful pictures. It is nice to see so many different pictures in a single post.

  38. Sunsets are my favourite colour!
    And eternal life is just about the best gift ever, wouldn't you say? :)

  39. I love the very last kitty picture. The effect is perrfect!

  40. I don't mind them all together. It gives a fun variety to your post, and you don't dwell too long on any one meme. The final photo of your cat is very nice!

  41. Well done, my friend! I am glad you joined Fill In!

  42. Your cat photographs are always amazing, and this one is no exception!! Great collection of images for all the memes.

    I don't mind all the images in one post. I've often thought about doing that on my blog, too, so I'll be interested to read through the comments here.

  43. Your photo's are always so impressive, but I really like the picture of the wool. Such color!


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