Sunday, October 12, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - October 12, 2014

It's time to join Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for

This weeks prompts were:
Details, Friend, Comfort, Above and New.

This week was a bit challenging for sure.


I just like all the "details"  in this shot from the color of the leaves and grass to the texture of them and the sidewalk. 


I managed to snap one quick (but not great) shot of this girl and her horse coming down the trail at Bennington Lake.  I'm sure they are truly "friends" with each other.

COMFORT:  This was a toughie.

Our cat Dottie likes to pet herself - She is not bathing here.  She'll lay on the floor and rub her paw on her face and roll around and purr.  It's really cute to watch her.  We think she finds "comfort" in doing this.

ABOVE:  I heard some honking the other day and just happened to have my camera in hand.  As I looked up this was what was "above" me.

NEW:   Every year I like to add something "new" to my Halloween or Christmas decorations.  The crow is new this year.

So that's it for this weeks hunt.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Don't forget to check out the other participants.

In case you want to join in on the fun.  Here are the prompts Ashley has listed for next weeks hunt.

Book, Mail, Star, Saturated and Wall. 


  1. sweet kitty! and loved the 'above' shot. :)

  2. perfect finds for all the categories. love the birds in flight and the red leaves are gorgeous

  3. Love the friend shot, animal friends are the best. THe cat looks comfy!

  4. The above photo is really nice with the contrast of the dark birds and the white clouds. That and the details photo are my favorite.

  5. That is so funny how your cat pets herself! Cute

  6. I love these! Your cat looks like she's posing for the camera. What a cute crow!

  7. Hi Ida,
    The horse looks very pretty and I am glad you are seeing fall foliage. I haven't seen a lot of color change here in Atlanta yet, but I am sure I will see it soon.

    Have a Beautiful Day!

    Peace :)

  8. Hi Ida!
    I LIKE the crow!
    I think I may try my hand at Scavenger Hunt Sunday next week. It takes some creative thinking to do it. Seems like fun.

    And Dottie petting her face. How sweet in that?!? I just get all gooey inside over sweet kitties.

    ((hugs)) m & jb

  9. All really nice, beautiful photos!

  10. Love the red leaves! And the geese - cool shot! The cat made me laugh!

  11. Lovely photos! Dottie is such a cute kitty!

  12. It is a great pleasure to see all these photos Ida. Great shots!

  13. Nice photo collection. The kitty is so cute!

  14. did great finding the picture for each word!! Love your kitty! I am sure she is comforting to you. Smile...


  15. A cat that pets herself...never heard of that before. She obviously likes it or she wouldn't keep doing it. We don't get many geese around here. That crow reminds me of the ones in the Pink panther cartoons that he is always battling. It is cute.

  16. Ida, you always seem to have camera ready for shots 'above' you! Great shot of the ducks. The details shot is my favorite. I love your description. Cute crow--great addition to your fall decorations.

  17. Oh, I certainly DID enjoy it! The first photo is so pretty, those leaves rival the most beautiful flowers. I love Dottie's photo so much I had to show it to Rich and read him your explanation. Sweet and utterly adorable!

  18. Nice photos, Ida. Dottie is funny. Chloe Jo "slurps" herself, and others, too. She is very touchy feely, and loves the socialization of grooming. Have a great week.

  19. Cats are all about comfort. That's for sure. Mine are living the good life. I bet yours is too.

  20. Hi Ida, I like everything you showed today. The red leaves are lovely and I like your still life photo. The girl and the horse bring back good memories of my childhood. Like your kitty and your Halloween decorations too. Have a good week!

  21. Good job, Ida! I just love your kitty shot!

  22. I love all these photos--
    and I had a hard time deciding on a favorite one--but it has to bee the cat!!! right!!!

  23. Dottie is adorable! Really like the "Details" pic as well.


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