Thursday, October 2, 2014

Good Fences - Bennington Lake Edition

Joining the fun of GOOD FENCES with Theresa from (The Run-a-round Ranch Report).

Today I'm sharing some fences taken at Bennington Lake last Wednesday.

Click on image to enlarge

There are lots of native grasses and plenty of trees, bushes and of course "fences" to enjoy while visiting the lake.  At the top of this photo there is a walking trail behind the fence.

If you get tired along the way there are benches placed periodically on the trails where you can rest and enjoy the view.

Speaking of the view....

Some views of Bennington Lake.  -  I'm not entirely sure if you can see the lake from the bench in the above photo's but I do know you could still see those hills/mountains in the background.
One last fence as you drive back out the park.

I don't know what those weeds are but they looked cool so I just had to stop and take a photo.

Have a wonderful day and don't forget to check out all the awesome fences by visiting Therea's blog and clicking on the links from other participants.


  1. wow, VERY pretty views. i LOVE the grasses! thanks, ida!

  2. I LOVE all your fences...and such great photos.
    My fence link is nearly not there...not too much of a fence but I wanted to play anyway. :)

  3. The views are really beautiful. I would say they are suggestive of... wishes, dreams and other magical things.

  4. The fence looks so pretty in the brown, dried grass. Beautiful views, Ida :)

    Hugs and blessings!

  5. Such beautiful landscape! I love the composition of your second image, in particular - and every image in the series is lovely!

    Visiting from Good Fences #28.


  6. Love the lake and the last shot with the grasses and fence is stunning.

  7. What beautiful pictures, Ida. I love the native grasses in the fall when they turn that rich golden color and their different seed pods add so much texture to the view. You must really enjoy being at this lake ... it shows in the pictures you take.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  8. Only one word describes these photos...STUNNING!

  9. These are lovely images, Ida! Looks like a pretty spot for a walk. The views are lovely! Great fence shots!

  10. All the photos are nice - I really like the fence shots. Well done!

  11. Hi Ida,
    The hills and the water definitely quenched my thirst for some scenery. I wonder why I see two fences in the last picture. Are they fences on two adjacent properties?

    Figure this is all in WA. Lovely scenes of places I haven't seen. Thanks for sharing.

    Peace :)

  12. Beautiful views! The trail does not look as if it has been mowed. Good place to pick up nettles and maybe ticks, as we have learned in the prairies of NE Illinois.

  13. Wonderful photos! That looks like a great place for a walk.

  14. Oh, gee, what a fine set of photos. The first two really do have a special appeal, but then I love the others, too.

  15. The dying grass behind the fences adds a great dimension to the pictures. And the scenery in the other photos is so lovely.

  16. I'd love to be sitting on that bench enjoying the view!

  17. Oh my...this is lovely.

  18. What gorgeous scenery. Thanks for posting these beautiful pictures. I enjoyed them.

  19. oh your photos are all beautiful...really love the one with the bench in it!

  20. Oh these are all such beautiful shots of the area, Ida. Love all this rustic fences and the area...

  21. Beautiful photos! Love the fences!

  22. Oh, I really like that first photo. I can see myself getting a lot of stickers in my socks and shoes walking through that. Thank you for visiting my Vernal Falls Good Fence. That was an interesting article to read wasn't it? Goes to show there are a lot of stupid people out there, but we already knew that huh?

  23. Beautiful photos Ida. It would be lovely sitting on that bench with such a spectacular view.

  24. My favorite is the one with the bench by the fence.

  25. I love those wheat colored grasses in the fall. It makes those wooden fences really pop. Lovely area, wonderful captures!!

  26. Beautiful! I really love that second shot. Makes you want to go sit in the chair and just listen to the birds! Beautiful lake!

  27. Thank you for your sweet visit today.... The wild grasses surrounding this fence makes for a great picture...

    Hope you will visit again...

  28. They are wonderful fence shots and that view is gorgeous especially the reflections one.

  29. Fences can be pretty intriguing... That lake looks like it created an oasis.

  30. These are beautiful Ida. A place I would love to walk.

  31. Great shots. Very beautiful view. Thanks for coming by my Trail Class post! Have a great weekend.

  32. Hello Dearest Ida;
    Views from 'Bennington Lake' is so GORGEOUS and BEAUTIFUL♡♡♡ And the fence with grasses sort of reminds me of the peaceful play ground when young :-) I had a couple of trip to Europe when younger but never been to America. Thank you very much for sharing great views♪

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  33. I like the simple sturdiness of these fences. And the wonderful views are nice too!

  34. That's a great spot for a walk the views are breathtaking!! but my favorite pictures were those of the Amber grasses and weeds!!

  35. Oh my!! The images are so beautiful!!!

  36. I really like the wooden fences. They have so much style and character. Those of fine images of the lake too.

  37. Lovely fences and very beautiful views - it must be nice to take a walk there.

  38. teh fence looks great with the yellow grass as backdrop. :)

  39. oh these are wonderful images of "fall" the the "prettiness" that's coming.

    i love the hay like grasses and the feeling of motion they provide!!!

  40. That is beautiful rolling countryside. The hills make the fencing much more appealing.

  41. What a beautiful area! Love all the rustic fences here.

  42. I'm a sucker for fence shots and these are gorgeous. Love the one with the bench!

  43. Ida, I know absolutely nothing about the landscape of Washington state, and this is stunning! I love that second photo, where the grasses are so clear -- just lovely. What views! Thank you for sharing.

  44. Your Good Fences posts have become some of my favorites. Stunning views. I HAVE to come visit someday!


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