Monday, September 22, 2014

The Good, The Random, The Fun.

Linking in with Tamar (Random-osity) for,
It's always a "good" thing when we spot Hot Air balloons out.  There were two up the other morning and this is one of them.  (Note the clouds were added as we had clear skies).

Spotted this couch "randomly" tossed in a ditch while out on our drive Saturday.  -  The funny thing is that we have a similar couch/hide-a-bed that is in worse shape than this one.  I joked with hubby that maybe we should exchange.
A "Jolly Green Giant" is fun!  -  This guy is painted on one of the hills outside a small town where the Green Giant canning company was for many, many years.  It's no longer operating under that brand name but the Giant remains on the hill as a reminder and something fun to look at.


  1. all your photos are fun today.. the nerve of people with dumping things just blows my mind.. people drive by our house and throw out cans and bags of trash in our yard all the time and try to break bottles on the drive way, one morning there was a six pack of empty beer bottles sitting in the end of the driveway...

  2. Nice collection! I've often seen high schools paint letters on hillsides, but this is the first time I've seen the Jolly Green Giant! :)

  3. A fun, eclectic post! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Love the hot air balloon, such pretty colors! The poor couch, thrown on the side of the road!

  5. I love to see hot-air balloons! I have never been up in one but I do enjoy watching them from below.

  6. You made me chuckle about the sofa :) Great post, Ida. Thinking of you!

  7. Fun Green Giant! And I do hope you can get a new couch soon. I've had good 'luck' with Craig's List. It's at least a step up from Ditch List. lol

  8. Some really great finds and captures! Love that balloon!

  9. Fun series of photos. I like the hotair balloon. I guess people can not afford to have their old furniture hauled away..Cute shot of the Jolly Green Giant.. Enjoy your new week!

  10. From the valley of the jolly *ho! ho! ho!* green giant! Love this guy!

  11. Great post with a variety of interesting sites. The couch is the funniest, though...who would just toss it out in the ditch?

  12. I love the hot air balloon and your silly comment to exchange couches! :)

  13. Nice photos to go with the theme. What a shame that people litter the country with things like that!!

  14. Well, those are great finds. The couch story is funny. It reminds me of dropping off an old tv at a recycle collection and seeing tvs like our 'new' tv being dropped off by others.

  15. I love seeing hot air balloons! This one is so colorful! Enjoy your week!

  16. You found some really interesting things. Love the Jolly Green Giant.

  17. Cool and funny shots! Thanks for coming by my Sweet Saturday post! Have a good week.

  18. HI Ida Love the hot air balloon. It is my wish that someday I will have the opportunity to go up in one. I have now safely arrived back from 6 weeks away so have LOTS of editing to do!! Thanks for looking in on my posts while I was away and commenting. I appreciate that very much.

  19. great finds, I love it when one spots something huge and artistic as you did in the Green Giant shot :-)

  20. Now see I would have thought that aliens landed and left a 'sign' if you hadn't explained about the giant :)

  21. Those are some great pictures. Those balloons are terrific. Love the sofa in the ditch. I just use my old sofas for my cats. And the Jolly Green Giant is good too. Have a great Tuesday.

  22. I LOVE that Jolly Green Giant!

    I think we need more of those old type of commercials! They would make such a nice change.

  23. What great finds this week. That is so cute about the sofa. I have a "cat chair" that needs to be left on the side of the road!!!

  24. Why would someone junk up the roadway with a halfway decent couch like that? Wouldn't it be just as easy to take it to Goodwill? Maybe it just fell out of the truck and they didn't notice it. Okay, not likely, but it would be a preferable scenario. Anyway, it's fun to see your photos and a little slice of life in the Walla Walla area! Great landscape. You have a little bit of everything there!

  25. Oh what a great post, reflecting all three. I've never seen this meme before. Looks like fun!

  26. This post made me smile! The hot air balloon is gorgeous, and the old couch and the Giant are fun!

  27. How very clever knowing how to add clouds. Over here the challenge lies more in getting rid-of-clouds when we take photos. If you've got an app for that, I'd be seriously interested ... . Lovely photos! All the best, Bonny

  28. ummm, your good, is awesome!! best time of my life!!

    i hope the jolly green giant has a birds eye view of the balloons!!


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