Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday - Capturing a 1st.

Today I am super excited in joining Stewart (Paying Ready Attention) for WILD BIRD WEDNESDAY.

Last Wednesday after Coleen got out of school we went up to Rooks Park and I walked up to Mill Creek to take some pictures.  As I was walking towards the creek I spotted something white flying in the air but I couldn't see what it was nor where it went.  I happened to spot a guy with a camera looking towards where I was but still could see what he was looking at.  He was on the other side of the bank and I watched him and his dog walk on up the trail.  Then I turned and headed in his direction and it was then I spotted this:

This was still pretty far off so I hurried on up the trail and told my daughter to head down and get Coleen so she could see the bird too.

As I got closer and closer I begin to take more & more pictures.

I like the way the geese here are standing.

Neat to get the geese, some ducks and the Egret in the same shot.

  I think this may be one of my favorite shots I got of the Egret.

Now it's turned the other direction.

Seems to be checking the ducks out.

Coleen loves this shot.  She says it looks like they are "kissing."

I could have watched this bird all day.  At first I thought it was a (Snowy Egret) but upon looking it up I discovered this is referred to as a Great Egret or a Common Egret.  To me there was nothing "common" about it and I was thrilled beyond belief to actually see it and photograph it.

I hope you've enjoyed my photos of this 1st for me.


  1. Lovely series of shots. great to get all 3 birds in the same shot.

  2. Good Morning, Ida! I love this series of shots. The geese, ducks and the beautiful egret are all wonderful sights.. Lovely images.. Have a happy day!

  3. I love egrets, such amazing pictures!

  4. Hi there and welcome to WBW!

    Geese and egrets are not a combination I see very often.

    Hope you keep posting to WBW.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  5. They always fly away from me when I get close enough to get a photo. :( Good work.

  6. yup, great egret, for sure. such a graceful being. i love when birds share space.

  7. I think the Shape of egrets is beautiful.
    You got some great shots.
    Beautiful the way he is reflected in the water.
    Didn't know the geese by you are one-legged.
    Ha-ha! Happy October! One of my favorite months.

  8. what a great day trip, birds are always inspiring and so beautiful to watch. no geese here, but it is common to see egrets walking in the yards here. like geese up there

  9. That's very cool you saw an egret! How fun!

  10. Nice bird shots! I especially like the egret. :)

  11. Nice array of pretty birds. Very special sightings....I don't always get to see Canadian Geese. Beautiful captures.

  12. Great photos, Ida :) It's always a pleasure vsiting you. Hugs!

  13. Absolutely nothing common about it at al....it is so beautiful and graceful looking .....

  14. I enjoyed the last 6 pixs of your birds .

  15. Those are wonderful pictures --- I love exploring watery places and especially when the birds are great like this walk was .... thanks for sharing it !

  16. What a gorgeous white bird! Egrets are quite elegant.

  17. the great egret is such a beautiful bird, i completely understand your excitement in spotting him.

    your captures are gorgeous and i have to agree with colleen about the "kissing" shot!!!!

  18. How awesome to get to see all those and take photos. I have never gotten any shots half as decent of an egret!

  19. I'd be thrilled too! Wonderful shots of the egret and the geese too.

  20. Very pretty shots. And I am totally with Colleen on the kiss ;)

  21. Loved your egret and duck pictures. I can't pick a favorite. They are all terrific.

  22. that's so great that it posed nicely for you! whenever I try to sneak up on the ducks in our river, they all swim away. If I happen to have my zoom lens, it's okay...but I don't always have it.
    I would love to catch a snowy owl this winter -- supposedly they come here.

  23. Wonderful photos, Ida. Your egret looked very majestic: the king of the river birds. All the best, Bonny

  24. You had fun chasing after the egret and you have captured some good shots. The geese all sitting in line is a good capture too.

  25. I like these photos a lot!! You have a great mixture of different birds here, and they're all phenomenal in their own way!!

    Excellent post.

  26. Love your wonderful captures of all the waterfowl.

  27. Congratulations! I've never seen one of these guys. Nice shots!


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