Sunday, September 7, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - September 7, 2014

Hello & Welcome.   -  I hope you have all been enjoying a nice weekend.

It's been a good week.  The first week of school is now under our "belts" so to speak and so far the Granddaughter (Coleen) is enjoying being in the 4th grade.  -  We took our first trip back to the Frozen Yogurt shop this Friday as is our tradition on Friday's after she gets out of school.  We had a good time eating the Yogurt and visiting with each other.


So now it's time to join Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for,
SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY    This weeks prompts were:  Color, View, Stroll, Outfit and Blocks.

I always love it when people are able to combine all the prompts into one event and even more so when I can pull it off.  That's exactly what happened this week.  Yesterday we attended the annual "Wheelin' Walla Walla" car show held downtown.  So without further ado here are my takes on the prompts.

COLOR:  There were cars of every color imaginable there at the show but this color combo caught my eye.

           Isn't that a cool color combination - Very bright and shiny too.

VIEW:  Here's a different view of the car show:

I caught my hubby's reflection as he was chatting with someone at the show in this tire rim.  Funny thing is I also caught myself taking the photo.

STROLL:  There were lots of folks strolling down the street looking at all the cars in the show. 

OUTFIT:  The art work on this car was something else.   I can't image what the rest of the outfit looked like.

BLOCKS:  Okay these aren't exactly traditional "blocks" but they are blocked shaped.

I had the worst time getting pictures of orange cars for some reason.  This car is actually orange (not yellow like the photo).  Below is the actual color of the car just so you can see what I'm talking about.  It was either the angle or the way the sun was shining on the car but I could not for the life of me get the above picture with the fuzzy dice and the car to match up the orange colors.

We had a lot of fun walking around looking at all the different cars at the show.  I'll share more photos of the show soon.

Sadly my camera is now in need of repair so I may be without it for awhile.  I'll try to participate with my old Point-n-Shoot the best I can until I get my camera back.


  1. bright colors and cool paint job. :)

  2. wow, you hit the mother lode here, all in one spot. love them ALL

  3. Looks like a great show and I love your choices. Sorry about your camera.
    Glad Coleen is liking school and the yogurt is something good to look forward to each Fri.

  4. Awesome! I love those vivid colors, and nice work on the reflection shot!

  5. I like the purple/orange and the orange car. That outfit car is amazing. So sorry to hear about your camera being in the shop:(. Hope you get it back all repaired soon!

  6. What a great old car! Beautiful paint!

  7. Beautiful pictures and fun items from the car.
    Great nice details and beautiful oil colors:-)
    Warm regards

  8. Nice collection of photos! I laughed about the "no peeky" signs on the one car. :)

  9. Love the color combination on that first car. After all, if you're going to spend that much money on a ride, it ought to stand out.

  10. Glad to hear Coleen had a good first week, what a nice tradition of getting fro yo!

    Those cars are too much, the no peeky, too funny!

  11. My hubby would be very excited to see all the variety at the car show. He has fuzzy dice for his 66 GTO

  12. No peeky, too cute! I like the stroll, and the view is priceless and the car very nice!

  13. Hi Ida!
    The NO PEEKY! signs cracked me up.

    What kind of camera do you usually use?

    I have a Lumix. I guess it's a point and shoot, but there are lots of menu options to choose from. I used to have a 35mm, but it was so heavy, it was a hassle to take around everywhere. It was like carrying a toddler. I find I take more pix she I can just slip the camera in my pocket or purse.

    But as I get older, I find I take fewer pictures. That being said, I became the photographer at my Goddaughter's bridal shower. And since they are getting married on an $800 budget, I was sort of asked to take pictures at the wedding. Point and shoot, don't fail me now!

    :) m & jb

  14. Very cool, I can't believe though that you didn't peek at the outfit, or lack of outfit.

  15. Looks like it was a fun event! Hope you aren't without your camera for very long.

  16. Great photos! Love all the bright colors! Glad your GD likes school!

  17. What a fun event! And, oh, those bright, bright colours! Great post.

  18. Wonderful photos of these colorful and unusual cars, Ida!

    Hope your camera can be fixed and returned to you soon.

  19. Great photos. That was quite a color combination on that car. You did a great job capturing the view in the tire rim. I bet it was fun strolling that day looking at the cars. The artwork is amazing, but I don't think I would have looked either.

  20. Definitely a beautiful car, beautiful photos.

  21. This looks so fun! I love your photos - such bright and happy cars! Great way to start my morning!

  22. Yay..such a fun and fabulous the unique array of gorgeous images, stories and visions! Love the radiant colors and magical shots....beautiful car!
    Wishing you a lovely day!

  23. Fantastic shots Ida! What a shame your camera is now poorly, but I am sure you will be back taking your wonderful shots very soon! Take care. xx

  24. What great cars and colors :)

    Hugs to you!

  25. Always fun going to an event like that. Lots of pretty colors.
    Nice shot in the tire rim. : )

  26. I love the colors of that Ford! I hope you get your camera back quickly.

  27. Wow, that is a lot of color for one car!!!

  28. What a wonderful choice for Scavenger Hunt! Your photos are great!

  29. oh Ida, I love this post!! That car is amazing, purple and orange really look good together!! I have never seen this color combination on a car!!

    And I love car shows, looks like it was a nice day!!

  30. I've seen another blogger take part in the scavenger hunt and this is a good way to stretch one's imagination.
    My hubby would have enjoyed that car show, lots of colourful vehicles and cool painting.

  31. What fun and festive photos, filled with vibrant color! I especially love the reflection in the hubcap!

  32. well done! quite the colourful car indeed. and I think the fuzzy dice shot is absolutely perfect!

  33. What a fun show - looks like you hit all the prompts, beautifully! Love the reflection in the hubcap! So sweet that you treat your precious Coleen to frozen yogurt every Friday. xo Karen

  34. Love the results of your scavenger hunt. That car is certainly unusual.

  35. Love them all as well.

  36. We "Love" car shows, and the Walla Walla show looks like it would be a great show! Thanks for sharing with us :)


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