Monday, October 20, 2014

Book Review - Becoming Bea by Leslie Gould

*** I was given a copy of this book by Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review of the book
This is my very first review for Bethany House Publishers. 
This book is the last in a series of books by Leslie Gould.  It is written in the "First Person" style of writing which is something that I normally don't care for when I read a book.  However....once I got started in the story I became more interested in the characters rather than the style of writing.
Bea and Ben are the two main characters of the story.  They have been friends and rivals in school for many years but are now grown up and finding themselves at a crossroad in their relationship.  Will love bloom between them or will they go their separate ways? - This is an Amish Fiction story and while I've read other Amish fiction this was my first by this author.  I did enjoy the story and how the author wove the characters "past" in with the present.
I thought the author did a great job in describing the characters and their feelings and what was happening throughout the story.  There were little "subplots" woven into the story as well which held my attention because I wanted to find out how they were resolved.
One thing that did bother me somewhat was that the author used words from the Amish language or way of speaking that I was not familiar with.  Some I could figure out because of the context of what the author was writing about but it would have been easier had she explained what they meant.
I would recommend this book if you enjoy Amish fiction or even a love story.   I would suggest reading the other books in the series first though as characters in this book were introduced in previous books so it might help you to know who they are before finishing up this series.


  1. Hi, Ida. Thanks for sharing the review..have a great evening..

  2. i'm not a reader but it sounds like you enjoyed the book!!

    i love the cover!!!

  3. Glad you were able to review this book. Love your fall header!

  4. I've never read Amish anything before, but we sure do here a lot more about their way of life these days. I have to admit, I'm becoming curious.
    Thanks for the review!

  5. Always enjoy book reviews, and will check this one out.

  6. Always love a good love story. I am not a fan either when the author uses words relevant to the story that are unused by the reader. I've read a lot of books and it is frustrating. I don't think it adds to the story. Thanks for sharing this review and thanks for coming by my Tea Party.

  7. I've never read Amish fiction, but I do love to read. How fun to do a book review. Thanks, Ida!

  8. There is a mystery about the lives of the Amish. And I don't think I've ever read a book about them.

  9. I read Amish books by

    Jerry S. Eicher

    Finishing one now.

    Ella Finds Love Again.

    It is touching but they say a happy ending like this author pretty well writes.


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