Friday, September 26, 2014

Willy Nilly Friday 5 and a little Cat Art

Happy Friday!

Joining in with Tanya (Around Roanoke) for WILLY-NILLY  FRIDAY FIVE

1.  Boy have I been enjoying the lovely fall weather we are having here.  It's still in the 70's during the day and mostly sunny so I've been able to get out and about and take pictures of stuff like this:

2.  Here's a little something to amuse you if you have nothing better to do today.

3.  We're 4 weeks into the Bowling League already.  Sadly my mom is not able to bowl with me this year.  I have a new bowling partner and she's fun to bowl with and mom goes with me to watch so it's all okay.  My average though not so great yet.  I've been all over the place with scores.  Out of 12 games for the 4 weeks I've hit a High score of 181 and a Low score of 105.

4.  I've been practicing some Black and White photography this week.  Below are 2 versions of the same scene.  One in BW and the other Color.  Which do you like the best?

I see now that I moved over a little for the colored shot but you get the general idea.  Also if you have not visited this website yet and love Black/White Photography please check it out.  MONOCHROMIA

5.  I had to go to the dentist this week.  Had a loose filling, bit down on some caramel corn, chipped a piece out of the tooth.  Needed a new filling, they suggested a Crown,  No more insurance benefits for this year so crown will wait.  This is what I say to that....

                                        My entry for Feline Art Friday


  1. And I agree with your comment! :) :) :)
    Played the dart the sheep game. Reaction time reassuring for an old lady like me. I like the color photo better. I can see the detail better. Day trip to Virginia tomorrow for a wedding. Looking forward to some mountain viewing. The Appalachian Mountains are the oldest on earth. They have that feeling. So beautiful.
    Happy weekend, Ida!

  2. oh those fall leaves are so pretty...we've been feeling fall-ish here too! i like both pictures a lot but i think i lean more to the colored version! sorry about your tooth and the insurance, blah....but that cat is funny! have a great weekend and thanks for linking!

  3. We have had fall-like weather this week, too. It's not showing in the leaf colors, but the lower temps sure are nice. I love the edit on your cat giving a raspberry. lol

  4. That last photo made me laugh. lol

    I like both photos but the color one is my favorite.

    We are enjoying cooler temps and the leaves are just beginning to turn.

    Happy weekend to you and yours.

  5. Oh gosh- I totally agree with your reaction to the news...I feel that way too sometimes..especially about things that are out of my control! Have a great weekend!

  6. We're starting to see a little fall color around here too.
    I used to bowl on a mixed league years ago. It used to be so much fun.

  7. Great Friday five...I have played that silly game before. I am trying not to get hooked on it again...LOL

    I like the B&W shot the best, but it was a hard choice.

  8. A bowling league sounds really fun. I took a bowling class in college and loved it.

  9. The sheep game is too addicting!

    Good luck with the bowling!

  10. Beautiful autumn leaves and I LOVE the contrast of both monochromatic and colored one♡♡♡ BTW, I need to go to the dentist as well(^^;)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  11. Lovely images! We do not have many fall colors yet. And the kitty photo and art is cute! Have a happy weekend!

  12. Those leaves are beautiful. I loved the coloured one more than black and white.

  13. Nice Willy Nilly post! I know what you mean about your tooth...I've had a broken one for two years and was so shocked by what the dentist was going to charge, I cancelled my appt. to get it fixed. Love the two photos, one color and one B&W. Have a great week!

  14. This is my favorite time of year as well, it's such a wonderful time to be outdoors!! It's great that your mom is still able to come and watch you bowl, but I'm sure it was difficult for her to give it up!!

  15. Wonderful how you've captured the autumnal atmosphere! Beautiful photo!

  16. The first photo is soooo gorgeous, and the cat is hilarious with your caption! I love black and white photos sometimes better than color, and I'll frequently change a photo to black and white when the color turns out bad and is not fixable. Since you asked, in this case I think I like the color photo better, just because of the subject matter.

  17. I always liked black and white pictures. :)
    Wishing you the best in your bowling season!
    I have a long way of dentist treatment yet.
    Hope everything went well with your visit to the doctor.

  18. Pretty fall leaves! That's nice your mom can still participate in the league and feel included!


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