Sunday, October 19, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - October 19, 2014

Welcome.  I hope you've all had a great week.  Let's finish it up by having a great hunt with Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY.

This weeks prompts were:  Book, Mail, Star, Saturated, and Wall.


I knew I didn't want just any shot of a book for this prompt so I drove the 17 miles needed to snap this little book reading frog at the Public Libray in Milton-Freewater, OR.  Isn't she cute.


Our cat, Snickers provied the perfect "mail" shot the other day when she hopped inside this box that was laying on the floor.  Would you like to receive this in a package?  (If you hate cats feel free to not answer).

STAR:  -  I think he pretty much was a "Star."  -  Elvis lives on.

This mural is actually pained on a stone wall so I could have used it for both prompts. 

Saturated:  So I looked this up to make sure I had the right idea.

sat•u•rat•ed (ˈsætʃ əˌreɪ tɪd)


2. thoroughly soaked with moisture; wet.
3. (of colors) of maximum chroma or purity; free from admixture of white.
So I'm actually sharing photo's for both definitions:
The fountain on Whitman campus is certainly "saturated" with moisture and overflowing.
I'd say these Oak leaves are "saturated" with color, wouldn't you?
WALL:  Here again you'll be getting a bonus photo.
This stone wall is a few blocks away from our house but I just love it.  It makes a great backdrop for taking photos and I like the design of it too.
So remember the Elvis wall above....this is also painted on a section of that wall along with another picture of Elvis which I didn't post this time.
So that's it for my part of the hunt.  Be sure to check out Ashley's blog and the other participants.  If you want to join in next week here are the prompts:
1. Paint
2. Pumpkin
3. Family
4. Looking Cute
5. Photographer’s Choice




  1. cute mail kitty and i love the saturated oak leaves. :)

  2. WOW you got some great photos for this week`s challenge. I LOVE the book one!

    Thanks for dropping by and visiting me.

  3. Hello Ida, lovely series of images for your photo hunt.. I love the murals and your cute Snickers..The fall leaves are beautiful. Great post, enjoy your Sunday!

  4. Terrific post! Love the cat in the box - what is it about cats that they love to play in paper bags or in boxes? Too cute.

  5. you hit every nail smack dab on the head with each word prompt. that Elvis painting is fantastic and so are the grapes... no cats for us, Jake is a no one comes in the house but the ones who live here.. but that is a precious package...

  6. Blessings....
    Just stopped in to say hello and wish you a splendid week.

    I enjoyed the photos on your S.hunt.

    stay blessed.

  7. Beautiful photos, interesting compositions with exquisite colors, I charm her reading frog!

  8. Cat in a box, so cute!
    Love the wall shot, great angle!

  9. Marvelous pictures. The reading frog is lovely.

  10. Snickers is a very pretty girl. Yes indeed.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  11. Really nice photos! The cat made me laugh! Looks very serious. LOL That's a beautiful mural and the leaves have great color!

  12. Love all of your shots! Good call on saturated. You got it! Thank you for stopping by and leaving kind comments. God bless you!

  13. A great collection of photographs!

  14. That first photo made me laugh-what a great statute. I would love to get a package like that in the mail.
    That wall is wonderful.

    I really like your new blog header pictures too.

  15. Great finds for this scavenger hunt. I love the water fountain (saturation).

  16. Hi Ida,
    I love that wall and the Elvis art.
    Good finds!

    Peace ;)

  17. I had my comment nearly finished, then it disappeared. If you end up with both, please delete the first one. :) The white wall is great. I like it even without the artwork. My favorite is the frog reading the book. Thank you for driving the extra 17 miles to share the photo with us. As for the mail, I am picturing the poor mailman who would have to deal with a cat in the box if someone were to mail one. :)I

  18. Great photos! Love the fountain. I think will look into this scavenger hunt. Could be fun!

  19. The first two are such funny pictures !

  20. I love all your photos....even the one of your cat and I'm not a huge cat lover! ;)

  21. cute, cute, cute, what a fun set!!! i love autumn and i love your header creation, it's just beautiful!!

  22. These are all perfect shots for the hunt! I really love the one you chose for "book" and I would have driven that far for it also! Have a wonderful day!

  23. Hi Ida,

    What a pretty autumn header you have! I love the stone wall for its pattern and texture! Very intriguing photos!


  24. your post is just PERFECT for the hunt. you found some great things to take pictures of the prompts.
    GOOD JOB !

  25. Love that little book reading froggy! that would be a great addition to my garden.
    The Saturation ones are gorgeous!
    But yes, Elvis is THE star. :)

  26. Enjoyed your edition of scavenger hunt for this week. Love the shot of Snickers!

  27. Ida! The fountain picture is exceptional!
    I would love to get that package in the mail!! I just love how our kitties fit into cardboard boxes.

  28. Lovely photos of your cat in the box and the stone wall! We already have 3 cats, so I don't think we could handle another. I really like your new header!

  29. These are the perfect pictures for the prompts! Wow!

  30. Sorry for not stopping by for a while, but I'm having a wonderful time catching up!
    Love the photos here,especially the book-reading frog!

  31. Hi Ida--love all your photos--
    and I can't pick one over the others--
    love the frog one reading a book--
    and to think you drove that far to take a photo of it--great for you!
    see ya next week--
    hugs, di and miss gracie

  32. That is how all the boxes that are in my house look :) Always full of cuteness!

  33. Snickers looks like our Georgette. We lost her a few years ago.

  34. These are all great for the prompt! Love your Snickers! She is adorable.


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