Sunday, September 28, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - Mosaic Monday

Welcome! -  I hope you have all had a wonderful week.  It was a nice one here.   Plenty to do and yet not overwhelming.  -  So now it's time to join Ashley from,
Ramblings and Photos for SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY. -  The object is to use the 5 "Prompts' given each week and find photos that match them and then post your photos.

This week the prompts were:  KEY, TRIANGLE, FAVORITE WORD, CELEBRATION and BEST.

KEY:  I have been dying to have a reason to use this photo.  Yes it was taken really early this year way back in January on one of the walks Coleen and I went on.  She spotted it and I took the photo.

Hanging above one of the Fraternity Houses on Whitman College Campus.

TRIANGLE:  (This will also be linked to MOSAIC MONDAY) over at Lavender Cottage.

 I had so much fun walking around the neighborhood looking for triangles.

FAVORITE WORD:  -  This isn't necessarily my favorite word but it certainly is my favorite animal.

This is, Helix (not to be mixed up with Felix the Cat). He's another of the neighborhood cats that has adopted us.  Here he is climbing in my mom's Lilac tree.


The bright colored costumes of these dancers who preformed at the School Carnival this week always remind me of a Celebration.

BEST:  I think Coleen is the "best" and this is one of the best swing photo's I've ever taken of her.

Thanks for joining me and if you are so inclined to try this out here are next weeks prompts:

  • 1. Autumn
  • 2. Leaves
  • 3. Boots
  • 4. Hot Beverage
  • 5. Game

  • Take care and have a wonderful day. 


    1. the triangle collage is really nice!

    2. Good choices here. Swing shot is something.

    3. that is a great swing shot... and Helix is beautiful and i like that word/name a lot.... the key is really a find..

    4. Great series. And wonderful job with all the prompts. Good spot on the key and the triangles . But my fav is the joyful swing photo... Such a great portrait . Happy beautiful girl!

    5. I love these photos, Ida! That last one is such a precious "frozen moment in time", isn't it?

    6. Great collection of images for your photo hunt. Helix is a pretty kitty.. I love the custumes, they remind me of dances in Panama. Cute shot of your Coleen on the swing. Enjoy your Sunday!

    7. As always, your photography just amazes me. I love the one of Coleen, and Helix is a handsome cat and what a great way to use the key!

    8. I love love all your photos...but that swinging pretty girl is THE BEST. :)
      I had such fun doing this one. I will play again next week. Thanks for inspiring me to give it a try.

    9. That is a great key shot. You sure found lots of detailed triangles in your neighborhood! Helix has wonderful colors in his coat. Great shot of Colleen on the swing.

    10. It's another colorful whole Ida and again plenty nice fot programs. The roofs or actually pieces from the rooftops I find very bijzodner to see but the other pictures Beautiful and cheerful colors and again made ​​an assignment:-)
      Kind regards, Helma

    11. Look at all your triangles. I love them and your other photos.

    12. What beautiful bright and vivid colors in the dresses. Love them.

    13. I love that wonderful, delicious colors, I like these photos!

    14. Love the mosaic! That is really gorgeous, Ida!

    15. You sure find interesting things.
      I enjoy your finds .

      Happy Sunday.

    16. LOVE the triangle pics! Nice work!

    17. Hi Ida, I enjoyed your collection of photos today. The key is adorable, and the triangular roofs make a stunning mosaic. Love the kitty, but love the little gal best of all!

    18. The Scavenger Hunt party always looks like so much fun and you did find lots of triangles to make a collage.
      Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday.

    19. Coleen is such a cutie. And so is your adopted cat (even if you had very little to do with the!
      I love all those triangle house details. I have no idea what they're called, they probably have some fancy architectural name, but they sure lend character to the houses, don't they? Hope your week ahead turns out to be a lovely one. :D

    20. That is a great shot of Coleen on the swings. No blurs that I can see. Good job. Nice find with the key on the balcony. Good set of triangle photos!

    21. These are some of the best yet, Ida! Fabulous photos for the prompts! What a wonderful and interesting place you live in.

    22. I love your collage....what an interesting idea....great photos!

      Happy Monday!

    23. Wow these are all amazing!

      Yes, she's the best but finding that key is something! :)

    24. Wow these are all amazing!

      Yes, she's the best but finding that key is something! :)

    25. Love the hunt and your pictures...and I adore the roof fronts...that is a fabulous collage

    26. Wonderful images ... love the triangles and the colorful dresses. I haven't been on a swing in ages and this image makes me want to swing!!!!! Fun post. Happy Mosaic Monday!

    27. Wonderful aspects and details captured!! Lovely, indeed! And you're right about the swan in my pic, Ida...and thank you for visiting me! Have a sunny and pleasant week ahead!

    28. This is a great post, and I LOVE that key. Very cool. The triangles are nice too. All the photos are really good.

    29. Fun photos, Ida. The mosaic of architectural triangles is great. Colleen looks like she's having a wonderful time on the swing. Happy Week to you.

    30. Helix is a beautiful kitty! And I love all the triangles you found.

    31. Ohhh--I love all these photos this week that you shared--
      so bright and pretty--
      hugs, di and miss gracie

    32. Helix has great markings. Nice mix up this week.

    33. Those sure are some fun photos. Love the key one and and all the triangles. Of course, we think the cat picture is really good. This looks like a fun thing to do. We will have to get our Mom organized.

    34. A picture with the key is so unique, Ida!
      Love how you gave a name to a cat. :)
      And what a neat collage of triangles!

    35. Helix is a beautiful cat! That is a great key shot....and love your triangle shot and your best shot.

    36. My post thsi week would fit next week's cahllenge of "autumn" Ida! I enjoyed seeing how you turned the roof peaks into an interesting collage, and the action shot of Coleen is wonderful. I have a nice who is a "Colleen" :)

    37. So pretty triangles! And a beautiful cat. So hingt Coleen is swinging, thats a fun (wish, I could fly too!)
      Have a nice and quiet week


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