Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Songography - The September Grass Edition.

It's been some time since I've participated in Kathy's Meme, 

Click to Enlarge.

SONGOGRAPHY   and I've missed doing so.  This week I decided to give it a try again.  The song,  September Grass by James Taylor.

Here's my interpretation:

I must admit that a couple of the photos in the collage have been featured here on the old blog before but I revamped them in different ways for this collage so they are new and fresh again.  I hope you like it.


  1. beautiful and i wish i could still lay on the grass and then get back up

  2. Love how you collaged that together!

  3. Very lovely....I really like the flying geese. We used to look forward to seeing them fly.

  4. I like the song and your pretty images. Well done! Enjoy your evening!

  5. Good to see you join in. They might be old, but they fit this song beautifully.

  6. Oh, Ida, this is beautiful! Wonderful photographs and a beautiful layout. I love it!

  7. Quite beautiful, Ida.
    Sweet blessings to you, Debbie

  8. Lovely interpretation of the song, Ida. All the best, Bonny

  9. LOVE it!!! all are perfect for this song!!

  10. Perfect for fall! Beautiful photos, and your collage looks awesome!

  11. Great shots , and perfect rendition for the meme

  12. Welcome back! You've been missed. I really like how all your photos work so well together in a collage. Thanks for joining in at Song-ography this week.

  13. Well, I love the revamped photos and your September song. So lovely! I've not heard of Song-ography. Sounds very interesting…… :-)

  14. :) Ida it's ok to revamp and recycle art and photography. Always a pleasure to visit with you.

  15. I love the line of birds! The color is perfect -- that golden, rich yellow of early autumn. Good job.


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